3 page essay on punctuality

3 page essay on punctuality

Punctuality is a habit of attending a task on time. Punctuality is the key to get success in life. A punctual and disciplined student always gets respect and social acceptance in the school and society. They are admired by the parents and teachers. A student who is punctual always gets success in his studies. In school time, punctuality ensures that you will arrive to class on time and so will not miss any part of the lesson.

Write a Short Essay on Punctuality

This sense of being tied to a clock may strike some observers from other cultures as being downright. Importance of Punctuality Punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly in time. A punctual person in most cases will be a winner everywhere. A person who is punctual is always one step ahead of others. Punctuality is essential for man in every walk of life and the same time it is fundamentally instilled in the character of every successful man too.

For students it is a great. Punctuality is important when it comes to careers, school, and everyday life. If people show up late, there are many repercussions, some worse than others, that happen when a person fails to be punctual. Indian actress and writer Aditi Chropa said "Gandhiji was once punished during his school life because he did not reach the school on time and that one instance in life made him punctual throughout and we have learned enough lessons on punctuality from his daily life" Chopra.

They must not be lacking in any one of the attributes required. Punctuality and responsibility are among two of the most important attributes any one soldier must have. Punctuality is the ability to be at the right place in the right time in the right uniform.

On any one day in the United States Army a soldier will be required to be at a certain place at a certain time in. Being punctual in your job, prepared for your meeting and managing your time can improve your relations with others and pave way for your success. Punctuality in the Army A soldier is always expected to be on time, being late can be problematic not only for him but also for his brothers in arms. The reason army lays such great importance to punctuality is because when the soldier has to enter the real life battlefield then there is no relaxation for laziness.

Even a minute late to a specific rally. The Importance of Punctuality This paper with discuss the importance of doing the right thing, being in the right place, and most importantly, being there at the right time. Punctuality is one of the many ways to show professionalism. Gone are the days of getting by with the bare minimum between deployments and field exercises.

The past years of keeping branch numbers higher. In , a CareerBuilder survey reported that a total of 15 percent of American workers were late at least once per week.

When lateness does occur, its effects are felt and spread throughout the workplace. Though the importance of time management, punctuality, and accountability may seem obvious, the impact in reality has quite a few shrewd layers.

Including its effects. Punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly in time. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it. To point out the reason why it is important, and why it should be shown in the future. This paper will be used as a reminder of why we all need to be punctual. We, the military, enforce punctuality.

Punctuality Punctuality is a very important part of military life for several reasons. Another reason is because it will make whoever your relieving have to stay at work for longer than they are supposed to, tired and sluggish because of that fact, giving a high chance that whatever work that person does would be sub par and not up to standards because of lack of sleep. Being punctual is important for numerous reasons, all of which can be applied to both military and civilian life, as well as your work life and social life.

I think it is important because it shows that you have respect for others. If someone is consistently late to events it shows others around them that they have little or no respect for others and their time. Time is a valuable thing and it should be viewed as such. If a person has commitments and responsibilities involving others, they should realize that others time is just as important as their own. Someone that is consistently late shows others that they believe their time is more valuable than others.

Also by being late a person disrupts all the others involved in the event, which …show more content… As someone new to our company I should have considered this. Instead of being viewed in a good light it may be possible that I am seen as someone that is irresponsible and undependable. If I am unable to manage my time effectively and be on time, others may have the impression that I am not responsible enough to do my job efficiently and correctly. In turn that impression could affect my career for a long period of time.

Along with being respectful and responsible, being on time also means that you are more likely to know what is going on. Most of the time, the beginning of a meeting or a formation for that matter may be used to put out important information. Information in which leaders think is pertinent.

If someone is late to a formation or meeting they run the risk of not getting the information put out or getting a misconstrued version from a fellow person.

Without proper information that person is more likely to be late again and again starting a cycle that may be hard to break. As someone in the military this is something that should be avoided.

