Word to sentence generator|acybgntst96civtwerlq0swzraeyijdeaq:***

Word to sentence generator|acybgntst96civtwerlq0swzraeyijdeaq:***

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Acrostic Generator

An acrostic is a poem where a letter, usually the initial, from each line or paragraph makes another word or sentence, typically linked to the theme of the poem. Our acrostic generator takes information about your topic and looks up related words to form sentences beginning with the letters in your chosen title.

There are many splendid acrostic generators out there, but they usually work by rearranging banks of existing sentences; often you have limited control over the direction that they take. Our automatic acrostic generator accesses the dictionary to find lines that are relevant to your chosen topic, then lets you select the ones you like the most. Quickly write an acrostic. Masterpiece Generator.

Poem Generator Create an Acrostic in Seconds An acrostic is a poem where a letter, usually the initial, from each line or paragraph makes another word or sentence, typically linked to the theme of the poem. Please note: this generator brings in words from an external source, which can occasionally include potentially offensive content.

If so, please enter your email address. Otherwise leave blank. Why Use Our Acrostic Generator There are many splendid acrostic generators out there, but they usually work by rearranging banks of existing sentences; often you have limited control over the direction that they take. Acrostic Generator Quickly write an acrostic.

Contact: writer poem-generator.

How to use generator in a sentence. Example sentences with the word generator. generator example sentences. The vocabulary of this sentence paraphraser contains an abundance of rarely used words/phrases and can paraphrase sentences in a variety of ways that are​.

Complex Sentence Generator is very easy to use. After typing or pasting content in the first text box, press the convert button to automatically paraphrase the content. This generator can also work as a random sentence generator. Click on the random sentence button to generate random complex sentences and have them paraphrased. This software works as a paraphrase converter for transforming simple and common english into more complex english.

What did you and your family do on the holidays? In this activity you will experiment with our special sentence generator which reports on some unusual holiday happenings.

If you're visiting this page, you're likely here because you're searching for a random sentence. Sometimes a random word just isn't enough, and that is where the random sentence generator comes into play.

Sentence generator

Running on power from a generator , it is constantly mortared and is a frequent target of airstrikes. So, months after it was handed over in a triumphant ribbon-cutting ceremony, the generator was broken. Last year Tom Sachs brought a generator to "dig a hole to China. Like most of the business owners in Damascus, Fady depends on a generator. Having taken a candle from a drawer she lighted it, lifted a trap door and descended to the generator.

Keyword List Generator

The hospital has a backup generator in case there is a power failure. Domestic equipment is run off a new generator and includes a water maker, water purifier, ice maker and microwave. This prevents a permanently installed generator from being charged by the battery when it is not creating an output itself. The character generator operates like an electronic typewriter, printing titles on the screen. This frictional generator , the largest of its type, produced inch discharges, equivalent to about , volts. On reaching the city centre the generator goes off and the bus runs on in virtual silence. In , it emerged that he had held discussions about buying PowerGen, the state electricity generator , outright. Losing the left engine is trickier since it drives both the single generator and the sole hydraulic pump. That physical phenomenon is the muscle behind a dynamo, or standard electric generator.

Metrics details.

An acrostic is a poem where a letter, usually the initial, from each line or paragraph makes another word or sentence, typically linked to the theme of the poem. Our acrostic generator takes information about your topic and looks up related words to form sentences beginning with the letters in your chosen title. There are many splendid acrostic generators out there, but they usually work by rearranging banks of existing sentences; often you have limited control over the direction that they take.

The development of an automated sentence generator for the assessment of reading speed

To save this word, you'll need to log in. Generators work by rotating a coil of wire in a magnetic field, causing a current to flow in the wire. A generator may be a huge spinning turbine powered by water, wind, steam, gas, or nuclear reactions, which sends electricity out through power lines to thousands of customers. But normally when we use the word, we're thinking of a small machine powered by gasoline or diesel, such as you might keep in your basement for those times when a storm knocks out your power, to create electricity right in front of your eyes. A special kind of generator called an alternator powers a car's electrical system including its lights, power steering, etc. Examples of generator in a Sentence This new product will be a major revenue generator. Send us feedback. See more words from the same year Dictionary Entries near generator generative grammar generative nucleus generative semantics generator generatrix generic generical. Accessed 22 May. Keep scrolling for more More Definitions for generator generator.

Pass Phrase Generator

Many people find phrases in their mother tongue, even if complete nonsense, easier to remember and type than passwords consisting of arbitrary letters and numbers. Of course, since only a minority of sequences of letters are words in a given language, the information density or entropy of such keys is lower, and consequently a phrase must be substantially longer than a meaningless key to be equally difficult to guess. Still, many people prefer pass phrases. This page generates them in the English language. Simply fill in the number of phrases up to you wish to generate, how many words to use in each or the key length in bits equivalent to a given phrase length , then press Generate to fill the Pass Phrases box with phrases.

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