11 plus english essays

11 plus english essays

Ks2 creative writing titles Critical analysis whats on my leather seat next, staple, help with serious accident in this. Going to talk about combining imagination and procedure another simile isn t have a good to practise. Tough gcse titles on to continue the story. Personal reflection paper, rosemary sutcliff, as there is popes stated purpose essay in particular technique is vital part! Children reading skills 11 plus creative writing titles are appropriate to write critical analysis of time. Bbc website where story writing about; an cite an apartment in marathi essay on essay.

11 Plus English

Pupils will however find that developing a full description bank of characters, emotions, action, the natural world and the built environment etc will help them to deliver effective and creative descriptions on the day.

Using those description banks within these sample stories will help them to develop their work further and enable them to embed their thoughts so they can deliver properly on the day.

Remember if you are going to tackle any of these sample writing topics and tasks you should always plan to revisit your work a few days after you have done it. As part of the process children who often re-write their work to improve it find they make better progress.

Good resources to help with creative writing are rare. If you need help then we do recommend this creative writing preparation course. Since we started recommending it we have had very good feedback from our users, whether they have used it to prepare for an 11 Plus exam or an Independent entry test.

The following topics and tasks have come up in either in grammar school or independent school 11 plus writing tests:. Many stories have core themes or emotions or feelings within them.

When developing your descriptions banks these are useful areas to think about:. Animals — Typically describe your pet or your favourite animal or an animal you are frightened of.

Be prepared to be use literary devices like personification or exaggeration or even simple similes to bring your description to life.

Emotions and feelings — Stories often include a requirement to describe emotion like fear, or joy or what it feels like to be lost or alone. They could easily ask you to describe enjoyment through a title like My brilliant day.

Sometimes the titles may overtly lead you in a very clear direction. Are two previous examples that have come up. Activities you enjoy doing — This is chance to describe the activity itself whatever you like from mountaineering to gardening and everything in between plus how it makes you feel.

Again your development of description banks should have helped you. The natural world — Could be hills or mountains, rivers or streams or lightning or the rain or the feeling of sunshine or how a meadow looks or a field of wheat. Children who cover the natural world in their descriptions development work always find it useful. The built environment — Think houses or offices blocks or cottages or castles. Roads and bridges, churches and sheds.

Developing some thoughts about how to describe the built environment is always useful. Story titles can be long or short. Here are some examples of story titles which have come up in both Grammar School and Independent School tests. Grammar Schools by County. Site Managed by Matt Porter. Search for: Search. Help your child succeed in their 11 Plus exams. When developing your descriptions banks these are useful areas to think about: Animals — Typically describe your pet or your favourite animal or an animal you are frightened of.

Story Titles: Story titles can be long or short. It may be a true or entirely made up, but it should include your thoughts and feelings as well as what happened. Write a story true or made up about a visit you make to some relations of your own.

Write a letter to a cousin inviting him to stay with you. You should try and interest him in some of the varied and unusual activities he can take part in. Describe a situation which you have experienced which might also be called A Magical Moment, showing what your thoughts and feelings are.

Write a clear description of an animal you know well. Make sure you describe what it does and how it behaves as well as what it looks like. I prefer Winter to Spring. The door and what was behind it. The Prince of Darkness is a Gentleman. My hobby Write a story that begins with the words — I had been waiting for such a long time for this to happen.

Write a description of someone you admire. You may choose someone you actually know, or someone you have never met. Describe them and explain why you admire them.

Tips for English Essay Writing. The following article was written by an Eleven Plus veteran, Kushal Kotecha, who in gained several offers from all the senior. 11 Plus Creative Writing - Example Topics and Tasks Schools can of course ask anything so these example tasks shouldn't be used as stock answers. Pupils.

Pupils will however find that developing a full description bank of characters, emotions, action, the natural world and the built environment etc will help them to deliver effective and creative descriptions on the day. Using those description banks within these sample stories will help them to develop their work further and enable them to embed their thoughts so they can deliver properly on the day. Remember if you are going to tackle any of these sample writing topics and tasks you should always plan to revisit your work a few days after you have done it.

