125 persuasive essay topic

125 persuasive essay topic

For persuasive essay topic ideas have a look at our list of Interesting Research Paper topics: these can be easily adapted for persuasive speeches. There are lots of good argumentative essay topics to choose from, but you have to pick one which you can easily write an essay on. And here is a pro tip for you: You can also easily turn these prompts into debate topics or persuasive and argumentative speech topics! Imagine you had a hundred dollars, but you couldn't keep it. This exercise also helps students understand how how can i write essay other easy persuasive essay topics people attempt to persuade them—whether it is a friend, classmate, or through advertising and the media No matter what topic you choose, always be credible and purpose-driven.

Ways to Choose Argumentative Essay Topics

Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. Now that you've chosen a topic, be sure to check out my other articles for help in gathering your ideas, organizing them, writing and editing.

Many of the topics in this article would be good for your research. However, you might also want to check out my articles which are specifically about researching and give samples, links and writing instructions for college or high school research essays:. What do you think of the topic, "Why are teens scared to ask for their parents' blessing to start dating? Your question is one that many teens might be interested in discussing.

Here are some other ways to word that topic:. That question is a definition essay which would state and then describe those problems. Other essay topics on the same idea would be:. Any of the topics on this page would be good for a school essay. You could also look at my other lists of ideas if none of these appeals to you. The best topic for your school essay will be one that you care about. Here are some suggestions I give my students for choosing a topic:.

Read the instructions of your teacher carefully and circle or underline any of the important words that help you understand what kind of essay you are supposed to write. You can look through my articles on Letterpile to find examples, instructions on how to write, and also many lists of topics for all of those kinds of essays.

I also have links to research articles to help you out if you are required to use sources for your paper. To choose the best topic for you, I will give you some of the steps I usually give to students:. Look at my topic suggestions for possible ideas and examples of how to write a topic question. Write a full answer to the question, which can be your thesis statement and help you develop your essay. For more information about how to develop your thesis statement into a full outline, see my articles about how to develop good topic sentences.

Is the topic "Do parents with a drug addiction affect a child's present and future? The idea of this question is good. However, you want to avoid wording a question so that it asks for a "yes or no" answer. Here are some better alternatives on this topic:. What can children or teenagers do when they realize their parents have a drug addiction?

Would "Are teens in this generation more stressed and pressured than their parents were? What causes teens of this generation to feel more stressed than previous generations? You might be able to determine the "why" in this question, but I think it might be more interesting to write on one of the following:.

Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. This is great. Thank you for doing such a great job! As a teenager, these different questions just made me discover more! It is important to make good decisions. I am sure many teenagers have heard that term or comment. I do believe in great decisions, however, how do I make great decisions? Is it according to what I think is right, to what my parents think is right,to what my school thinks is right, or a combination?

Where does one draw the line? These questions are a powerful tool to get one thinking, especially a teenager like me. Interesting questions and somehow I don't see any of these a problem. Teenagers deserve to experience their years as they wish with greater responsibility there should be no issues Trust is important.

Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. HubPages Inc, a part of Maven Inc. As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. To provide a better website experience, owlcation. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. Virginia Kearney more. Teenage Trends Why do teens fall in love with celebrities?

Or idolize them? Why do teens spend so much time playing video games? What makes these games so much fun to play? Is playing video games addictive? Is there a point where these games become dangerous?

Does violence in video gaming cause some people to act out violently? If so, is there something we can do to prevent this?

Why are the old-style arcade games still so popular? Which is the best arcade game to play? Is the skating rink still a good place for teens to hang out?

Why do teens like to go to the mall? What do they do when they go? Is it really impolite to ignore a text from a friend? Do you need to text back right away? Is it all right to text to ask someone out? Is social media becoming more important than face to face communication among teens? Should schools allow teens to use their phones and tablets in school? What is the best current fashion trend? What is the worst? Which current pop star is really a good singer?

Or is there a current popular singer you'd like to argue is terrible? What is the best way to listen to your favorite music?

Is hearing your favorite band at a small venue better? Or is there more excitement at a big concert? Should you pay money to buy the products of a band or artist you like? How obligated are you to support the artists you listen to? Is it ever right to post negative comments or pictures about someone online? Is there more bullying in high schools than in the past? Have the things people get bullied about changed?

Should people under 18 be allowed to get a tattoo? Is wearing glasses cooler than it used to be? Do guys look better with facial hair? Do teenagers today care more about helping out and volunteering than teenagers in the past? How can teens help friends who have self-destructive behaviors like eating disorders, cutting or substance abuse?

Who influences teens the most? How does divorce affect teens? Parents and Family Should parents give their teenagers an allowance?

What should teens have to pay for on their own? What should parents pay for? How much money do teens need to have to spend? Should parents give their teens a car and pay for gas and upkeep? Or is it better for teenagers to work to buy their own car? What causes teenagers to rebel against their parents? When should parents give their child a phone? Do all teenagers need a smartphone? Should parents give them one? What kind of curfew should parents set for teenagers?

Should the rules change at different ages? How much housework should high school students be expected to do?

4 funny persuasive writing prompts. This site gives four, fun, and exciting persuasive writing prompt ideas for upper elementary and middle. May 7, - Need a paper or speech topic? argumentative essay topics for high school High School English Argument Topics Writing Classes, Writing.

Homework is easy with expert tips and advice. And even easier when you have an expert to do it for you. Students always find difficult to write an essay on argumentative essay topics.

Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years.

Login or register. Now you can find all you need in our list of free argumentative essay topics. You can also easily turn these prompts into debate topics or persuasive and argumentative speech topics!

Easy persuasive essay topics

A essay that is persuasive also called an argumentative essay, is an item of scholastic writing where you utilize logic and explanation to exhibit that the standpoint is more legitimate than other. You have to expose clear arguments and help them by persuading facts and reasons that are logical. Do you realize just exactly what the biggest issue with one of these kinds of projects is? With such not enough information, it is burdensome for one to get tips that will spark your inspiration for scholastic writing. The greater amount of choices you have got, the easier and simpler it will be so that you can determine what this kind of assignment requires. You probably realized that all subjects above needed your simple opinion and left area for a conversation.

What exactly is A essay that is persuasive Gu

Why should you catch the attention of your professor? Well, grading papers can be quite dull. So, fun essay topics not only make your tutor laugh but also he or she will remember who you are after completing the exercise. Eventually, it leads to a massive boost in your grades. Your essay can be sarcastic, ironic or merely funny. Sarcasm is used in different situations, for example, some may use it to show their anger or dissatisfaction about something. However, learning to use it in creating fun essay topics is something that will quickly catapult your grades. Some topics include:. Our lives are never secure as we come across various challenges while growing up.

Sign up for our free Feb. And, we have new argumentative writing prompts to add to this list.

125 High School English Argument Topics

401 Prompts for Argumentative Writing

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