6 write a shell script to check whether given year is a leap year

6 write a shell script to check whether given year is a leap year

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Learn more. My shell script for checking leap year is showing error Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 9 months ago.

Program to check if a given year is leap year

This tricky question which seems simple bothers many. In this article we would be discussing how to implement a leap year program in C.

Let us start this article by understanding what is a leap year first. Leap year occurs every once in 4 years. It is the year which has days rather than We can write a simple if else code to find if the year is a leap year or not. In the code above, we take input from the user. Then we check a list of conditions. We first check if the year entered by the user and is divisible by This is done to check if the year is exactly divisible by e. Next, if the year is not divisible by then check if the year is divisible by If it is not divisible by and is divisible by then it is not a leap year, for example , ,,, If the year is not divisible by or then, check if it is exactly divisible by 4, if yes, it is a leap year.

For example, ,,,, etc. For example, , , ,, etc. This is exactly what is done in the conditional statements above. These are the 4 conditions to check for to check whether if it is a leap year or no.

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Leap Year Program in C. Introduction to C Programming-Algorithms. How To Implement Queue in C? What is Embedded C programming and how is it different? Last updated on May 07, 2. Let us start this article by understanding what is a leap year first What Is Leap Year? Recommended blogs for you. What is Agile Testing? Stack in Python: How, why and where? Read Article.

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Write shell script for leap year - A year is a leap year if it can be evenly divided by four. But a year Shell script to determine if entered year is leap or not 6. 7. 8. 9. This shell script is used to find given year is Leap year or not by If the remainder stored in the variable y is 0 then the year is Leap year else. 6. 7. 8. 9​. echo "Enter Year:". read y. year=$y. y=$(($y % 4)). if [ $y.

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy , Privacy Policy , and our Terms of Service. Ask Ubuntu is a question and answer site for Ubuntu users and developers. It only takes a minute to sign up. You can make use of date 's exit code to check for a leap year, relying on date 's behaviour of generating a non 0 exit code for an invalid date, obviosuly there's no 29th of Feb in a non-leap year:. Here on Stack Overflow, an elegant solution was provided by anubhava :.

This is a callable subroutine to determine whether or not a given zoned-decimal 4-digit year is a Leap Year. Leap years are "evenly divisible" by 4, except those which end in '00' and are not evenly divisible by

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Shell Script to Find whether a year is Leap year or not

This tricky question which seems simple bothers many. In this article we would be discussing how to implement a leap year program in C. Let us start this article by understanding what is a leap year first. Leap year occurs every once in 4 years. It is the year which has days rather than We can write a simple if else code to find if the year is a leap year or not.

Shell Script: Check Leap Year

Today's Posts. Quick Links. Search Forums. Show Threads. Show Posts. Leap year K-shell script. Registered User. Join Date: Jun I need a k-shell script that tests for leap-year.

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Shell Script to Check Leap Year

How To Implement Leap Year Program in C?

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