2 girls one cup essay

2 girls one cup essay

New york. Review class. Blood, i catch in quick and easy chocolate cake in a cup subscription 2girls 1cup essay girl! Need help? Of four girls 1.

2 girls one cup essay

Welcome to FunnyExam. If you are a teacher, student or parent submit your funny exams for inclusion on the site. I must say, this is not a horribly written piece.

Yes, this may be gross; however, this is college and college must deal with very broad subjects to be well diversed in education and learning. The person was very brief and needed to explain more in the first paragraph, other than this, i do not see a failing grade in this paper.

I'm pretty sure a teacher would know how to spell the word "appropriate". That teacher seems like a bit of a stiff. This piece really wasn't bad at all, but the professor couldn't stop with the "WAAAH this is inappropriate! I watched this video. I never saw it as a breakthrough for lesbian sexuality. It was just disgustingly gross and vile. This kid is apparently extremely good at pulling shit out of his ass no pun intended.

This 'paper' appears loads of times on this site, each time with different 'teacher comments'. I think this essay needs more detail - like the fact that the music, "Lovers' Theme," was written by Herve Roy, who wrote the score for French movie Emanuelle, in ! I dont know whats more disgusting, the actual video, or this masterful description of it. This guy is dillusional the whole thing was innappropriate not just the last two paragraphs haha.

The fact that the professor wants him to "explain more" is a little disturbing. I don't know For my money, irregardless of the subject matter, his paper is horseshit. He gives no references to a cup being "An inverted phallus Well, the fact of the matter is that the student reviewed a trailer instead of a film.

I just see a guy masturbating. No wait, that's just my reflection in the monitor Definite props. The gentle piano concerto will continue as the cup is suddenly and ironically filled with a steaming shot of fecal matter from the anus of our primary character. That's bullshit! It's a perfect description of what's actually happening in the "2 Girls, 1 Cup" movie which was shot waaaaaay after Go to diyitclothing. It helped me save money by telling me how to make stuff So if you love free hop on over to that website.

That teacher is dumb "Phallus? Firstly, there's a second page I want to see it. Rather than commenting on it on a timeline of the video, he should have organised it into thematics and expounded on each point using evidence from the whole video.

Obviously the kid is joking He doesn't care what he gets on the paper if the teacher's comments are even real and is just trying, and succeeding, to be hilarious. Come on I mean this is hilarious, but it's fake. The "grader" spelled "appropriate" wrong. And on half of these the teacher's handwriting looks like a second grader's.

Does it even matter when it was shot? Schools are still doing Romeo and Juliet for fuck sake The guy who wrote this is very talented, however. It shouldn't matter since it is in college, and they study worse shit than 2Girls 1Cup in Criminology and Forensics related classes. The flaw with this is that 2girls1cup is a trailer for a porn movie, not a movie in itself. I think whoever marked this a zero is a sad lonely yr-old virgin who has never done pr0n. I like how the professor was actually grading it, with the "explain more" comment, until he realized what was going on.

There is no him at subject! Wow, can't believe everyone is so impressed by his paper. So he's a good writer. Doesn't change the fact that what the writer says says is absolute, total, and complete stupidity.

Two girls are drinking crap, and the writer's going to try and somehow make it a case for feminism and lesbians? Something tells me the writer has been drinking crap because it's leaking out of his mouth and from his fingers onto the paper. The funny thing is, this is a very intelligently written piece of work :L they could easily have passed.

Yeah this may be gross but it's not that bad. I don't think it deserved a 0, the student put a lot of effort into it it seems. The prof may not have liked the interpretation, but I don't think it deserved a 0.

I haven't seen the film though. It may have achieved a 0 because it did not fill any criteria Not only was the genre puke-worthy the essay itself sucked! It doesn't matter if a college student wrote it. I've seen high school papers written with more substance! Well I think the writer jumps from one point to another to quickly.

How is this a fail? If you can write a semi-elegant paper about a piece of Brazilian scat porn, that is a WIN, motherfucker. A win. I cannot believe someone actually wrote a paper on 2 girls 1 cup, that takes some serious balls.

Why does everyone keep repeating the comment about the guy pulling shit out of his ass. This didn't happen. Oh man, I think I just had a seizure from this. Maybe it did happen. This dude is dude of the week. Actually it is a very poorly written paper. I see his major flaw being that he wrote it as if the audience has seen the video in question.

A better approach would have been to actually have a solid thesis statement. Shoddy writing at best. This was horrible writing. It sounds sophisticated and well thought out, but its just a bunch of fluff. Terrible writing. I'm pretty sure a teacher would know how to spell the word "appropriate. Appropriate is a weird word to spell not for me, I'm an ace at spelling but some teachers are morons. I have to say this kid is an amazing writer. He wrote a full review and deserves half credit for writing it.

I'm pretty sure this is fake, at least to some extent. Few teachers would really give a paper a zero unless it wasn't even turned in and few teachers would just make comments like "huh".

Many college professors wouldn't even accept it. He was obviously set an assignment to do a short film report and he chose 2 Girls 1 Cup. He then wrote a perfectly good and descriptive essay on the film. As long as he did that the film shouldn't have made any difference. This paper is the shit no pun intended. The Teacher read the Text 2.

The Teacher used Google to find 2girls1cup 3. The Teacher is goin to barf 4. He must've seen the video enough to be able to analyze it in that manner The tone of this paper was more academic than many. Choosing words like "phallus" and "fecal" are more than appropriate for academic discourse on a video such as that one.

It is almost parodic of this genre of scholarship. Funny Exams Welcome to FunnyExam. Next Random. Comment On This Exam.

I think it all fell apart at the feces as an inversion of the man. Better argument would've been the presentation of the regression of humanity (two women. parrotsprint.co.nz › posts › answers.

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If you have ever written an essay in your life, you will agree to the fact that it is an extremely time consuming process.

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2 Girls 1 Cup Essay, MUST READ

Welcome to FunnyExam. If you are a teacher, student or parent submit your funny exams for inclusion on the site. I must say, this is not a horribly written piece. Yes, this may be gross; however, this is college and college must deal with very broad subjects to be well diversed in education and learning. The person was very brief and needed to explain more in the first paragraph, other than this, i do not see a failing grade in this paper.

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