1st day in school essay

1st day in school essay

Hopefully my first day of school would not be very tough and I can adapt to this new change quickly. On the first day of school I was super nervous! I met up with my friends and we shared our schedules, none of them were in any of my classes. When the first bell rang I went inside my class feeling really sad. My teacher introduced herself and played the morning announcements.

My first day at a new school

It is natural on the part of every student to remember the first day at school. It gave me a terrible feeling of fear and anxiety as I went to school with my father. It was my mother who first thought of sending me to school.

Of course I was of the school going age. When my mother expressed it I thought that she was a heartless woman. My mind was disturbed at first.

Although I had heard about school, I had not visited it earlier. My father took me to school which was an unknown place for me. Teachers and students were strangers to me. When I entered the school I felt nervous. It was big building with a large compound wall.

As a small child I could not feel stable at the sight of the building. The atmosphere of the school was calm and quite. I was not acquainted with such atmosphere earlier. It was an old and reputed school in our locality.

My father was a student there in his childhood and youth. The Headmaster was well known to my father and greeted him with a smile. My father introduced me to the Headmaster and requested him to admit me to the school. Then I was enrolled as a student. The Headmaster allowed me to attend the class.

I became nervous. My father left me in the class room and went away. I was about to cry. However, the kind behavior of the Headmaster and the class teacher soothed my feelings. The quality of nervousness vanished from me. He patted me on my back. I replied some of his questions promptly. He became pleased. He also advised me to purchase the text books. At first, I was not able to understand why there were so many teachers. The bell rang. The class teacher left our class and another teacher came.

All the students in our class again stood up. Other students looked at me curiously. The teacher wrote some words on the blackboard. Then the bell rang. Another class began.

In that class, a new teacher asked us to read a passage from a book. Some of us faithfully read it one after another. After three consecutive classes there was a recess of half an hour. I rushed to the play ground along with my class mates. That day I became intimate to Sandeep who became my best friend later on. As it was my first day, I did not carry Tiffin.

Sandeep shared it with me. Only two classes were held after recess. We told stories. The last class was a drawing-class. The drawing teacher was highly pleased when I set aside my nervousness and drew the picture of a jug on the black board.

The classes came to an end at about 4 P. I was not willing to return from school. The memory of my first day at school is very pleasant. I feel proud when I describe it to others.

Free Essays from Bartleby | So the day started off as any school day would, waking up. It would probably be the worst part of going to school, especially on. An Essay/Speech About my first day in school: Kids can use this as an model essay and write an their own essay or kids can use this as speech.

At the start of this English 1A course, I ran into a few struggling problems. Between having to go to work, taking care of a dog, maintaining a social life, and attending school, writing quickly became an old pastime. So, upon being told to freewrite the first day of class, I froze, not remembering how to write though I am someone who usually has plenty to say.

Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you.

It was my first day at school. I had a new bag, water bottle, new books, shoes and socks and also a Dora shaped tiffin box. I was happy about going to school with all these new things, but what I felt sad about was that I had to make new friends too.

My First Day at School Essay Secondary School

It is natural on the part of every student to remember the first day at school. It gave me a terrible feeling of fear and anxiety as I went to school with my father. It was my mother who first thought of sending me to school. Of course I was of the school going age. When my mother expressed it I thought that she was a heartless woman. My mind was disturbed at first.

My First Day at School – Essay

A school is a place of learning and acquiring knowledge for a child. It is here that he gets his basic training. Here he joins new associations, comes in contact with boys of different temperaments and forms new ideas and habits. It is here that he prepares himself for the struggle of life. So the right type of education at school is a must for him. I was hardly five when admitted to a school. It was a primary school. The memory of my first day is still fresh in my mind, it was a small school with eight rooms. There were ten teachers.

A school is a place that teaches everything about life.

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Most kids do good because they are a people person which can help because they talk to people and know were or how to get around from talking to other kids. So this I how I overcame the obstacles on my first day. Don't use plagiarized sources.

First Day Of School Essay

As a previous high school immigrant when I first arrived in United States, I have experience numerous difficulties in school that I would never forget. In addition, I believe immigrant students of secondary school can face major difficulties in learning English and succeeding in school. Since these students do not have a lot of time than elementary students to learn English, and they have to pass several test that require English skill such as the ACT and SAT. Above all, most secondary school texts and materials require a sufficient English reading ability to understand, which will even make learning experience becoming even tougher for high school immigrant. According to U. S Bureau of the Census a statistic, over a million immigrants, legal and illegal, entering the United States each year. And since the passage of the Immigration Act of , which eliminated national origin quotas. Europe is no longer the main sources of newcomers to the United States but instead of Asia and Latin America. The largest groups come from Mexico, China, Cuba, and Vietnam. In the fall of , 9 million about one in five elementary and secondary school students had a foreign born parents. I can say far below from a dollar per day.

First Day of Class Essay

My First Day at School. Life is full of new events. It is a new event for him because its atmosphere is quite different. First day at school is an experience which I cannot forget. Its memory is still fresh in my mind. It was July I got up early in the morning on this day. I got myself prepared. With my father I started towards my new school.

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