Write on the paper

Write on the paper

Let us show you in 10 steps how to write a really good paper abstract that will help you get published and likely generate a bigger audience for your work. The abstract of your paper will be found by lots of researchers in online databases. They might come across your abstract through a database search, or through using keywords in their search. They will scan your abstract, and if it is convincing and well-written, they might download and start reading your paper. But, think about it, how often have you downloaded a paper after you read a really poor, confusing and irrelevant paper abstract? We guess… not too often.

1: How to write a paper abstract?

Let us show you in 10 steps how to write a really good paper abstract that will help you get published and likely generate a bigger audience for your work. The abstract of your paper will be found by lots of researchers in online databases. They might come across your abstract through a database search, or through using keywords in their search. They will scan your abstract, and if it is convincing and well-written, they might download and start reading your paper. But, think about it, how often have you downloaded a paper after you read a really poor, confusing and irrelevant paper abstract?

We guess… not too often. Why would you start reading a paper if the abstract is already poor? Therefore, if you want your paper to be published, found, and read by many of your peers, to let them know the good research you are doing, you should craft a well-written abstract!

Let us show you how you can develop an abstract that readers will like and that will help you to promote your work. There is a common misunderstanding about abstracts: The abstract is not a teaser of a paper, where you start to tell some interesting bits about the research that is to come in the paper, but you stop when it really gets exciting, to tempt the reader.

Once you watch the movie, most of the trailer scenes come up in the first five minutes, but the story has not yet enfolded. The abstract is also not an outline for a paper that you are going to write, where you briefly sketch the content that should be covered in your paper.

This is not what an abstract should be used for. An abstract is the short summary of a paper published in an international peer-reviewed journal. Abstract and summary can be used synonymously in papers. The abstract summarises the entire content of the paper, not only some parts.

After reading the abstract, your readers should have a very clear idea what they can expect to read in the paper. Yes, the information in the paper will be far more detailed and specific but the research question, how it has been addressed and what has been found should already be clear to the reader after reading the abstract.

In a paper, the abstract appears on the front page. This is where your peers, the potential readers of your paper, will most likely first find it. Purpose 1: It plays a key role when other researchers look for literature on a specific topic. It informs them about the content and the benefits of your paper. Based on the abstract, a researcher might determine the relevance of a paper and might decide to read the paper.

A good abstract on a topic someone is interested in extends them an invitation to read the entire paper! Purpose 2: Your abstract has also an important function in the peer-review process. Once your paper is submitted to the journal to be judged by its editors and reviewers, they will first look at the abstract of the paper to get a first impression of your topic and its relevance. When an editor decides to pass it on to a reviewer, this reviewer will also see your abstract first.

They will use the abstract to help them decide to accept or decline the review invitation. A well-written abstract may make a reviewer like your paper that much more. Getting a review invitation with a poor abstract creates no appetite to review a paper. If the reviewer decides to review anyway he or she might be biased from the start and look merely for confirmation that the rest of the paper follows the quality of the abstract.

The abstract is often the first thing readers start with and it comes on the first page. But please, do not write it as the first section of your paper. Write the abstract only once the other paper sections are completed.

You can only summarise what you have already written. If you write the abstract at the beginning, you risk writing statements that are not included in the paper. As a consequence, you will have to rewrite your abstract later.

If the paper sections are well-written and you follow the steps outlined below, it should not take you longer than minutes to write a very informative abstract. Most abstracts are between and words. Seldom will you find abstracts of more than words in papers. For conferences, abstracts can sometimes be longer, and labelled as extended abstracts up to 1, words. Most journals have a standard maximum length that they consider appropriate for abstracts.

You can find it in the journal guidelines for authors. You can also look at the length of other abstracts within the same journal. Do not substantially exceed the maximum length. If you have already written your paper, writing a good abstract that satisfies the demands specified above is NOT difficult.

You need only to summarise what you have already said somewhere else in the paper. As with any book summary, a paper abstract should summarise all text sections. Regardless what your main paper sections are, they all should be recognisable in your abstract. Write the main section headings of your paper on a sheet of paper e. They are the backbone elements of your abstract and ensure that you summarise all paper sections.

Look at your Introduction section again. Imagine you need to explain to somebody in one to two sentences what you have written in your Introduction. You cannot go into much detail. Write one sentence about the overall problem, the background of your research, and tell the reader why it is important. In your second sentence, state the paper objective the research question that your paper addresses. The reader needs to understand what the research aim of your paper is.

Now, screen the Methods section of your paper. What are the key method steps that you have undertaken to achieve the objective stated above? Summarise these steps again in one to two sentences, no more. You do not need to tell your readers the specific details of your methods. It is most important for the reader to understand which methods you used.

Numbers, percentages, sample sizes and other specifications can typically be left out unless they represent a very unique feature of your paper and therefore should be stated. Next, review your Results section. What is the main finding of your study? Describe it in one to two sentences.

Make sure that you respond to the research questions that you stated above. The reader wants to know what the outcome of your study is. Again, use numbers and details only very sparsely. If your result can be expressed in one key figure, state it, otherwise describe in words. Do not present many small details and results that may confuse the reader.