A cycle of not being in the right place at the right time could lead to punishment such as UCMJ, extra duty, and in some scenarios a separation from the army. Being on time also sets a good example for others, if someone is late without. Show More. Read More. The Importance of punctuality and responsibility. Popular Essays. Open Document.

Essay on biodiversity in telugu. Compare and contrast 3 paragraph essay! Write an essay in two hours. Essay writing law students. Essay on happiness in easy. In school time, punctuality ensures you will arrive to class on time and so not miss any 3. It builds your self-confidence. Importance of Punctuality for Students.

This sense of being tied to a clock may strike some observers from other cultures as being downright. Importance of Punctuality Punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly in time. A punctual person in most cases will be a winner everywhere.

Punctuality means arriving or doing things at the appointed time, neither early nor late.

The term punctual refers to appearing at the regular appointed place at the specific time while punctuality refers to the attribute of being able to finish a requisite duty prior to the allocated time. According to Brooke and Price , some of the reasons as to why there is lack of punctuality among employees include; different work attitudes of job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment.


Students are usually given work to write paragraphs, short or large essays in schools. Nowadays, essay writing has become normal in schools or colleges. It is used to enhance the knowledge, skills and knowledge of the students. It is used to find students' ideas and positive suggestions on any topic. We are making some small and big essays available on time restrictions so that students can achieve their goals very easily.

Essay on The Importance of Punctuality

Punctuality is the virtue of a successful person in society. People who are more punctual are better at managing their work and daily life as they finish the task on time and never give excuses for a delay. Every individual should cultivate the habit of being punctual as it not only helps in keeping body fit but also make our life more organized and stress free. After reading the below lines you would come to know what is punctuality, why is it important in life, how can one be punctual in life etc. Punctuality is the biggest trait in a person and is a key to success in life. People in society have deep regard towards a punctual man. Youth and children should cultivate the habit of punctuality as they are the future of our nation. He loves reading and writing blogs, articles on various topics including social, political, and economical issues. He believes that hard work, consistency and dedication are the mantras of success in life.

In this fast-paced world, people are always out of time because time moves fast and it pauses for no one. It is true indeed that time will never stop or never turn back for the lazy people.

Essay on time and punctuality Punctuality is a courteous compliment the …. Then repeat for 3 more times. The study also suggests on how students would able to solve time ….

Punctuality and Time

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Punctuality is being on time or completing something on time. The main thing is time management. Time management is exercising control over the amount of time spent on activities or it is used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks or goals. With this u can break time management it to categories like Time discipline adding a time limit and the Value of time. Time discipline is the act of planning out time to do something and then sticking to the time u have set to do it or someone else has set for u to do and complete it in that set time. Don't use plagiarized sources. Time discipline can also be using your time wisely and not waiting till the last moment to do it. Using your time in a manner where u have the time need to finish the task and either turn it in or come back and relay that the task is done to whoever gave u that task that u had just finished. Setting a time limit a time limit or deadline is a narrow field of time, or particular point in time, by which an objective or task must be accomplished. In project management, deadlines are most often associated with easily obtained goals. Setting a time limit and keeping it is a need tool everyone needs to work and function in every day society. Punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly in time.

Importance of Punctuality for Students

Importance of Punctuality Punctuality is the habit of doing things exactly in time. A punctual person in most cases will be a winner everywhere. A person who is punctual is always one step ahead of others. Punctuality is essential for man in every walk of life and the same time it is fundamentally instilled in the character of every successful man too. For students it is a great. Punctuality is important when it comes to careers, school, and everyday life. If people show up late, there are many repercussions, some worse than others, that happen when a person fails to be punctual. Indian actress and writer Aditi Chropa said "Gandhiji was once punished during his school life because he did not reach the school on time and that one instance in life made him punctual throughout and we have learned enough lessons on punctuality from his daily life" Chopra. Punctuality is being on time or completing something on time.

Examples of Punctuality in the Workplace – 1000-Word Essay

punctuality essay

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