Random scientific word generator

Random scientific word generator

Use this random sentence generator to create random sentences that can help you brainstorm, come up with new story ideas, or song lyrics. The tool chooses nouns, verbs and adjectives from a hand-picked list of thousands of the most evocative words and generates a random sentence to help inspire you. This method of using random words to generate ideas is largely inspired by the cut-up technique invented by the writer William S. This was largely a much more manual process where words or phrases were written on many slips of paper and then chosen at random to bring unexpected and hopefully evocative results. This is very similar to that method but it's an automatic process and it assembles the words into a sentence structure so hopefully there is some meaning, however absurd, that can be wrung from the sentence right away.

Random Word Generator

Running on power from a generator , it is constantly mortared and is a frequent target of airstrikes. So, months after it was handed over in a triumphant ribbon-cutting ceremony, the generator was broken. Last year Tom Sachs brought a generator to "dig a hole to China. Like most of the business owners in Damascus, Fady depends on a generator. Having taken a candle from a drawer she lighted it, lifted a trap door and descended to the generator. The guns were melted down, together with other items p.

The generator hummed, the needles of the dials climbed, flickered, and steadied. In it water is supplied from the tank of a bell gasholder to a drawer type of generator placed in the base of the gasholder tank.

The coils E are included in the circuit of a generator F, by means of which the field-magnet is energized. A device that produces electric current see also current , usually by rotating a conductor in a magnetic field , thereby generating current through electromagnetic induction.

This sort of generator produces an alternating current AC. Words nearby generator generative grammar , generative phonology , generative semantics , generative-transformational grammar , generativist , generator , generatrix , generic , generic name , generosity , generous.

Words related to generator dynamo , alternator. Space Prison Tom Godwin. One that generates, especially a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. A machine that converts mechanical energy into electricity to serve as a power source for other machines.

Electrical generators found in power plants use water turbines, combustion engines, windmills, or other sources of mechanical energy to spin wire coils in strong magnetic fields, inducing an electric potential in the coils.

A generator that provides alternating current power is called an alternator. See also induction. See generatrix. All rights reserved.

There are over , words in the English language and this random word generator has more than 90, of them with definitions to help you learn new. The Random Word Generator is a tool to help you create a list of random words. There are many reasons one might be interested in doing this, and you're likely.

Welcome to the website. If you're here, you're likely looking to find random words. Random Word Generator is the perfect tool to help you do this.

Welcome to Random Word where you can find a random word of the day and much, much more. This website gives you the opportunity to learn new words every day to grow your vocabulary.

Sometimes it can be useful to get your hands on a good word generator. For budding authors, poets and lovers of words logophiles.

Create a Random Generator

Running on power from a generator , it is constantly mortared and is a frequent target of airstrikes. So, months after it was handed over in a triumphant ribbon-cutting ceremony, the generator was broken. Last year Tom Sachs brought a generator to "dig a hole to China. Like most of the business owners in Damascus, Fady depends on a generator. Having taken a candle from a drawer she lighted it, lifted a trap door and descended to the generator.

Random Word

A small web app to generate random medical-sounding words from a source of suffixes and prefixes. Output may or may not be a formally-recognised medical term. Fully rebuilt in using plain Javascript then optimised to allow all structure, styles and script to be delivered in a single 10kb file. A while ago I was in need of a whole bunch of titles for a music project, so building a semi-random generative system seemed like a quick solution. Hilarious, I know. The first version went live in and I wrote a fairly long-winded journal entry about the process of designing and building it. At the time I was still relying on comfortable old PHP and jQuery, and in a classic case of choosing familiarity over logic, these first versions duplicated the code and source data across both server-side PHP and client-side JS. Though the initial implementation was inefficient and cumbersome, its core logic was sound: stick to a single word and keep it simple to avoid the rabbit hole of morphological generation rules. Hence the steps for word generation are:. Though not the most sophisticated or true to life , this process seemed to consistently produce convincing results, most likely due to the fine quality of the source data courtesy of the same wikipedia page used in the first versions.

For best results with compound words, place a quotation mark before the compound word in the search window. The Usage Panel is a group of nearly prominent scholars, creative writers, journalists, diplomats, and others in occupations requiring mastery of language.

Eftsoons entered English before Eftsoons he made known his wants to the churl behind the desk, who was named Gogyryan. I am of this mind with Homer, that as the snail that crept out of her shell was turned eftsoons into a toad, and thereby was forced to make a stool to sit on disdaining her own house, so the traveller that straggleth from his own country is in short time transformed into so monstrous a shape that he is fain to alter his mansion with his manners, and to live where he can, not where he would. Indemnity entered English in the 15th century.

Word Generator

Click the button below to generate random. The Random Word Generator is a tool to help you create a list of random words. There are many reasons one might be interested in doing this, and you're likely here because you're interested in creating a random word list. This tool can help you do exactly that. The tool is easy to use. All you need to do is choose the number of words you want to create the default is five, but you can input any number you'd like and the type of words you want. You can choose from all words, verbs only, nouns only or adjective only depending on which best meets your needs. Once done, you simply press the "Generate Random Words" button and a list of words will appear. You can use this list or you can scan them and choose the ones you want to keep by clicking on them. This will place them in the "Your Word List" area and you can build a new list that meets your needs.

Word of the Day

An odd thing about neoteric is that this word for things that are modern and new is itself rather old. It's been part of English since at least , and its roots go back even further—to ancient Greek. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. I am respectful of the strong impressive history and strive to elevate the level of what has been left behind in time. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! They're perfectly grammatical. Keep company with words of solitude.

Random Sentence Generator


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