22 and depressed

22 and depressed

I remember tossing my graduation cap in the air, not cheering or smiling. I hated the unknown. I hated change. And graduation day was exactly the start of that.

Football and coronavirus: PFA study finds 22% feel depressed or considered self-harm

Sadness, feeling down, and having a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities are familiar feelings for all of us. But if they persist and affect our lives substantially, the issue may be depression.

It can affect adults, adolescents, and children. In this article, learn what depression is and what causes it. We also describe the types, their treatments, and more. Depression is a mood disorder that involves a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.

It is different from the mood fluctuations that people regularly experience as a part of life. Major life events, such as bereavement or the loss of a job, can lead to depression. However, doctors only consider feelings of grief to be part of depression if they persist. Depression is an ongoing problem, not a passing one. It consists of episodes during which the symptoms last for at least 2 weeks.

Depression can last for several weeks, months, or years. Find out more about recognizing the hidden signs of depression. Below are some symptoms of depression that tend to appear more often in females:.

Also, some types of depression are unique to females, such as:. Males with depression are more likely than females to drink alcohol in excess, display anger, and engage in risk-taking as a result of the disorder. Learn more about the symptoms of depression in men. Time at college can stressful, and a person may be dealing with other lifestyles, cultures, and experiences for the first time. Some students have difficulty coping with these changes, and they may develop depression, anxiety, or both as a result.

Physical changes, peer pressure, and other factors can contribute to depression in teenagers. The CDC estimate that, in the U. In children, symptoms can make schoolwork and social activities challenging.

They may experience symptoms such as:. Younger children may have difficulty expressing how they feel in words. This can make it harder for them to explain their feelings of sadness. The medical community does not fully understand the causes of depression. There are many possible causes, and sometimes, various factors combine to trigger symptoms.

Support : This can range from discussing practical solutions and possible causes to educating family members. Psychotherapy : Also known as talking therapy, some options include one-to-one counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy CBT.

Drug treatment : A doctor may prescribe antidepressants. A person should only take these medications as their doctor prescribes. Some drugs can take a while to have an impact.

By stopping the drug, a person may not experience the benefits that it could offer. Raise any concerns about antidepressants with a doctor, including any intention to stop taking the medication. Here, learn more about antidepressants and how they can help. Find out more about the possible side effects of antidepressants here.

The warnings should indicate that, among other risks, these medications may increase suicidal thoughts or actions in some children, teenagers, and young adults within the first few months of treatment. Some people use natural remedies, such as herbal medicines, to treat mild-to-moderate depression.

However, since the FDA do not monitor herbal remedies, manufacturers may not be truthful about the quality of these products. They may not be safe or effective. Learn more here. Ginseng : Practitioners of traditional medicine may use this to improve mental clarity and reduce stress.

Find out more here about ginseng. Chamomile : This contains flavonoids that may have an antidepressant effect. For more information about chamomile, click here.

Lavender : This may help reduce anxiety and insomnia. Learn more here about lavender. It is essential to speak to a doctor before using any type of herbal remedy or supplement to treat depression.

Some herbs can interfere with the action of drugs or otherwise make symptoms worse. A person may take the herbs above as supplements to treat symptoms of mild-to-moderate depression. Other types of supplements may also help treat these symptoms. It is important to remember that the FDA do not monitor supplements to ensure that they are effective or safe. S-adenosyl methionine SAMe : This is a synthetic form of a natural chemical in the body.

Some research has suggested that SAMe may be as helpful as the prescription antidepressants imipramine and escitalopram, but more investigation is necessary. Learn more about how herbs and supplements may help relieve depression.

Eating a lot of sugary or processed foods can lead to various physical health problems. Results of a study suggest that a diet that includes many of these types of food could affect the mental health of young adults. Can other foods worsen or improve depression symptoms?

Find out here. Psychological, or talking, therapies for depression include CBT, interpersonal psychotherapy, and problem-solving treatment, among others. For some forms of depression, psychotherapy is usually the first-line treatment, while some people respond better to a combination of psychotherapy and medications.

CBT and interpersonal psychotherapy are the two main types of psychotherapy for depression. A person may have CBT in individual sessions with a therapist, in groups, over the telephone, or online. Interpersonal therapy aims to help people identify:. Aerobic exercise raises endorphin levels and stimulates the neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which is linked with mood.

This may help relieve mild depression. Brain stimulation therapies are another treatment option. For example, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation sends magnetic pulses to the brain, and this may help treat major depression.

If depression does not respond to drug treatment, the person may benefit from electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT. This may be effective if psychosis occurs with depression. A person with major depression experiences a constant state of sadness.

They may lose interest in activities that they used to enjoy. Also known as dysthymia, persistent depressive disorder causes symptoms that last for at least 2 years. Depression is a common symptom of bipolar disorder, and research shows that people with this disorder may have symptoms around half of the time.

