2 page essay on harry potter and the sorcerers stone

2 page essay on harry potter and the sorcerers stone

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Rowling first published on July It is about the adventure of an eleven-year-old boy who grew up with his aunt and uncle and later discovers that he comes from a family of witches and wizards. The film adaptation of the book was released in by Warner Bros. Don't use plagiarized sources. Nevertheless, there were alterations and the film still falls short from the magical experience enjoyed by the readers.

Essays on Harry Potter and The Sorcerer'S Stone

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. In this essay, I would like to evaluate the first helping of the Harry Potter movie-series which was shown worldwide in The movie is an adaptation of J. Don't use plagiarized sources. Thus, the effective portrayal of magical powers throughout the film is the criteria which I employ in my evaluation of the movie. In many ways, the film did not disappoint in this aspect.

Magic was the defining aspect of Harry Potter — i. Along the same vein, magic was the controlling concern of the characters surrounding Harry. The giftedness of the other characters such as Ron and Hermione, as well as his lone enemy Voldemort was also portrayed well in the movie. Which is why, there are many reasons to think the first Harry Potter movie was successful in entertaining its audience because it was able to zero in on use of magic with much flair and fun.

This aspect can be further shown if one compares this particular Harry Potter movie with other films — such as Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings — that employ magic in a manner that pits two opposing forces good vs. Harry Potter is successful in using this use of contrast as well. In addition, his struggle to emerge victorious from the hands of a bully named Draco highlights the use of magic even more. The use of magic as a way to pit opposite forces makes the movie more interesting.

Thus, use of contrast highlights even more the whole point of the movie, which is to entertain the audience with a fair amount of scenes involving magic. In ways more than one, I agree with this assessment.

The movie is in fact entertaining because it does not leave the audience with a feeling of anger or anxiety which most action or suspense movies elicit. I feel though that since the primary audience of this Harry Potter consists in children and youngsters, the frequent use of magical powers still served the movie pretty well.

Without an adequate portrayal of magic, I think the movie could have been a monumental blunder, especially when it is compared with the liveliness of its book counterpart. Conclusion I wish to end with the thought that, on account of the frequent use of magical powers throughout the film, the first Harry Potter movie must be called a success because it was able to entertain its primary target audience — the children.

Nothing is more appealing for children than inciting their imagination; and most often, magic belongs to one of their many preoccupations. Bradshaw, P. The Guardian, 16 November Accessed May 20, This is just a sample.

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Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone Essay. Words2 Pages. Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone Harry Potter starts off slow, but gets very interesting. It is the first book in a series of 8 Harry Potter Harry Potter and The Sorcerer'S Stone 2 Pages.

The main character Harry Potter, discovers that he not an ordinary boy, he is in fact, a wizard. Harry soon discovers that he is famous, famous for the downfall of a corrupt wizard, Lord Voldemort. Harry finds out that he has been accepted into a school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a school for young witches and wizards. While in school, he becomes friends with another wizard named Ronald.

The Dursleys barely tolerate Harry, and Dudley bullies him. One day Harry is astonished to receive a letter addressed to him in the cupboard under the stairs where he sleeps.

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Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone

First of all, the characters are vivid because they are complex. For instance, Harry who has a lightning shape scar on his forehead is hardworking and precocious; he usually gets up early and makes breakfast for the family. However, children will be children, so he is also nervous when he first comes to Hogwarts and hears they will have a test before they take their seats in the great hall. In addition, Hagrid is helpful; he helps Dumbledore by taking Harry shopping for school supplies and he also helps Dumbledore take care of the Hogwarts's business. Also, he can be depicted Browse all BookRags Study Guides.

Harry Potter And The Sorcerers Stone Essay

However, from the beginning, he possessed a gift of bravery which helped him greatly during his journey. His journey is significant because he learns, grows, and is put through a series of trials and tests that turn him into a hero. In the beginning of the movie Harry is separated. The Dursleys however, hated Harry and his family, so Harry was mistreated for years. He was forced. Emily Hernandez Professor Mitzner. The modern and roughly contemporary time and setting of a fantasy must be clear if the reader is to enter into the story. Several significant fantasies begin with a realistic, maybe dull, setting before the reader conveys to an exciting setting.

The Dursleys however, hated Harry and his family, so Harry was mistreated for years. He was forced.

Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels written by British author J. The novels chronicle the lives of a young wizard , Harry Potter , and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley , all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Essay: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

However, from the beginning, he possessed a gift of bravery which helped him greatly during his journey. His journey is significant because he learns, grows, and is put through a series of trials and tests that turn him into a hero. In the beginning of the movie Harry is separated. Emily Hernandez Professor Mitzner. The modern and roughly contemporary time and setting of a fantasy must be clear if the reader is to enter into the story. Several significant fantasies begin with a realistic, maybe dull, setting before the reader conveys to an exciting setting. Returning to the realistic setting goes on throughout. The main character Harry Potter, discovers that he not an ordinary boy, he is in fact, a wizard. Harry soon discovers that he is famous, famous for the downfall of a corrupt wizard, Lord Voldemort. Harry finds out that he has been accepted into a school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a school for young witches and wizards. While in school, he becomes friends with another wizard named Ronald. Beowulf, and the novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone. In each story, both leading characters are born destined to defeat the most evil creature in their world. Beowulf is the oldest surviving epic poem in the world. In this poem the main character, Beowulf, challenges an evil monster, Grendel and a dragon, to a battle to save Denmark.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: From Book to Film

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. In this essay, I would like to evaluate the first helping of the Harry Potter movie-series which was shown worldwide in The movie is an adaptation of J. Don't use plagiarized sources. Thus, the effective portrayal of magical powers throughout the film is the criteria which I employ in my evaluation of the movie. In many ways, the film did not disappoint in this aspect.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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