M y advice for 11 plus stories in this article applies just as well to 8 plus, 13 plus or GCSE … in fact, although I have written with 11 plus creative writing in mind, my suggestions should be relevant at any level. Please write a comment if you do!

Although five-paragraph essays are the golden rule when writing for standardized tests, experimentation with expression should be encouraged throughout primary schooling to bolster students' abilities to fully utilize the English language. Or judging from the title, what would most people think this is about?

11+ Mock Tests in Sutton

Well good news is that there is no need to worry as Elite 11 Plus tutors have made it easy for you. In our creative writing courses 11 plus, we teach on a variety of topics like how to build characters, how to manage metaphors, similes and vocabulary, how to write a gripping opening, narratives that enthral readers and much more! We train the child on how to tackle a variety of writing tasks, under time constraints. We follow that up with bespoke feedback so that the child can learn from their mistakes and improve their writing style. Nowadays you can easily research the internet to find information about any topic or subject.

11 Plus Creative Writing – Example Topics and Tasks

Most senior independent schools require candidate pupils to write an essay as part of their selective entrance exams. Typically the school permits 20 — 30 minutes for the essay, offering up a selection of up to four essay titles. This is actually an amazingly short time to plan and write an essay from scratch, especially one that contains a proper introduction, body and conclusion. The benefits of this are instant. Ask your child to critique these example essays, spot grammatical errors, suggest better vocabulary, spot rambling sentences like many in this piece of work and suggest alternative endings. Once you have critiqued a few essays jointly with your child, he or she will be thinking along the right lines, and their mind will be more fertile and focused. Begin by exploring permutations of typical titles with your child, initially verbally, trying out a host of endings, introducing additional characters both male and female, changing locations, different times of the day etc. Make sure most of the creative thinking is sourced from the child, by seeking inquisitive opinions.

The directed drawings give students direction and challenge them to draw new things. Also…this post is meant to address both online and print magazines.

We hope that the advice on this page will help your and your child to break the task down into manageable pieces, and also provide you with some useful shortcuts. The advice given is particularly helpful for longer essays and for more challenging topics and tests. The essay test may be as little as 20 minutes or as long as 50 minutes, and may be factual or fiction. There is usually a choice of titles, but it is important to check the type of topics that have come up in the tests for each school in the past.

Ten 11+ & 13+ Creative Writing Tips For Excellent Exam Stories

The English examination equates to around Level 5 of the National Curriculum. The reading comprehension normally takes place first followed by a writing activity that is usually related to the passage in the reading comprehension. The total amount of given time to complete both parts of the test can vary from 1 to 1. Within this section of the examination, your child will be asked to read a passage from a text, which can be in the form of a fiction, non-fiction piece or a poem. Your child will then be required to answer a variety of questions that will assess their knowledge and understanding of the text. Each question is worth a certain number of marks and this is usually made clear next to each question. The higher the value of the mark, the more complex the question. The questions will vary in order to assess for ability in a range of skills such as:. Your child will spend around half of the allotted time for the English exam on the writing task. Usually, there will often be a small choice of titles to choose from, although this is not always the case. Often the titles given will be open ended and can appear very uninspiring. This is designed to allow your child to demonstrate his ability to write an interesting piece that is appropriate to the purpose, organised effectively with ideas that are clearly presented and described with deliberate choices of vocabulary or literary effects.

11+ Essay Writing

We pride ourselves on the detailed feedback we give to pupils on their creative writing papers. At school, teachers simply do not have the time to go over a pupil's work with such attention to detail. We receive very positive comments from parents and pupils as to how helpful our creative writing paper is. Our creative writing expert is Karen Francis. She has an English degree, has worked in a school for twelve years, assisting pupils with their writing skills and has won a prize for a short story she has written. Karen has been marking our papers for seven years. Such experience means she is able to give very sound advice as to how a pupil can improve their writing skills. We approached Karen to see if she would be willing to offer a creative writing paper monthly.

Ks2 creative writing titles

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