This can make bipolar disorder hard to distinguish from depression. What does bipolar disorder involve, and what types are there? Psychosis can involve delusions, such as false beliefs and a detachment from reality. It can also involve hallucinations — sensing things that do not exist. Postpartum depression , or postnatal depression, is more severe. There is no single cause for this type of depression, and it can persist for months or years.

Anyone who experiences ongoing depression after delivery should seek medical attention. Previously called seasonal affective disorder , or SAD, this type of depression is related to the reduction in daylight during the fall and winter. People who live in countries with long or severe winters seem to be affected more by this condition.

If a person suspects that they have symptoms of depression, they should seek professional help from a doctor or mental health specialist. A qualified health professional can rule out various causes, ensure an accurate diagnosis, and provide safe and effective treatment.

They will ask questions about symptoms, such as how long they have been present. A doctor may also conduct an examination to check for physical causes and order a blood test to rule out other health conditions. What is the difference between situational and clinical depression?

Mental health professionals often ask people to complete questionnaires to help assess the severity of their depression. The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale , for example, has 21 questions. The scores indicate the severity of depression among people who already have a diagnosis. National hotlines provide free, confidential assistance from trained professionals 24 hours a day. They may benefit anyone with depression who wants or needs to talk about their feelings. Samaritans : This nonprofit organization offers emotional support to anyone who has feelings of depression or loneliness or who is considering suicide.

Call or text HOPE to contact them. A person with a parent or sibling who has depression is two-to-three times more likely than the general public to develop the condition. A recent study suggests that susceptibility to depression may not result from genetic variation.

The researchers acknowledge that while depression could be inherited, many other issues also influence its development. Learn more about whether depression has a genetic link.

Depression seems more common than ever, especially in young adults. If you're not feeling like yourself, here's how to treat depression and get that spark back. Short answer: yes, you should. Long answer: as another commenter noted, 22 is no age to be depressed, particularly as you indicate the problem is.

Sadness, feeling down, and having a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities are familiar feelings for all of us. But if they persist and affect our lives substantially, the issue may be depression. It can affect adults, adolescents, and children.

There has been an increase in players reaching out to the PFA for support, with more than seeking wellbeing or educational support since the beginning of the Covid lockdown.

Antenatal depression is when you feel sad all the time for weeks or months during your pregnancy. The condition can vary from mild to severe and can affect women in different ways.

$ the depressed developer 22

Major depressive disorder MDD , also known simply as depression , is a mental disorder characterized by at least two weeks of low mood that is present across most situations. The cause is believed to be a combination of genetic , environmental, and psychological factors. Those with major depressive disorder are typically treated with counseling and antidepressant medication. Major depression significantly affects a person's family and personal relationships , work or school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health. A person having a major depressive episode usually exhibits a very low mood, which pervades all aspects of life, and an inability to experience pleasure in activities that were formerly enjoyed. Depressed people may be preoccupied with, or ruminate over, thoughts and feelings of worthlessness, inappropriate guilt or regret, helplessness, hopelessness, and self-hatred.

Depression in pregnancy

For more information please click here. To view previous newsletters - click here. Literacy is a luxury that many of us take for granted. It's exactly what it sounds like. The customizable page book, accompanied by local celebrity audio recordings, ensures that vital health and social messages can be seen, heard, read and understood.. Zane Wilson Founder This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. For counselling queries e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots.

ALMOST A quarter of current and former professionals surveyed during the coronavirus pandemic say they are depressed or have considered self-harm. There are financial situations with clubs furloughing players, there is deferral of wages.

Depression and thoughts of self-harm have affected more than a fifth of current and former footballers surveyed by the players' union during the coronavirus pandemic. Will it work? What about my family?

Footballers' survey reveals 22% are depressed or considered self-harm

Millions of Americans suffer from clinical depression each year. Most depressed patients first seek treatment from their primary care providers. Generally, depressed patients treated in primary care settings receive pharmacologic therapy alone. There is evidence to suggest that the addition of cognitive-behavioral therapies, specifically exercise, can improve treatment outcomes for many patients. Exercise is a behavioral intervention that has shown great promise in alleviating symptoms of depression. The current review discusses the growing body of research examining the exercise-depression relationship that supports the efficacy of exercise as an adjunct treatment. Terms used in the search were clinical depression, depression, exercise, and physical activity. Further, because primary care physicians deliver important mental health services to the majority of depressed patients, several specific recommendations are made regarding counseling these patients on the adoption and maintenance of exercise programs. Depression affects roughly 9. The vast majority of those suffering from depression first seek treatment from their primary care providers. Treatment of clinical depression can be improved by the addition of cognitive-behavioral therapies, 10 and by exercise.

Major depressive disorder

Male depression is a serious medical condition, but many men try to ignore it or refuse treatment. Learn the signs and symptoms — and what to do. Do you feel irritable, isolated or withdrawn? Do you find yourself working all the time? Drinking too much? These unhealthy coping strategies may be clues that you have male depression. Depression can affect men and women differently. When depression occurs in men, it may be masked by unhealthy coping behavior.

PFA study reveals 22% of members feel depressed or considered self-harm

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What is depression and what can I do about it?

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