5 paragraph essay on odyssey

5 paragraph essay on odyssey

All odysseys tell the story of a great adventure; in-fact the word odyssey literally defines as a heroic adventure filled with notable events and hardships. Likewise in the epic poem The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus is not permitted to arrive home until he overcomes his biggest challenge, fixing his prideful attitude. It talks about Odysseus being ripped away from his homeland, Ithaca, and trying to return back home after the Trojan War. He is known as a heroic figure, the King of Ithaca and an epic hero. When he was torn away from Ithaca, he had to leave behind his people including his family to fight in the Trojan War. On his way home he encountered many obstacles, monsters and other creatures.

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Analysis: Is the argument divided into logical parts? Are provoking questions addressed? Are terms. Synthesis: Are the logical parts related to the whole? Is an understanding of the big picture evident? Evaluation: Are opinions presented in arguable fashion? Are judgments made? Is a point made? Relevance: Is the evidence relevant to the argument?

Is the relevance explained? Does it prove your. Structure: Are introduction, thesis, body paragraphs, and conclusion constructed appropriately? Is the. Style: Is the style appropriate to the assignment — formal, informal, scholarly, personal, or creative? Voice: Is a recognizable identity present? Is the audience understood? Is the tone appropriate? Is rhetorical or figurative language. Are punctuation marks used appropriately?

Why or why not? Stay away from generalizations, they weaken your argument! The Odyssey Essay Assignment Are terms defined? Development 5 4 3 2 1 Evidence: Are specific, concrete details presented? Accuracy: Are the concrete details accurate and true?

Does it prove your point? Substance: Is enough evidence presented to prove your point? Order: Are the argument and evidence arranged in the most convincing order? Are paragraphs introduced, maintained, and concluded? Expression 5 4 3 2 1 Style: Is the style appropriate to the assignment — formal, informal, scholarly, personal, or creative? Is rhetorical or figurative language employed appropriately?

Clarity: Is the writing clear, active, readable, and appropriately concise? Are words and phrases used according to custom? Short-link Link Embed.

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Free Essays from Help Me | The Odyssey is an epic poem that explores the The author of the Odyssey is Homer, who is famous. Words | 5 Pages. Odyssey. Iliad and The Odyssey - the central pillars of Ancient Greek literature were written by legendary Greek author Homer. The Odyssey, the sequel to Iliad​.

Travel was immensely tiring and many travelers needed places to stay. Therefore people were expected to provide hospitality and in turn, were often rewarded in some type of way. People were expected to treat traveling strangers with food, shelter and entertainment even if they were unaware of the possible danger. Also, people were very wary that if they failed to offer hospitality the Gods would unleash punishment. The Odyssey by Homer proves that this quote is true in many ways.

When most people think of a hero, they think of a tall, muscular, and handsome being that could do no wrong. However in the Odyssey, and even in real life, not all heroes are so perfect.

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Odyssey Essay

Whether they be human, divine, or monstrous, female figures in The Odyssey are surprisingly strong. In an essay, compare two or three different female figures and analyze the kinds of strength they possess. How do they differ? How are they similar? In your conclusion, you might speculate about why The Odyssey contains so many powerful females. Part 2.

The Odyssey

The Odyssey , the sequel to Iliad , follows the story of Odysseus who has not returned to his kingdom of Ithaca after fighting the war of Troy 10 years ago. Antinous plots to murder Telemachus to remove the last hurdle between the crown and himself. Backed by Athena's support, Telemachus sets sail to Pylos and Sparta where he learns that his father is still alive and trapped in an island by Calypso. As he plans to return home, Antinous is all set to ambush and assassinate Telemachus. Meanwhile, Zeus and Hermes decide to help Odysseus escape and convince Calypso to build him a ship. As the protagonist sets sail to go home, he is confronted by the angry sea god Poseidon who wants revenge from Odysseus for blinding his son. Athena helps Odysseus to reach safety, and guides him back to Ithaca disguised as a beggar. Odysseus reveals his true self to Telemachus and they plot to kill all those vying for the crown. The next day, Odysseus reaches the palace as a beggar only to be insulted by the suitors of Penelope. Suspecting that the beggar might be her husband in disguise, she organizes a competition where the winner would marry her.

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The Odyssey Essay. Body Paragraph 1. Thesis Statement:.

The Odyssey Essay Assignment 0910

Analysis: Is the argument divided into logical parts? Are provoking questions addressed? Are terms. Synthesis: Are the logical parts related to the whole? Is an understanding of the big picture evident? Evaluation: Are opinions presented in arguable fashion? Are judgments made? Is a point made? Relevance: Is the evidence relevant to the argument? Is the relevance explained? Does it prove your.

Below you will find five outstanding thesis statements for The Odyssey by Homer that can be used as essay starters or paper topics. All five incorporate at least one of the themes in The Odyssey by Homer and are broad enough so that it will be easy to find textual support, yet narrow enough to provide a focused clear thesis statement. You are, of course, free to add your own analysis and understanding of the plot or themes to them for your essay. Be sure to also check out the Paperstarter entry on The Iliad, also by Homer. Odysseus is the model of ideal manhood, and he is admired far and wide for his intelligence, skill, and demeanor.

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