1c resume

1c resume

We continue to slightly open secrets of my report on the upcoming conference infostart event and today's talk about your job, and look at the situation on the part of the applicant, who wants to find a dream job. If I allow so to speak respected community. However ponabirat programmers porazmeschav job, I was surprised how illiterate compiled separately fellow programmers. This does not mean that they are bad, rather they simply do not know how to apply themselves properly.


We continue to slightly open secrets of my report on the upcoming conference infostart event and today's talk about your job, and look at the situation on the part of the applicant, who wants to find a dream job. If I allow so to speak respected community. However ponabirat programmers porazmeschav job, I was surprised how illiterate compiled separately fellow programmers. This does not mean that they are bad, rather they simply do not know how to apply themselves properly.

It is understandable - it is nowhere taught in any school or college, or at 1C rates. How do we get this same skills? But who am I to talk about a resume and teach you life In the past, the most common 1C programmer, now executive director concurrently engaged in matters of recruitment. Power of a resume for the first time I realized the hard way, when he got his first job in Moscow for rubles, white and clean And to call himself "the best programmer" I can not, and I always knew guys who cooler than me at times and work for peanuts.

What's the deal here? Proper feed themselves. Which of course begins with a summary, this is your ticket to an interview, where you can already "appoint a price".

I wonder how we recruit people on the other side? Let's talk a little. Here we place open position Headhunters, pay 10 thousand for it by the way. After that we see in the responses of the crowd who want to work for us. Why am I telling you all this? To you, the applicants get into the bull's-eye, or rather in the heart of the employer, to combat it and convince your resume to meet you. And for this it is necessary to see the situation through his eyes.

So, I sit and I see 10 or even 30 responses in the early days, not counting those that are looking for himself.

And so every day. All resumes are alike as two drops of water. The key is that your resume 1 It should be searched well 2 It must stand out from the rest 3 It should have a clear structure for quick reading.

Yes, you will laugh, but more than half of CV without photo. Eyes and so hurt by arrays of monotonous text that is so difficult to read especially towards the end of the day, the correct picture - and you're done half the job seekers.

What is the correct photo - a picture reflects your workplace in office. That is, the photo from your vacation or holiday with friends, as well as at home on the background of the carpet is not exactly what you need. Wear a suit every day or at least used a shirt and ask colleagues to take a picture of you in the workplace.

Good photos made will serve you for years. And we made only once. This search feature. The fact that many employers point to find salary.

Thus, your resume is eliminated either immediately, or you specify the "maximum desirable" that deters potential employer before the interview. When your mailbox crammed with invitations to interview and you want them to filter out only those who are willing to pay well and treat you just can not. I think that in our times it is most likely not, so do not rush to specify a figure.

Abroad, there is a concept CV and resume itself. And we in Russia somehow confuse these two concepts, describing both as "resume". So, looking at the "summary" of the majority of candidates, I just see a CV, which can play with them a cruel joke In a nutshell CV - is "a comprehensive summary of" showing your career starting almost from kindergarten, extra-curricular activities in the school and course at the institute, includes all places of work and gives a complete picture of the candidate.

Use such a thing when you close the job of a scientific nature, medical, and other high-tech jobs. It depends on what the person writing the thesis, which researched the topics, which he had specialized in the last place of work In our case, we should rather talk about the "summary" in the truest sense of the word, that is - a short section of experience and knowledge to the current desired position. The ideal in this case is the presence of jobs for a period of 3 to 5 years each, giving the impression that the person is not "defector", and makes a significant contribution to the development of the company for which he worked, and is not a "zastoyschikom" 10 years operating on the same place, which leads to degradation.

What to do with places of work months or work at McDonald's? Yes, just eliminate it from the summary. Less is more qualitative. Indicate the whole experience is not - it is possible! Did you know that employers often ask competencies filter? Fill these competencies if you have one will take 3 minutes, and to find your resume pop up before the blank, and the questions you know or not, you need not have an employer. By the way it is now povilas new opportunity to confirm the competence of Headhunters site.

Do not be shy, show your resume to colleagues and former employers, all who would have you plyusanut. Specify of their most important courses. It is advisable to 1C and most important certificates preferably the level of "expert".

If we have nothing to boast of, then "the trade union committee. Yes, the employer is to cling to the eyes of the image, flipping through numerous tektstovye CV and he will have a reason to stay longer it is on your page. Very gloomy look of the phrase "modified the configuration on users' requests," "accompanied 1C" "solve the problem".

Is not it better to write: "established sharing mechanism with the bank directly from the power supply configuration. Specify any of the configurations, and even metadata objects in question.

It gives you a strong programmer in competence and gives weight to your words. Specify in what projects and what positions you participated. What are you working configurations. What exactly have you done, what is the concrete result of your activities. Observe the structure. Use the lists 1. Separate paragraphs. The summary should be clearly visible for seconds. In the section about yourself briefly summarize their experience, knowledge and certifications, as well as provide a little personal, but only useful information.

Besplolezno, or rather bad writing: punctual, responsible, without bad habits, doing dances and sports. It is written almost everything and only create extra weight on a resume that is not useful. And here, "Single", the presence of the vehicle or license or passport, or children, or mortgages choose one adds to your rankings. Yes, because all of these items are fixed costs, which means the money you need, and it is believed that you easier to motivate money.

Have a car also allows you to potentially "send" anywhere that takes optional also creates an advantage. By the way still no bad habits and the presence of a hobby only socially acceptable, such as dancing, and not time-consuming you add one rating. Be sure to specify that hang out on infostarte - those who are in the subject, I like, once you put one in self-development.

Of course, in each case individually and we must look to talk separately. In addition, a lot depends on the job. After all, the employer is not looking for "the best" of the candidate, as "the most suitable" this job.

For example, if I search for "1C programmer", his management experience would go to him only in the negative. These and other questions related to the selection of personnel, interviewing and getting your dream job, I will be considered at the conference "infostart event in ".

Depending on your pozheany and issues by the way, where you can post questions on the special button , I am willing to adjust the content of the report until its full periorientatsii to as "conduct interviews To do this, do not forget to vote, will be taken in the program, only the first 25 reports as far as I know, and write your questions and comments.

Giving voice can be here at this link. As a bonus, ready to analyze your resume as I usually do and give you an honest opinion independently. Write in the comments link to your resume, I will try to write all of the short-answer and point out how it can be improved and made "more expensive". Good you CV and successful interviews. Original page. Where is the promised 7 Ways? These and other questions related to the selection of personnel, interviewing and getting your dream job, I will be considered at the conference "infostart event in " Depending on your pozheany and issues by the way, where you can post questions on the special button , I am willing to adjust the content of the report until its full periorientatsii to as "conduct interviews Giving voice can be here at this link As a bonus, ready to analyze your resume as I usually do and give you an honest opinion independently.

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C 28 FON | Flash On. 14 29 1C 29 RDC | Resume Direct Captioning. 14 2A 1C 2A TR Text Restart. 14 2B | 1C 2B | RTD Resume Text Display. 17 22 17 23 1C 20 1C 21 1C 22 1C 23 1C 24 1C 25 1C 26 1C 27 1C 28 1C 29 1C 2A 1C 2B 1C 2C 1C 20 1C 2E 1C Flash On. Resume Direct Cap- boning.

This list may be different from new engineering graduates are able to read level r independently. Academic dishonesty during your last set of facts referred to. Work in data them analysis of plath s a conversation which is regularly updated by the registrar.

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