1 write a servlet which will display the current time of server in the client

1 write a servlet which will display the current time of server in the client

To build a successful web application, you often need to know a lot about the environment in which it is running. You may need to find out about the server that is executing your servlets or the specifics of the client that is sending requests. And no matter what kind of environment the application is running in, you most certainly need information about the requests that the application is handling. A number of methods provide servlets access to this information.

Print current date & time - Servlet application

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. How can I get current server's time in Java? I tried System. I want to get "Server's" time in milliseconds. I searched in net, but I dind't get. All the code returns value from If you run it on the server, you will get the server time.

If you run it on the client e. Applet, standalone desktop app, etc. To get the server date on the client, set up a call that returns the server time in the formatted string to the client.

If you want the date formatted a certain way , first create a Date object and then format it using SimpleDateFormat. If you want your client to get the server's time, you will have to make a request to the server and have the server send back its current time in the response.

If you like to return to the client the current time System. But please note that using the timezone approach will only express the client time in the server timezone. If the client and server clocks are not properly synchronized, you will not get a time close to what is presented on the server.

But if the times are properly synchronized, using a NTP client, and you do not need the exact time that the server is reporting eg. Other Answers use the terrible date-time classes Calendar , Date that are supplanted by the modern java. For a Jakarta EE web app, you are executing Java on the web server, not the web browser client. So running code to ask the current moment will give you the current moment on the server.

Most of your work should be done in UTC. For presentation to the user, localize to a time zone of their choice. To get a count of milliseconds since the epoch reference of first moment of in UTC TZ , interrogate the Instant. Beware of data loss, as the Instant may contain microseconds or nanoseconds in its fractional second. The java. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode , advises migration to the java. You may exchange java. No need for strings, no need for java. Learn more. How to get current server time in Java? Ask Question. Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. Active 1 month ago. Viewed 38k times.

BalusC k gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Pradeep Simha Pradeep Simha Are you running an applet? How is it picking up a clients time otherwise? You need to post a bit more detail about your code and architecture, it doesn't makes sense why it's not working. How are you seeing the result? J2EE web application only knows server time. Client time requires something running on the client: Java applet, Javascript, etc. Active Oldest Votes. Aaron Blenkush 2, 2 2 gold badges 22 22 silver badges 48 48 bronze badges.

Kal Kal So how do I achieve this? And no I'm not asking for entire coding, but an Idea. Why do you think that returns the wrong time? Because pradeepsimha mentioned that he need the milliseconds value, probably he is returning the long returned from currentTimeMillis and converting only on client side, and looses the timezone.

Since this information is known to you, you can create a Date object on hte client that represents UTC and then format it according to your client timezone.

See this SO question for applying timezone offset - stackoverflow. Capture the current moment as seen in UTC. Where to obtain the java. Java 9 adds some minor features and fixes.

Android Later versions of Android bundle implementations of the java. Basil Bourque Basil Bourque k 45 45 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Shivani Katukota 8 8 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. If you want to get the timestamp from your server you could use new Timestamp new Date. Date ;.

Zaid Mir Zaid Mir 19 3 3 bronze badges. Hey Zaid. While this does work, try not to repeat a solution that already has been written next time.

Aaron already suggested that. Also you might want to edit to 'currentDate'. Hello corlaez i didn't check previous comments sorry it was already there. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name.

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are mutithreaded, and many client requests may be using a servlet concurrently. How It Works One of the reasons why Java servlets are so useful is because they Next, the current date and time are obtained from the server by creating a Each time the servlet is processed, it will display the current date and time at. When a field is declared as a Servlet class member (not within a method) as you to assure that only one client request can manipulate the field at any instance. is: " + currDateAndTime); } The resulting output from this servlet will be the current current date and time are obtained from the server by creating 16 Chapter 1.

This chapter describes how to create effective servlets to control application interactions running on a Sun Java System Application Server, including standard servlets. In addition, this chapter describes the Sun Java System Application Server features to use to augment the standards. Servlets, like applets, are reusable Java applications. However, servlets run on an application server or web server rather than in a web browser.

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One of the most important advantages of using Servlet is that you can use most of the methods available in core Java. This tutorial would take you through Java provided Date class which is available in java. The Date class supports two constructors.

JSP Current Date and Time

With Oracle9 i AS release 2 9. The most important concepts to understand about servlet development under OC4J are how the Web application is built and how it is deployed. This chapter introduces the Java servlet and provides an example of a basic servlet. It also briefly discusses how you can use servlets in a J2EE application to address some server-side programming issues. A First Servlet Example Introduction to Servlets This section offers a brief introduction to servlet technology, covering the following topics:. A servlet is a Java program that runs in a Web server as opposed to an applet, which is a Java program that runs in a client browser.

Handling Cookies and a Session in a Java Servlet

In this section, we will be using Date class of java. It supports two constructors: Date — It gives us current date and time Date long miilsec — This takes parameter of milliseconds which has been elapsed on January 1 Boolean after Date date — It gives after date of the given date parameter Boolean before Date date — It gives the before date of the given date parameter Object clone — It creates a copy of the date object IntcompareTo Date date — it compares the date class object with another one IntcompareTo Object date — it compares with the object class object with another one Boolean equals Object date — it checks whether two date objects are equal Long getTime — it fetches the time InthashCode — it fetches the hashcode of the given date Void setTime long Time — It sets the time of given date object String toString — It converts into string object of date object. When you execute the above code, you get the following output Output: We are getting current date and time. What is JSP Filter? Filters are used for filtering functionality of the Java web application. In this example, we are going to learn about uploading and downloading of a file through JSP. What is JSP Implicit object? What is Maven?

A servlet can set HTTP headers to provide extra information about its response.

Comment 0. In this post, we will learn how to get the current time of the day in Java applications.

Getting Current Date Time in Java

The canonical reference for building a production grade API with Spring. In this tutorial, we'll cover the handling of cookies and sessions in Java, using Servlets. Simply put, a cookie is a small piece of data stored on the client-side which servers use when communicating with clients. They're used to identify a client when sending a subsequent request. They can also be used for passing some data from one servlet to another. For more details, please refer to this article. The Cookie class is defined in the javax. We can set the max age with a method maxAge int which defines how many seconds a given cookie should be valid for:. We set a max age to one hour. After this time, the cookie cannot be used by a client browser when sending a request and it also should be removed from the browser cache. This allows us to specify domain names to which it should be delivered by the client.

Java Servlet Programming, 2nd Edition by Jason Hunter, William Crawford

For a simple demonstration of each communication technique, we're going to write an applet that asks its server for the current time of day. Of course, an applet can normally get the current time from the system on which it's running. To give this example an air of practicality, let's assume the applet needs an approximate time stamp for some event and cannot rely on the client machine to have a correctly set clock. We're going to be using the same example applet throughout this section. The skeleton code for this applet, DaytimeApplet , is shown in Example

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