5 paragraph essay on why dogs are better than cats

5 paragraph essay on why dogs are better than cats

Most homeowners prefer keeping dogs than cats because they make ideal pets due to their unique qualities. Dogs are the most loyal pets to their owners they can read our communication cues; dogs are the most helpful animals during dire situations. Furthermore, dogs are stronger animals compared to cats; dogs usually protect us within our homes. Housedogs are effective and offer better protection than burglar alarms. Dogs protect us from not only thieves but also from disasters like fire. Several incidences have been highlighted where dogs have rescued its owner by pulling them out of the fire.

Dogs Are Better Than Cats (Persuasive Essay Sample)

Cats are not better pets than dogs. Have you ever had that intriguing question about whether you should get a dog or a cat as your new family member. Here are some reasons why you should always choose to adopt a new dog, not a new cat.

You will get more exercise from owning a dog. Dogs and cats are most pets that are seen with their owner. These two animals make good pets to have. Dogs are physical and fun animals that runs with a flock of their inheritance. Cats are feminine and spoil animals that like to have its way. When it comes down to choose the better pet, dogs are better pets than cats. Some pet owners think dog and cat food the same. Dogs have better food to eat because the type of dogs I like can eat some of the same food.

Cat and dog owners are all over the globe. The argument which dogs are better than cats or cats are better than dogs has been an argument which has been going on forever and ever.

The cat and dog rivalry has been going on for years, decades, or possibly more than a century. Out of the two animals, one has to be superior to the other. Most Americans would prefer to own a dog over a cat, and only a few would rather have a cat as a pet than a dog. Not too many citizens.

In the US, There are a few explanations why felines are favored over canines in the US. Felines are the superior pet over canines by population because cats cost the owner less money than dogs do, they do not need too much for their maintenance, they do not depend the owner as much as dogs do, and are usually. Dogs are considered to be a family friendly and more energetic than cats.

Dogs are more of a common pet that most people have. Whereas cats are considered to be a quiet indoor pets and not as active as dogs. Both cats and dogs are loyal and protective of their owners. Although cats and dogs have many differences, they have their similarities as well. Cats are different than dogs in many ways. One example is the way they are trained, some cats can be trained to use the bathroom.

In the Huffpost. After a few minutes, you now feel relaxed and calm. Everyone knows that a man 's best friend is a dog, but what about a cat?

Having a cat is just as important as a dog. At a young age, I had many pets including cats, and through my experience, I have learned a lot about them. I believe that cats are better pets than dogs and should be appreciated.

Cats are cute and cuddly. Dogs and cats are the most common pets in the United States. In most cases, people prefer one over the other. Meaning some people are either a dog lover or a cat lover. There has been plenty of debates and studies done to decide what animal is better. But in the end, it is up to the person caring for the animal to know which one suits them better. Although dogs and cats have several similarities, they are very different.

By looking at each animal, we will discuss the similarities and differences. Therefore, I and my group member want to do something to help solve this problem. Since stray cats and stray dogs cause a bad influence on our university campus, so how about other university? Would they also have this problem? Cats vs. Dogs There are so many different options when choosing a pet for you and your family. Some people like lizards, some like fish, and some like hamsters, or rabbits. Most people choose between the two primary pets, cats or dogs.

In some ways cats and dogs are very similar. In other ways, they differ from each other a lot. In a world where you want to be a Roger or Anita Radcliffe, most of us end up being a Cruella De Vil without even knowing it. Most of us know this cute, somewhat terrifying, Disney movie where 15 innocent puppies get stolen by the evil Cruella De Vil for their furs. They end up escaping, along with the rest of the pups stolen from other homes, to find one loving home.

But imagine this, imagine if the place they ended. Even if their attempts at protection are sometimes unnecessary, at least they try. On one occasion while our family was setting off various fireworks on the Fourth of July, we set off a ground bloom. A ground bloom is basically a firework that spins around on the ground spewing fire in such a way as to look like a flower. Murphy, our terrier, assumed that we had fallen prey to some unknown creature of the night.

