12 angry men term paper

12 angry men term paper

First off, the settings in the movie are a great deal more fleshed out. In the movie, the audience is placed in the role of the invisible casual observer, who for perhaps the first 5 minutes of the movie, walks throughout the court building passing other court rooms, lawyers, defendants, security officers, elevators, etc. Invisible and distant in the play, we see in the movie the judge, bailiff, those witnessing the trial and most importantly of all- the defendant. This is an important change because in the play, we are free to come up with our own unbiased conclusions as to the nature and identity of the defendant, whom we only know to a be a 19 year boy from the slums. Seeing his haggard and worn face in the movie changes all of that, yet for better or worse, it engages the audience deeper into the trial as they surely will sympathize with him and can gain some insight into why, later, Juror 8 does so as well. Of final note in this summary of points concerning the differences in setting, the jurors all mention the heat wave affecting the city when they begin, and as it agitates them, it serves to heighten the tension between each other and their resentment or other feelings towards jury duty.

Essay/Term paper: 12 angry men

You cannot copy content from our website. If you need this sample, insert an email and we'll deliver it to you. This sample may contain not original content. Our professionals can rewrite it for you. Set in s America, a court jury is faced with sending a young man to face the death penalty for murder accused of killing his father. The film starts in a court room with the judge explaining the processes of what must happen to reach a verdict.

The group of 12 men head into a jury room to decide on a guilty or not guilty verdict. This trial is a difficult case as stated by the judge in the movie and the jury has lots of details to uncover in the discussion that takes place. The judge reminds them that the decision must be unanimous; this sentence had to be either not guilty and life or guilty and the electric chair.

The jury room is small, very hot and stuffy. First, the jurors decided to take a short break before discussing the trial. The jury Forman gathers everyone at the table to start meeting the people. The men are uncomfortable and irritated because of the heat and are trying to rush a verdict so they can leave. The Forman assigns each man a number which is the order that they will cast their vote.

All the jurors presume that the defendant is guilty except for one, the 8th Juror. Not reaching a unanimous vote means they must discuss the trial and causes an aggressive reaction from other jurors. This is where the conflict of the film starts. The Majority of the jury decided that the prosecution had given them what they needed to decide the defendant guilty. By choosing to vote not guilty, the 8th juror is not the most popular person in the room.

The 8th juror now has to try to convince the others to have reasonable doubt that the boy might be innocent. Prosecution believed they had a one-of-a kind murder weapon until juror 8 pulls out the exact copy of the knife that he had purchased the day before. Some of the men that voted guilty based on majority realize that they could be wrong and switch their verdicts to not guilty. Juror 8 continues to use the same evidence to produce and test theories with different results that slowly dissolve the credibility of the evidence against the defendant.

He continues to break apart the case winning over more and more jurors until he has convinced everyone that the defendant is not guilty, and that in a case facing the death penalty you should always revise the case until every detail is taken into account. This negotiation was unique in the fact that there were no established relationships between any of the jurors before the case.

Forman of the jury. While leading the jury we can see that he is uncomfortable in his position of power. Even offering to give up his title when ridiculed.

He is very well mannered and tries to control the temperament of the room. This character seems eager to discuss the evidence but shows his lack in self-confidence by waiting to watch what the other jurors vote for before he cast in his agreement. He is smart and realizes many details as they are brought up. This man is the classic antagonist in this plot he has been against everything juror 8 has had to say.

His estranged relationship with his son has made him hateful and wanting any vengeance he feels that he can get. Juror three is very loud and aggressive, he expresses this verbally as well as in his body language by pointing, arm crossing, and clear gestures of rage until the end of the film.

Stock broker that is very controlled and confident. He believes that the kid is guilty until Juror 9 noticed and analyzed his paralanguage. After negotiating for an extended period of time he removes his glasses and two marks are left on the bridge of the nose. Juror 9 realizes that he saw the same marks on the witness who said she saw the boy stab his father when she woke up in the middle of the night.

He grew up in a slum so he can relate to the circumstances that the boy is in. He provides unique insight from being around knife fights while younger showing that to use a switch blade you stab upwards not down. He is a hardworking man. Raised with values that elders deserve immense respect offers older gentleman a chair. Defends older man even offering to fight if other jurors tried to disrespect him. This juror is treating this case as a joke making his priorities to make it to the baseball game over deciding whether the boy lives or dies.

He is selfish and shows no respect to the other jurors or to the trial in any way. Sways his vote in order to try to get out for the game. His body language clearly read as impatient, disengaged and nervous. The 8th juror is the main character of the film; first to vote not guilty and almost single handedly convinced the other 11 jurors to change their votes. He is the first to consider that a life is more important than an easy verdict and encourages the dialogue along.

Juror 8 is an example of a great negotiator is he was engaged, listening, confident and precise on what he had to say. His body language showed clear interest to the people who were speaking, always giving them his full attention with his body towards them. He seems to have planned out every correct action knowing when to listen and when to command the room.

This juror is the oldest member on the jury. He voted guilty at first and not guilty the second round because he wanted to see what could come out of the discussion if it continued. This type of juror is someone you do not want on a trail or on a negotiation. He is a loud stereotypical racist white man from the suburbs who thinks he is above not only the suspect but some of his juror members as well. Juror 11 is an immigrant and only minority on the jury he is aware of the racism the boy is encountering while trying to defend himself at the same time.

Seems very great full for the opportunity to be on the jury and paying very close attention to details. He is being very formal and treating the process with great respect.

