500 word essay on safe driving

500 word essay on safe driving

Every year about 6, teenagers, aged sixteen through twenty, die in motor vehicle accidents. According to Allstate Insurance spokeswoman Megan Brunet, of those 6, deaths, eighty-seven percent of them are caused by driving distractions. There are many different types of driving distractions and they can all be categorized into three main subgroups; visual, which would be taking your eyes off the road, manual, would be taking your hands off the wheel and cognitive, which is taking your mind off Credibility Statement: From the research I have completed for this speech, I have learned that seat The Sydney Morning Herald and the author Glenda Kwek of the article have released this particular article in the hope that drivers and young drivers especially, will see the dangers of speeding and the caution that is required when driving or learning to drive. The message that is obviously portrayed in the article is that young drivers must exercise caution while driving and that speeding is deadly.

Road Safety Essay | Short Essay on Road Safety in 300 and 500 Words

In this essay we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Safe Driving 2. Importance of Safe Driving 3. Safety is one of the most essential factors that one should look at while driving a vehicle. There is no in-between status for a driver.

Many people lose their lives in road accidents. One should pay full attention while driving a vehicle and completely avoid any distractions. While driving a vehicle the responsibility for ones life and the life of others rests with the driver of the vehicle. There are all types of drivers on the road, from teenagers to the elderly. Everyone on the road is supposed to be licensed. Safe driving is crucial because things can happen behind the wheel in a fraction of second.

Year over year accidents increases even though infrastructure of nation is growing fast and providing better ways of driving on the roads especially highways. Previously there were single lane and now the double lane, four lanes and six lanes have come. But number of road accidents increased with the luxury transports and heavy vehicles. Government and many non-profit NGOs organize road safety weeks and create awareness about the road safety.

Driving safety is something to be taken very seriously. Safe driving not only saves life but also provide other benefits that can save money. Fuel efficiency is increased by safe driving i. Driving defensively makes a person a more cautious driver, and his insurance premiums will lower as a result. Because of safe driving, tyres will have a longer life as it involves gentle braking and acceleration. Another importance of safe driving is that engine will not be strained during hard braking and fast accelerations.

It is required for an automobile driver to comply with all the rules and regulations laid down by the traffic department and also drive a vehicle keeping in mind the following tips which would most certainly make the driving experience more pleasurable and safe. One should take some precautionary measures while driving the vehicle car, truck etc.

The dashboard panel has indicators, which shows oil, fuel and battery power status. Most persons who drive newer vehicles take these for granted, but it is a good habit to take a look at these indicators every time one starts driving. Use correct indications while turning. While turning left or right use the turning indicator lights. Something as simple as turning a car causes several accidents.

Right turns are more dangerous than turning to left, as one has to cross through oncoming traffic on the other side of the road. While taking a U-turn there is need to stop and watch for traffic from the left while giving way to the other vehicles behind.

The person should indicate his intention to the driver of the vehicle following him, a reasonable distance before an attempt is made to change lane. When one is driving at higher speed, perception of distances and speed can be distorted. Maximum numbers of road accidents occur while vehicles are trying to overtake. Always overtake from the right on straight roads. The driver should signal his intention of overtaking by blowing the horn or by flashing the headlights.

Parking should be done in such a way, which do not obstruct or cause inconvenience to others. Park the vehicles only in places where it is permitted to park. Drive the vehicles at a comfortable speed. One should drive at safer speed, suitable to the road conditions. At slower speeds one gets substantial time to react to unexpected actions of other drivers and pedestrians and to ever-changing factors like light, weather, road and traffic conditions. A person should indicate his intention to stop.

First slow down and then stop. Most people fail the driving test because they do not know how to stop. Several accidents happen when a vehicle in front suddenly slows down or stops. While moving behind another vehicle one is required to maintain a safe distance from that vehicle. Driving on wet roads require extra caution.

Make sure that tyres, brakes and wipers are in good condition. Drivers are cautioned to be extra careful when the first rains fall. The road at this time is covered with dust and mud, which along with rainwater forms a film that reduces the grip of the tyre on the road. One can easily skid under such conditions. Driving on hills also requires extra caution. Check brakes of the vehicle before the start the journey. There is need to engage the correct gear before climbing up or descending a steep road.

The driver should follow road traffic signs more carefully. Never turn off the engine or put the gear in neutral position while going downhill as it is very difficult to control a vehicle. While driving at night, check that headlights are properly adjusted for high and low beam. Keep windshield and windows clean.

At night it is more difficult to judge speeds and distances as the visibility is poor. The glare of oncoming traffic can blind a driver making him lose concentration. Driving at a controlled speed helps in stopping the vehicle in time to avoid an accident.

Take breaks and get refreshed at intervals while driving for long distance. Long distance driving can make a person tired and causes fatigue, which can dull his reflexes and judgment.

Observe the traffic signs on the sides of the road and follow them, like speed brake ahead, speed limit 20 km, school zone etc. Never use mobile phones while driving. Plan to arrive 10 minutes before the appointed time. Speeding does not increase ability to arrive on time; rather it only increases the chances of not arriving at all.

Words. There are many ideas and laws that are created to ensure a safe and pleasurable driving experience. Some are avoiding aggressive drivers. Free Essay: Teens need to be taught that driving is a task that is complex and demanding. Parents know how much experience a young driver has, and they.

Road traffic safety refers to the methods and measures used to prevent road users from being killed or seriously injured. Typical road users include pedestrians , cyclists , motorists , vehicle passengers, horse riders, and passengers of on-road public transport mainly buses and trams. The basic strategy of a Safe System approach is to ensure that in the event of a crash, the impact energies remain below the threshold likely to produce either death or serious injury. This threshold will vary from crash scenario to crash scenario, depending upon the level of protection offered to the road users involved.

As a teenager, getting a driving license is a long extraneous task of taking tests, reading driving guidelines, and even taking a required class sophomore year. All of these help prepare new drivers for the next stage of their life in transport.

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Essay on Safe Driving | Safety | Traffic Education

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Road traffic safety

With the rise of automobiles, humans have entered a new era of technological advancement, albeit with some consequences. Road safety essay aims to present some of these dangers and the solutions to these problems. From government regulations to pedestrian safety, explore various means to stay safe on the road with these essays. However, from an academic perspective, there are a few guidelines to follow when writing an essay. Consider adopting these tips if you wish to secure more marks. Read on to find an Essay about Road Safety. Please consider implementing the tips stated below. These will help you fetch more marks in an examination. However, mortality rates have come down significantly due to improvements in automobile technology. Nevertheless, there are many potential hazards on the road that can cause injuries or even death.

In this essay we will discuss about:- 1.

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500 word essay on safe driving

Essay on Road Safety! These essays will also guide you to learn about the importance, basic rules and awareness on road safety. Road safety is a serious issue and it should be considered with strong efforts to curb road accidents and save lives. The measures undertaken in order to prevent road accidents and ensure safety for all on roads is what road safety is all about. Ironically, it is not the case and hence the need has come to discuss about road safety.

The Importance of Defensive Driving

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