Undaunted, he charged in again with the same …show more content… They are also terribly ungrateful, showing no thankfulness whatsoever if they are given special treatment of some sort. They just generally assume that any special treatment is nothing more than what they deserve. Cats should definitely not be considered your best friend. So whenever she had the chance, she kicked the dog off of his cushion and used it herself. We eventually decided to fix the problem by getting the dog another cushion and giving the cat his old one.

The new cushion was slightly larger than the old one, which was just as well since it fit him better. The slight change in size however, did not go unnoticed by the cat, who decided that she would share with the dog and give him back his old cushion.

Now the dog sleeps in the nice warm house on his large plush cushion, and the cat sleeps in the back room on her small cushion. Without this, it would be very difficult to train dogs for the many jobs they now hold, from aiding law enforcement personnel and herding sheep, to seeing-eye dogs and even helping exterminators locate hard-to-find infestations.

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Free Essay: Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats I think dogs are better than cats for many reasons. I'm sure it is not Why Dog Make Better Pets Than Cats Comparison/Contrats Essay. Words | 3 Words | 5 Pages. fluffy, brown cat just. Why dogs are better than cats. Dogs are often called “man's best friend” and make ideal Write other pet essays such as: Hamsters / Parrots / Monkeys / fish.

Students will compose their first body paragraph for which pet makes a better pet. The paragraph will include a topic sentence, several evidence and analysis sentences, and a concluding sentence. I think dogs are better than cats because they can protect us. One reason that dogs can protect us is by biting. Biting the intruder will make him or her hurt and they will run away.

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Ok, so i always have trouble on writing the introduction in a persuasive essay. Can someone start the introduction, i have already written the body and conclusion its just starting a essay i have trouble on.

Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats Essay

There are cat people and there are dog people. I don't generally like to lump myself in with one group I grew up with three cats , but I can recognize the vast benefits of owning a dog over a litter-trained furball. Here are a few. Dogs make you laugh. A pilot study of 95 people found that dog owners laughed significantly more frequently than cat owners.

Cats vs. Dogs – First Body Paragraph

Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk. Did you know that more people own cats than dogs? In the US, Even though both pets are known to relieve stress, promote a positive outlook and lifestyle, and give the owner happiness, America still prefers cats Wall Triana Animal Hospital; Couch. There are a few reasons why cats are preferred over dogs in the United States. In my opinion, cats are the superior pet over dogs by population because cats cost less money than dogs to keep, they don't require much work for their upkeep, do not depend on the owner as much as dogs tend to, and are typically healthier and have a longer life expectancy. The first reason why cats are the superior pet over dogs is because cats cost less to maintain as far as annual food, water, toys, damage etc. Bottom line, dogs are one and a half times more expensive than the average annual cost for a cat. After you own both a cat and a dog, most would find that dogs are drastically more expensive than cats. However, there is an even larger price ratio for medical bills when we compare these two famous pets.

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. They create a special bond with their owners.

Cats are not better pets than dogs. Have you ever had that intriguing question about whether you should get a dog or a cat as your new family member. Here are some reasons why you should always choose to adopt a new dog, not a new cat. You will get more exercise from owning a dog.

10 Reasons Dogs Are Better Than Cats

You've probably been asked at some point in your life if you're a dog person or a cat person. Some people love both animals. But if you had to live with only one, which would you choose? There's been a timeless debate between dog people and cat people. Now it's time to face off just for fun. Let's explore some reasons why dogs may be better than cats. Not to worry, cat lovers! It's probably fair to say that even cat lovers don't love litter boxes. No matter how well you keep up with them, there always seems to be a lingering odor. Plus, litter often tracks all over the house. It's practically impossible to find a good place to put the litter box in a small house. Scooping the stuff is stinky and dusty. Dogs don't need litter boxes. They can use the yard or do their business during walks around the neighborhood.

I Need help with dogs are better than cats essay?

Cats are better than dogs for about half the population of pet owners. The other half prefer dogs. A persuasive essay on why cats are better than dogs cannot solely be about cats and dogs. It should also be about people and what they like. In this essay I will stick to trying to convince you why cats are better and avoid discussing people. It is up to people to figure out what they like after gaining a reasonable knowledge of both species. Perhaps, the most important reason why cats are better is because they are more convenient. They require less input from the owner because they are independent animals. However, this is misleading.

11 Scientific Reasons Dogs Are Better Than Cats

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