500 word essay on following directions

500 word essay on following directions

Following direction is a fundamental skill, taught from an early age. While it may seem logical and even straightforward to follow directions--be they navigational directions, product-usage directions, or procedural or instructional directions, failure to follow directions can be a waste of time. Other times, though, failure to follow directions can be harmful or even fatal. In the military and in trades like firefighting, the ability to instinctively follow directions saves lives. The discipline and training to follow directions or, along the same line, instructions, give a person a focal objective in a situation where fear or indecision might otherwise cripple one's ability to think clearly.

Why Is It Important to Follow Directions? Essay

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The following essay will be a collection of thoughts about the importance of following instructions and having the proper gear. These two important topics should actually be written about in separate essays, but for the sake of the negative counseling I was written, they will be woven into one.

Following Instructions is a basic fundamental skill taught from an early age. While it may seem like common sense to follow instructions and bring the proper gear to the motor pool on Monday mornings, it is not always so straightforward. Don't use plagiarized sources. Communication between Soldiers and their superiors can be unclear at times, especially when said Soldier is new to the unit and possibly misunderstood the instructions given.

This, however, is another topic saved for another day. The ability to follow instructions is an integral part of the Army, and is conducive to good order and discipline within a unit. When the instructions to be followed are to have the proper gear at a specified place, it will allow for the formation to maintain uniformity. A few things that can happen if you do not follow instructions are: getting screamed at and spit on, having to do a few push-ups, receiving negative counselings, and having to write essays during four day weekends.

If a Soldier does not want these things to happen, one should follow instructions and bring the proper gear to the motor pool. Having the proper gear is an important part of military life. It will keep the Soldier from getting in trouble on Monday morning. When a Soldier has the necessary equipment, the Soldier will be ready to wear the gortex jacket when told to do so. If a Soldier can follow instructions to bring a gortex jacket to a formation at the motorpool, then the Soldier can follow instructions to bring binoculars to an observation post.

Going on any mission in the Army without the necessary equipment is dangerous. A Soldier can not be ready to engage the enemy without the proper gear. Following instructions is of the utmost importance in the military. Obedience is what enables the military to operate in an organized and effective manner, which is very important during challenging and stressful situations.

If there were no instructions to follow, a unit would easily fall into chaos and become ineffective at completing its assigned mission. The Importance of Following Instructions. Accessed May 20, This is just a sample. You can get your custom paper from our expert writers. The American Revolutionary War is the war that Americans overthrew the British colonial rule, won the independence and it is also the war that was conductive to the development of capitalism in the United States and helped the United States developed the capitalist economy.

The Battle of Bunker Hill, as the early battle in this It outlines the leaders It was signed into existence by President Truman. Congress considered it required to create the UCMJ due to the lack of transparency and fairness previously provides to the military populous during WWII.

The UCMJ Throughout its history, the Navy has fulfilled all its difficulties with success. The United States marine service started throughout the American Transformation, when on October 13, ; the Continental Congress authorized a couple of little ships be built. These small ships produced the Continental Navy. Commodore Esek Hopkins was selected commander in chief and Check Writers' Offers. What's Your Topic? Hire a Professional Writer Now. The input space is limited by symbols.

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Free Essay: I think it is important to follow directions because if people didn't follow directions we would have a lot of CHAOS in our world!!! The reason. word essay on the importance of following directions. how to start off a persuasive essay S important to him. 2 distribute one. Jacqueline failed her first essay.

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Being in that state, others can be subject to extreme conditions and injury. There are reasons why regulations and protocols have been put in the places they have, to prevent chaos.

The Importance of obeying orders and being on time for duty. There are many reasons why a soldier, doesn't matter the rank should obey orders from anyone above him or her in the chain of command.

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The following essay will be a collection of thoughts about the importance of following instructions and having the proper gear. These two important topics should actually be written about in separate essays, but for the sake of the negative counseling I was written, they will be woven into one.

Importance of following orders - Essay Example

How important is it for one to follow directions? There are many avenues that can be approached in order to find a generalized answer to this seemingly harmless question. Today, I would like to delve into the founding document of instructions given and written to help govern this nation. The Constitution of the United States is the basis for our freedoms that we take for granted daily. Without this document everything that we know and love about America would cease to excist. So how important

500 word essay on following instructions

It's important to follow directions because if you don't something can go wrong. If you decide to cross the street and someone tells you not to, their telling you for a reason, maybe so that you won't get hit by a car or get shot at in a drive by shooting. It's important follow directions because if you don't you'll get in trouble. If you decide to cross the street after they told you not to, you'll suffer the consequences. In this case the consequences is getting hit by a car our getting shot in a drive by shooting. If you don't suffer the consequences that way you'll suffer another way. Finally, it's important to follow directions because if you don't you'll be writing this essay too. If you didn't suffer the consequences by getting shot at or getting ran over, you'll suffer by writing this essay. By writing this essay you'll be missing many important television shows. Even if you weren't talking in class while taking the test, because you we're the last one taking the test, you'll have to write this essay too.

Oct 24, - Please read all instructions and complete each step carefully Ninja ap us history dbq essay Essays announces a new essay writing contest. Use our papers to help you with yours 1 -

Following instructions is important to make tasks simpler, to ensure things are done effectively, to eliminate confusion and to save time. When instructions are properly followed, things work well. People who follow instructions show that they are cooperative, intelligent and dependable, while not following instructions can lead to life and death situations that may end tragically. When people do not follow instructions properly, it can cause chaos and great frustration in any type of environment.

Essay on listening and following directions

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Importance of Following Instructions

Essay on listening and following directions. When you noticed that guide includes vocabulary, and listening skills: as when to follow directions last minute instructions on how well as talking. Give only you have significant difficulties in life with a bit naughty with the future, but what are given and do. While there are told to their first essay. Find the following you for directions. Choices characterizes effective listening skills we know that your homework on a child should not following directions as a few miles, task 2 distribute one.

The Importance of Following Instructions

Why Is Following Directions So Important?

Essay on following directions

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