Very professional man proposing the idea of supporting ones vote with their reasoning of why they made the decision to vote guilty. After listening to the details and reviewing evidence he changes his vote to not guilty. The 8th juror had a choice to conform to what the rest of the jury decided on or stand up for what he thought the evidence really proved.

He was down 11 to 1 and faced the tough task of trying to convince the 11 others opposing him that he was right.

When originally asked to explain why he thought the boy was innocent he said that he had reasonable doubt when regarding to the case. He used this time to develop some ideas about the case that could change the minds of others and open the discussion a little more.

As the movie progresses, the 8th juror starts interacting more with the other jurors trying to get them involved in scenarios while using his own skills to start unfolding a totally different story, changing their minds to vote not guilty.

This case was solely built on supporting the guilt of the suspect and considering all testimonies and evidence to be true. The alternative verdict of innocence is not an option for the suspect.

Matching the story that was told in the court room to the story that the jury has come up with can result in a different alternative and, therefore a different verdict.

When in a negotiation involving a court case, there are many disadvantages. One of those would be the reliability of the information received. In this agreement, the jurors acted out the murder scene in multiple scenarios until they found an alternative possibility.

Testimonials can be heard in the court room but once in the jury room there is no way to find out anything else from them. The decision is also based on if you deem the witness as a credible source. This definition in the film eleven jurors decide that the defendant is guilty, while the one juror remains alone.

The majority holds more power over the l juror alone. The 8th juror stands by his decision and uses reasoning and analysis to break through to conclusions. The problem with power in a jury means that it can sometimes be seen as control and having loss of control from one side to the other can divide the jury.

The 8th juror realizes that he must try to regain the power to argue his point, but uses only reasoning to support his claims. Reasoning is defined as the act or process of thinking about something in a logical, sensible way dictionary. It should be efficient. And it should improve or at least not damage the relationship between the parties. I think this case had a great start to achieve justice. The jury was made of 12 individuals with one common goal.

Having the jury reach a non-unanimous vote allows room for open dialogue to happen to try and find a solution. Negotiations should work in the sense that when a positive relationship has been created a good agreement can be reached. In order for the case to rest there must be a unanimous decision of guilty or not guilty. Every possible alternative must be considered. In the movie, we see how every possible detail and aspect must be considered before reaching an agreement.

Initially the first vote was 11 to 1 guilty; it was in the interest of the jurors to analyze if the suspect was really guilty or not. By juror 8 withholding and educating the members he was able to then deviate all 11 men to switching to a not guilty verdict. After knowing the best ways of negotiating during a conflict, it gives a valuable chance on how to weigh different alternatives and come up with the best solution.

When effective and principled negation skills are known, it leads to quick and effective decision-making. The importance of reasoning shows how you can turn an 11 to 1 vote into a 0 to 12 not guilty. Disclaimer: This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay writers. You can order our professional work here. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails.

12 angry men term paper in short essays on female foeticide. Posted by Elisabeth Udyawar on January 29, 12 angry men term paper. Evaluation deciding. Free Essays from Bartleby | INTRODUCTION: 12 Angry Men is a American courtroom drama film adapted from a teleplay of the same name by Reginald.

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How does Rose maintain doubt as to the defendant's guilt or innocence throughout the play? Rose accomplishes this factual ambiguity by never actually allowing any of the jurors to definitively prove his innocence.

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Twelve Angry Men Essays (Examples)

Research papers on 12 Angry Men can investigate on many different aspects of the story line. You can have a research paper written on the legal aspects, moral delemas or sociological concepts exhibited in the story. Anger, one of humanity's primal emotions , has many different forms. It stretches across every possible situation and every personality - a common thread. In any given situation, there will be a possibility for anger, from any one of the innumerable ways to look at it.

12 Angry Men Term paper

Written and co-produced by Rose himself and directed by Sidney Lumet, this trial film tells the story of a jury made up of 12 men as they deliberate the guilt or acquittal of a defendant on the basis of reasonable doubt, forcing the jurors to question their morals and values. In the United States, a verdict in most criminal trials by jury must be unanimous. The film is notable. Sidney Lumet and Reginald Rose the writers and directors of 12 Angry Men wrote and produced a play about 12 jurors that briefly discuss a trial and come to a verdict , personal issues develop which causes conflict and only makes the process more grueling. The accused boy is being found guilty for murdering his father, 12 jurors are put in a hot room in New York. In the movie Twelve Angry Men, Henry Fonda plays a character known as jury member number eight, otherwise also known as Mr. Though this statement may be true, the movie also involves eleven other characters who have huge contributions to the story line. Throughout the movie, the audience watches twelve jury members discuss the alleged murder trial for an eighteen year old. In the film 12 Angry Men, a group of twelve jurors are deciding the fate of a young boy accused of murdering his father.

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12 Angry Men Essay Questions

Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? All Categories. Grade Level. Resource Type. Log In Join Us. View Wish List View Cart. Results for 12 angry men essay Sort by: Relevance. You Selected: Keyword 12 angry men essay. Grades PreK.

12 Angry Men; An Overview And Analysis

Twelve Angry Men Persuading the. According to the boy himself he had motivation as well as the means to kill his father. Perhaps most damning of all, the young man has no alibi. He says he was 'at the movies. Furthermore, the defendant claims he cannot remember the films he saw. I ask you, gentlemen of the jury, if your life hung in the balance, could you not remember the names, or at least a few images and actors, of the movies you saw while your father was murdered? The young man's refusal to provide any evidence underlines his guilt. If he named a film, there would be no eyewitnesses at the cinema, and he knows he might give a wrong name and time for the film. Any…… [Read More].

12 Angry Men Essay

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