Briefly browse through your Discussion section. What are the main results and aspects you are discussing? Draft one sentence where you mention the three most important ones.

If there is one striking aspect that results from your findings then mention it as well. In the abstract, the discussion of single aspects can be stated within the same sentence as the result?.

Read your Conclusion section again. What is the main take-home message that you want to tell your readers? Place this message at the end of the abstract. You can even copy it from the conclusion section, you do not have to reinvent the wheel by creating totally new sentences. In the abstract, discussion and conclusion can be merged but make sure readers find a concluding statement in your abstract.

Otherwise, they would assume there is nothing to conclude from your paper. Now that you have a draft version of your abstract, you may want to edit it to improve clarity for your readers. One aspect to review is the tense form you chose.

We recommend you write the abstract in the past tense, as it is a summary of a paper that reports on an activity that took place in the past. You are mainly referring to your own work here and therefore, past tense is appropriate. A second aspect to look at is style. Avoid sentences that are too long and complicated. Try to use simple and easily understandable phrases and reduce the use of too many relative clauses. Avoid an extensive use of passive voice.

A third aspect to look at is length. It is a good idea to keep your abstract short. Even if the journal has no specific word limit for the length of the abstract, stick to a maximum of words.

A longer abstract takes more time to read and might be a reason why yours is skipped. If the journal has a word limit of words or even less, you might need to modify the steps outlined above and summarise each paper section in one sentence only. In an abstract every sentence and every word needs to be well chosen. You do not have a lot of space to explain things here. You must make sure that every sentence has a clear function in your abstract.

You do not need transition sentences to bridge different parts of the paper.

about a physical piece of paper or a newspaper, academic paper, etc. What he wrote in the paper proved his theory. She left me a note written on the paper. Cuál es la prep. correcta? ¿Sigue siendo la misma si decimos to copy/draw/​underline/highlight in/on the sheet/paper/book..? Gracias, Magg.

This guide is aimed at undergraduate university students faced with the frequent task of writing essays, term papers, or reports. This is not a comprehensive manual covering the intricacies of research, writing, and formatting. A list of such manuals is provided at the end of this guide. You may feel overwhelmed by the enormity of an assignment; however, it may help to think of your assignment as a series of small, manageable steps. For example, a word essay might be broken down in this way:.

With all the things you have going on as a student, writing a paper can seem like a daunting task.

There are two words that evoke instant anxiety in nearly every academic—research paper. A research paper is different from a research proposal also known as a prospectus , although the writing process is similar. A proposal is a persuasive piece meant to convince its audience of the value of a research project.

Write the Paper First

Students often find philosophy papers difficult to write since the expectations are very different from those in other disciplines, even from those of other disciplines in the humanities. What follows is some general advice about how to go about writing short 4 - 5 page philosophy papers on pre-assigned topics. Make sure that you have read all of the relevant texts very carefully. Even though you have probably read these texts previously, it is a good idea to reread them in light of the question you plan to answer. Also make sure that you have spent some time thinking about the question itself.

How to Write a Research Paper

I write down on paper what somebody said, when I met with them. But if historians of Fascism can't write down on paper what it is, they can recognize it when they see it. I can't stress this enough -- write down on paper precisely what that represents for you. Everything we needed was in front of us, already written down on paper , we just had to remove what wasn't needed. This was the original YA heart-breaker, before Hazel and Augustus were written down on paper and into our hearts. So I wrote down on paper a plan of how to pay for the computer and increase business. Look at rap music: artists are performing the spoken word that, if written down on paper , most people would call poetry. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. Since I tried Ludwig back in , I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.

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Write down on a paper the type of the pile, and next to it write what kind of box you will need. Fredkin said he had started mulling the universe as a computer back in the 's but began publishing papers about it only around Then groups should rephrase the modifications to the steps to specify their "secrets," which they should write down on a slip of paper. Before Viewing Ask students to write down on a slip of paper a sentence about where they were and what they were doing when they first remember hearing about the events of Sept.

How to Write a Research Paper . . . and Get an A+

If you're planning to submit a conference paper, I'd like to strongly suggest that you spend the next few days just writing the paper even if you haven't yet planned or finished the experiments. The deadline is a few weeks or months away. You can spare a few days now just to focus hard on the writing. Here are several reasons why Clear motivation and exposition are more important than results for getting your paper accepted. If you run out of time, it is better to have a great story with incomplete experiments than a sloppy draft with complete experiments. A good paper builds its case with the accumulated weight of several experiments, so missing a few is not fatal and you can finish them for the camera-ready version. But a confusing, unconvincing, or incomplete writeup is fatal. But let's assume you are aiming for both clear writing and complete experiments. Suppose you have to finish the paper on no sleep. Which would you rather have left for the last minute, writing or hacking? Hint 1: You can hack on little sleep, if you know what needs to be hacked. But you can't write effectively. Writing involves many big and small decisions, which will seem insurmountable when you're exhausted and panicked. Hint 2: Five students can be hacking in parallel at the last minute, but they can't all be co-writing with me at the last minute.

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