5 paragraph essay on the black death

5 paragraph essay on the black death

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The plague was the most devastating pandemic in human history, killing around million people mostly throughout Europe, leaving most people back then wondering how they and others got sick and died. It was transferred from Asia in the late s and caused a mass eruption in Europe.

It was a very dark time period of history, which changed the way people viewed religion, fellow citizens, and life. In the s, the century of the Plague, there were many poor conditions. One example was the home itself. The Black Death is one of the worst disease in ancient history. It was an epidemic that killed millions of people between Many people suffered from lack of care and lack of remedy, also it became difficult to find a medical person to diagnose such a horrible disease.

Boccaccio, Tura and Venette describe the physical and social effect of Europe when the Plague had begun. In this selection, they describe how people respond and changed their behaviors.

People were so scared from Plague therefore. The Black Death, which is another name for the Bubonic Plague, laid havoc on the entire world. Its engine is far-reaching. The plague did not care if the people were rich, poor, white, black, Muslim or Catholic, it would kill whomever it could. The plague brought out the worst.

Plagues, defined as an epidemic with an amazingly high mortality rate according to the Merriam Webster dictionary, have been recorded throughout history, from the Plague of Justinian in Rome, to the Modern Plague of China CDC. In reality, the plague does not disappear quietly. The outbreak of a plague leaves a lasting legacy.

This research paper will mainly cover the European outbreak of the 14th century as it is considered to be the era of the worst time of the Black Death period. Many historians would agree that the events of s led to dramatic changes affecting every European country in all the aspects. Creating economic, social, religious, and medical issues, the Black Death caused renovation. The Black Plague is known as the most fatal disease in the worlds history! The Black Plague is also known as the Black Death and was transmitted to humans by rodents such as rats and spread due to extremely unsanitary living conditions.

European cities such as Paris and London were most devastatingly affected by the Black Plague The Black Plague is transmitted from fleas to rodents such as rats or mice to humans.

Before this disease had ran its course the death toll in Europe was seventy-five to two hundred million people. Many things affected the rise of this horrendous disease. With poor nutrition and bad hygiene along with overcrowding no one was safe. The economy changed in this time frame as the rural workers were willing to work, but for a far greater pay than normal.

The church was predominant in those days, but after all this the people. The Black Death, also known as the Black Plague, was one of the most deadliest diseases of all time. This disease came to Europe around C. E, by merchants from East Asia. The Black Plague then spread all across Europe, and killed over 25,, people.

The Black Death had its effect on many things. The peasant and noble differentiation was realized to be bogus, the belief in religious authorities came under question, and poor people actually benefited from the Black Death. After the epidemic. The first known case of The Plague was reported in China in B.

It is believed that because China was such an important trade center at the time, diseased animals and their infected fleas were unknowingly transported along with goods via The Silk Road to Western Europe and Asia. Centuries later, the Black Plague would rear its head and swallow nearly half.

The plague spread throughout Europe from Those who survived lived in constant fear of the plague's return and it did not disappear until the s. Not only were the effects devastating at the time of infection, but during the aftermath as well. The plague was spread by fleas, which were not effected by the disease. Fleas first infected the rats, which lived off garbage and sewage.

The rats then spread the infection to the humans. Rats were a common sight in the cities, due to the poor sanitary conditions, so no one …show more content… "The Black Death" alone was not the only factor that was responsible for the social and economic change although it was the most important Ziegler Even without "The Black Death" continued deterioration in Europe would have been likely.

The social and economic change had already set in well before For at least twenty-five years before "The Black Death," exports, agricultural production, and the area of cultivated land had all been shrinking. The plague touched every aspect of social life Herlihy There was hardly a generation that was not affected by the plague www. Families were set against each other - the well rejecting the sick www. Families left each other in fear.

Many people died without anyone looking after them. When the plague appeared in a house, frightened people abandoned the house and fled to another www. Due to this, the plague spread more rapidly because people were not aware that being in the same house with the infected person had already exposed them to it.

Physicians could not be found because they had also died. Physicians who could be found wanted large sums of money before they entered the house www. When the. Show More. Read More. Popular Essays. Open Document.

Free Essay: The Black Death "The Black Death" is known as the worst natural For at least twenty-five years before "The Black Death," exports, agricultural. Over the time of three years, the plague killed one third of the population in Europe with roughly twenty five million people dead. The Black Death killed more​.

The Black Death. The winters were extremely cold and the summers were dry. Due to this extreme weather, very low crops yielded and those that grew were dying.

The Black Death was a devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in the mids. The plague arrived in Europe in October , when 12 ships from the Black Sea docked at the Sicilian port of Messina.

The Black Death was an epidemic which ravaged Europe between and It was a disease spread through contact with animals zoonosis , basically through fleas and other rat parasites at that time, rats often coexisted with humans, thus allowing the disease to spread so quickly.

Black Death

Did the Black Death, the famous, devastating plague pandemic that struck the Mediterranean and Western Europe in the midth century and seeded new strains of the pathogen, Yersinia pestis , in new locales, also reach Sub-Saharan Africa? That it reached the Islamic North African littoral has never been in question: there is ample testimony from Arabic documentary sources for its devastating effects from Egypt to the Maghreb. But did it stop there? The strains of Y. This coincides with hitherto unexplained population migrations and other cultural signs of reactions to a deadly emerging disease. Although no aDNA historical genetic material for Y.

Black Death Essay

Our ancestors had to live through the Black Death and were affected by the Black Death emotionally, physically, and economically. So many people had to live through the Black Death and were hurt emotionally that they had to lose their family and friends all because of the Black Death. The Black Death was actually one of the most deadly pandemics in human history. This awful pandemics most devastating time in Europe was between and The Black Deaths: Death One of the most devastating pandemics in history during the 14th century caused turmoil and massive death amongst Europe. The disastrous disease known as the Black Death ultimately wrenched society in melancholia and disseverment. As a result, a series of social and economic upheavals had a profound effect on society; creating lack of optimism of better days. The people suffered religiously because the pandemic displayed a darker side of life leaving them to question their. The Black Death, one of the greatest natural disaster to hit Europe thus causing the death of many people in the most horrific manner and cause the end of feudalism.

The Black Death The Black Death, was a plague that killed over half of the population in Europe during the middle of the 14th century.

The plague was the most devastating pandemic in human history, killing around million people mostly throughout Europe, leaving most people back then wondering how they and others got sick and died. It was transferred from Asia in the late s and caused a mass eruption in Europe.

The Black Death

The Plague - The Black Death Essay

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