0 comments remove thesis

0 comments remove thesis

As of Gravity Forms version 1. We're keeping a few rules geared towards the default WordPress TwentyTen theme, but won't be continuing to support any other third party themes directly. We originally decided to try this as a service to our Thesis users, but it's not something that's really scalable or something we believe needs to remain in the core plugin css file. If you're a Thesis user and still want to take advantage of these styles, you can copy them below and add them to your custom. I find this interesting because you do publish that you provide theme support for Headway and WooThemes.

How to Completely Remove Thesis 2.1 from your Database

As of Gravity Forms version 1. We're keeping a few rules geared towards the default WordPress TwentyTen theme, but won't be continuing to support any other third party themes directly.

We originally decided to try this as a service to our Thesis users, but it's not something that's really scalable or something we believe needs to remain in the core plugin css file. If you're a Thesis user and still want to take advantage of these styles, you can copy them below and add them to your custom. I find this interesting because you do publish that you provide theme support for Headway and WooThemes.

Can you touch upon that a bit more? Thanks for a great plugin. Oh and the lovin' the new design for the site. This doesn't mean we're not offering support to Thesis users, it's just removing the Thesis-specific CSS rules from the default forms. Don't worry, we're still providing Gravity Forms support not theme support for all of our customers, regardless of the theme they choose to use. We rolled out the new 1. Thanks man, but just a quick heads up: this will only work for those using the page layout of Thesis, and not the full-width layout.

If anyone's interested, here is the modified CSS for a full-width removed: site no longer active. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I agree with the storage and handling of my data by this website.

Thesis theme-specific styles removed Posted by Kevin Flahaut at pm on March 23rd, 8 comments. March 23, at pm. Kevin Flahaut says:. March 24, at am. March 25, at pm. March 26, at pm. Robert Lang says:. March 30, at pm.

April 7, at am. Copyright - Rocketgenius, Inc.

Remove {0 Comments} Entirely ∞. Place this code in custom_parrotsprint.co.nz: remove_action('thesis_hook_after_post', 'thesis_comments_link');. One of the features of the Thesis theme for WordPress is that it displays the post count next to the Press the Backspace key on your keyboard to replace the "1" and type "0" instead to replace it. Remove the Comments Section From Tumblr​.

WordPress is a content-management system that allows a user to quickly set up and maintain a website. WordPress also allows users to quickly change the look and feel of their site by applying a theme. One of the features of the Thesis theme for WordPress is that it displays the post count next to the categories of posts.

Username or Email Address.

WordPress Thesis Help – How to Remove {0 Comments}

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