1 timothy essay

1 timothy essay

Purpose of Writing: Paul wrote to Timothy to encourage him in his responsibility for overseeing the work of the Ephesian church and possibly the other churches in the province of Asia 1 Timothy This letter lays the foundation for ordaining elders 1 Timothy , and provides guidance for ordaining people into offices of the church 1 Timothy In essence, 1 Timothy is a leadership manual for church organization and administration. Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.

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Juli Camarin October 11, 1 Timothy. Paul entrusted Timothy with leading the church in Ephesus. He strongly reminds him of his objective which is to squelch the false teachings by those who teach the law, promoting controversy instead of faith. He then instructs Timothy with practical advice on how to lead this assembly.

He ends by encouraging him to continue to fight the good fight and to guard carefully what has been entrusted to him. I Timothy 1 opens with a personal greeting by the apostle Paul. Paul reminds Timothy that the law is good if one uses it lawfully, which is to condemn. He then reminds of the grace of God using himself as an example. Paul ends this chapter encouraging Timothy to fight the good fight and to keep his conscience clear. I Timothy 2 reminds that we are to pray for those in authority so we can live peaceful and quiet lives.

We learn and important truth that God desires everyone to be save and to come into a knowledge of him vs. Paul finishes with specific instructions to the women of this church to dress modestly and to learn about the faith. I Timothy 3 is a list of the characteristics that both the overseers and deacons in the church must have. They are to manage their households well in order to likewise manage the house of God well. I Timothy 4 is a warning to observe the times. Mentioning that some will abandon the faith and follow things taught by demons such as forbidding marriage and abstaining from certain foods.

However Paul reminds that everything is created by God and should be received with thanksgiving. He then encourages Timothy to train to be godly, to devote himself to reading the scripture and preaching and teaching. He encourages him to watch his life and his doctrine closely.

I Timothy 5 gives instructions about caring for widows in their needs. Paul advises that their families should first and foremost take care of them. However, if a widow is without family she is trusting in God for provision and the church ought to take care of her.

He also gives instructions about elders, and then finishes with practical advice for Timothy. I Timothy 6 is a reminder to be content and to pursue godliness. He instructs Timothy to flee from the desire to acquire wealth and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Once again he tells Timothy to fight the good fight and to take hold of the eternal life given him. This letter ends with Paul reminding Timothy to guard carefully what has been entrusted to him.

This book is full of practical instructions for the church and her leaders. May you be blessed and inspired as you read and study the book of I Timothy. Romans Current Topic.

See essay, p. Background and Purpose. During his fourth missionary journey (see map, pp. –), Paul. Introduction to 1 Timothy. Timeline. Timeline. Author, Date, and Recipient. The apostle Paul probably wrote this letter to Timothy in the mid.

Juli Camarin October 11, 1 Timothy. Paul entrusted Timothy with leading the church in Ephesus. He strongly reminds him of his objective which is to squelch the false teachings by those who teach the law, promoting controversy instead of faith. He then instructs Timothy with practical advice on how to lead this assembly. He ends by encouraging him to continue to fight the good fight and to guard carefully what has been entrusted to him.

A brief examination of the arguments on both sides, therefore, needs to be given. Rather than repeat the evidence for each book—since most scholars either accept or reject all of them as a group—the data concerning authorship will be presented only for 1 Timothy.

The author of this letter is Paul, as stated in the salutation The evidence in the writing also supports the belief Paul as the author; especially in the way he greets the receiver in his letters, and the close relationship between Paul and Timothy.

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Editor's note: This article is adapted from its original version, published in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. First Timothy has played a defining role in the Christian debate about the role of women in ministry, especially in American evangelicalism. The text appears to forbid some kind of behavior involving women teaching men. For that reason, exegetical studies about this verse have been numerous and exhaustive. But there is an important aspect of the debate that continues to be overlooked, and it relates to a broader principle of theological interpretation and hermeneutics. This case will be made analytically by:.

Summary of the Book of 1 Timothy

The apostle Paul probably wrote this letter to Timothy in the mids a. The true gospel, in contrast to false teaching, must and will always lead to godliness. Paul wrote 1 Timothy to advise his coworker Timothy about issues in the church in Ephesus. False teachers are the main cause for the letter. Their teaching apparently involved incorrect assumptions about the law —11 and not allowing marriage and certain foods —5. For example, it promotes mere theories over solid truth ; It also leads to arrogance and greed — Paul focuses on the fact that true Christianity is shown in lifestyles shaped by the gospel.

Pierce, published by InterVarsity Press. The battle over women leaders and the church continues to rage unabated in evangelical circles.

Timothy apparently became a Christian as a result of Paul's missionary work in Lystra Acts He joined Paul on the second missionary journey, when the apostle's evangelistic team passed through that area where Timothy lived Acts During the third journey, he worked with Paul in Ephesus.

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