10 best excuses not doing homework

10 best excuses not doing homework

Updated: January 30, References. If you did not finish your homework, you may want to find an excuse to avoid being penalized. There are a variety of excuses, from blaming technology to your busy schedule, that sounds like a plausible reason for failing to complete an assignment. When you settle on an excuse, work on delivering the excuse in a believable fashion. However, try to be careful moving forward.

The art of making excuses for not doing homework

Be careful not to use the same excuse too many times, or your teacher may not be so sympathetic next time! In fact, it may just be better and easier for you to hand in you homework on time! First World Problems. My excuses are: I did it, and then I put it in my bag, but I wanted to check it and then i checked it and never put it back in! Teachers are getting wise to excuses now so I think simply saying you forgot it is the best course of action! That excuses are great!

None of them will work with my teachers trust me i just say my dad threw it in bin on accident or get my mum for write a note for me. They always seem to be more angry when you actually did forget to bring it! We were camping once and my dog did chew my work, three folders worth! I brought it in and was excused. Get the whole class to pretend that the homework is due in on a later date. Pingback: You should be making new year educational resolutions Tutorhub Blog.

You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Tutorhub Blog. Skip to content. A homework overload is never a good thing. Share this: Share Tweet. Like this: Like Loading About Ananya Biracial British-Indian graduate of History and Anthropology who relishes the social sciences, anthropology, history, colonial, post-colonial and subaltern studies, politics, gender studies and South Asian studies.

Research interests: neoliberalism, structural violence, India, South Asia, transnationalism, nationalism, capitalism, social inequality, intersectional feminism, race, caste, religious nationalism, grass roots activism, mental health, gender, displacement, indigenous activism, colonial history of India, hindutva, religion. This entry was posted in Academic , Homework and tagged excuse , excuses , home , Homework , homework excuse , homework excuses , School , students , teacher , Teaching , work.

Bookmark the permalink. August 16, at am. MelloYello says:. October 25, at pm. February 22, at pm. June 18, at am. December 20, at am. October 29, at pm. August 16, at pm. L Hunter says:. November 26, at pm. The best one I ever received was: My Mom still has it!

I told her to hurry up. November 30, at pm. Pixie says:. September 25, at pm. Molly says:. December 12, at pm. Hi No.

January 18, at am. January 27, at pm. Sarah says:. February 3, at pm. Sunny Talwar says:. August 20, at pm. Beth Pearce says:. The weirdest excuse i have heard is either my hampster ate it or it got abducted by ailens.

Faith says:. February 10, at am. Sabdulla says:. March 21, at pm. May 27, at pm. May 28, at am. June 20, at am. June 5, at pm. June 11, at pm. June 12, at pm. Jon Ellis says:. December 20, at pm. Edgar Simango says:. I think i was absent when the homework was given out. Classic excuse — until the teacher whips out the register that is…. David Vo says:. July 24, at am.

Caitlin says:. August 4, at pm. August 5, at am. August 11, at pm. Charlie Ellis says:. August 23, at pm. September 20, at am. October 12, at am. Lol says:. October 14, at pm. Cassie says:. October 22, at pm.

November 3, at pm. November 11, at am. I hate my teacher says:. November 19, at pm. My excuse is I stayed up until and someone told me to go to bed and look tired. James says:. November 22, at am. Stephen says:. December 9, at pm. Ethan says:. December 11, at am.

Junay says:. January 3, at pm. January 7, at pm. Alice says:. January 31, at am. Grace says:.

Forgot my backpack in my Dad's car and he is out. A close relative died.

Be careful not to use the same excuse too many times, or your teacher may not be so sympathetic next time! In fact, it may just be better and easier for you to hand in you homework on time! First World Problems. My excuses are: I did it, and then I put it in my bag, but I wanted to check it and then i checked it and never put it back in!

Homework is something that a lot of students choose not to do, even though they know they can get into a lot of trouble for skipping it.

Although sometimes it goes way too far: So to celebrate the vivid imagination of students, we have gathered a list of most used, funny and creative excuses for not doing homework. Students use this excuse hoping that it will touch the emotional strings of teachers. The trick works well as it is feasible for your professor think student missed the notebook in a hurry.

13 Hilarious Homework Excuses That Will Make You Smile

By using Homeworkdoer. Every once in awhile, one fails to complete their homework in time. To get away with it, you need a proper excuse that will be convincing enough to your teacher. While some teachers may be more gullible than others, here are some of the excuses you could use. It is possible that your backpack can be stolen on the day the assignment is due.

10 Best Excuses for Not Doing Your Homework

We were all once kids and teenagers, and we all thought at some point that there has to be more to life than getting stuck with a big homework assignment over the weekend. And brutally honest. You might get away with it from the teacher but prepare for at least a week without your cell phone if your parents hear you say this. The best part about this excuse is it could get you off the hook with your parents. Your teacher, however, is another story. Organization can be tough to learn especially throughout the teen stages but learning young can result in better results in the later stages of life. Tough luck. Keeping everything organized in binders or folders is an easy task to complete. Either they make arrangements prior or they put their trust in another student a friend to deliver the assignment to them.

These are the ones that work on me, a high school teacher. Know how gullible your teacher is.

Homework is easy with expert tips and advice. And even easier when you have an expert to do it for you. The problem is that your teachers have seen it all probably.

Ranking the top 10 homework excuses best from the worst

The games you were going to play. The friends you were going to meet. The wrestling reruns you were going to watch. Then, your teacher burst your bubble by dropping a load of homework for you to complete by tomorrow. It was at that time you had to make an important decision: do you do it, or do you come up with an excuse? A much more innocent approach than Britney Spears took, I guess. How did everything else dry out for today, and not your homework? His car comes with three settings: Low, Medium and Hurricane Katrina, apparently. Forget the homework, how did you get and cure your cold in less than 48 hours? But…but, your head is right here, in front of me. How did you think this one would work? Does that mean I get to fail both of you now?

30 Homework Excuses You Should Expect From Your Students This Year

Be careful not to use the same excuse too many times, or your teacher may not be so sympathetic next time! In fact, it may just be better and easier for you to hand in you homework on time! First World Problems. Its being honest, with a twist right? The teacher bought it and I got a extra 2 days! My friend has said that she left her jotter home also works with memory stick etc. Just to remember to use different teachers. My best one is: I gave it to you when the teacher says huh?

14 Hilarious Homework Excuses

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