42nd annual ontario psychology undergraduate thesis conference

42nd annual ontario psychology undergraduate thesis conference

This year, the School of Psychology is hosting the event Friday May 5 th , We look forward to greeting you! Every year, this conference provides an excellent opportunity for undergraduate psychology students to present their research in an informal and friendly atmosphere. Come learn, share and discuss new concepts as well as celebrate the completion of your thesis with your peers, colleagues and friends from Psychology Departments all over the province. Registration is required, but there is no registration fee.

39th annual ontario psychology undergraduate thesis conference

In press. Interest and investment in fictional romances. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Guilfoyle, J. Sorry is the hardest word to say: The role of self-control in apologizing. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. Shoikhedbrod, A. How, when, and why transgressors' narcissism affects motivation to apologize or not. Journal of Research in Personality. Struthers, C. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.

Frontiers in Psychology. The effects of adult attachment style on post-transgression response. Personal Relationships, 22, March, Shipping fictional couples. Grudge: Theory and scale development. The effect of social power and apology on victims' post-transgression responses.

Shipping and attachment: How does adult attachment relate to emotional investment in fictional couples? When not forgiving promotes trust in relationships. Adult attachment and post-transgression response. Approach and avoidance goals and memory for relationship events. George, M. May, Reverse correlation provides a visual template for apology. A qualitative analysis of holding grudges. Eghbali, N. Wisdom and post-transgression responses.

Forgiving the unforgivable: Responses to intimate partner aggression. Sorry is the hardest word: The role of self-control in apology. Wisdom and moving beyond transgressions. Eghbali, E. Experience with post-transgression responses and wisdom. Attachment and apology. The effects of perceived religious pressure on intrinsic religiosity, zeal and meaning seeking. Do trait tendencies in conflict resolution predict intimate partner abuse? The effects of post-transgression responses on apology.

To forgive or not to forgive, that is the question: The effects of forgiveness vs. Khoury, C. Power and its effects on post-transgression response. To forgive or not to forgive, that is the question: The effects of forgiving vs. Fit to forgive: The role of exercise on the forgiveness process.

The Ontario Psychology Undergraduate Thesis Conference is an informal forum for PSYCH (Honours Thesis) students to present a summary of their. It is a pleasure to welcome you to Ryerson University for the 48th Annual Ontario Psychology Undergraduate Thesis Conference (AOPUTC). This year, Ryerson's​.

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In press. Interest and investment in fictional romances.

We look forward to welcoming you! Every year, this conference provides an excellent opportunity for undergraduate psychology students to present their research in an informal and friendly atmosphere.

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It is best to call ahead or check with organizer's websites to verify the status of any local event. Students will have the opportunity to present their research to colleagues through oral and poster presentations. This is a great opportunity to meet students and faculty from other Ontario universities and learn about their research. Gary Turner, a great lunch with time to mix and mingle as well as some special treats! All presenters will be entered into a draw for the chance to win a number of prizes. Abstracts must not exceed words and must include a title, description of their research, as well as preliminary results if possible at the time of submission.

48th Annual Ontario Psychology Undergraduate Thesis Conference at Ryerson University

To browse Academia. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. Curriculum Vitae. Joshua R Guilfoyle. Joshua R. Ward Struthers — Behavioural Coder — O. Ward Struthers Publications Guilfoyle, J. Sorry is the hardest word to say: The role of self-control in apology. Basic and Applied Social Psychology.

In my master's thesis research, I drew upon an existing theoretical framework in social psychology to investigate the role of self-expanding activities- that is, novel, exciting activities- in the maintenance of desire and satisfaction in relationships.

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