Word count generator

Word count generator

This is a free online calculator which counts the number of words or units in a text. Authors writing your book, pupils working on your essay, self-employed word smiths, teachers, translators, professors, or simply curious individuals: please feel free to use this tool to count the number of words in your document. It will also be useful for database, grammatical research, translation breakdowns, dictionary creation, commercial writing, etc. To start, simply write or paste the text into the text areas. When you have finished, click on Count words under the text area, and watch the results appear immediately. You can also clear your text anytime you want by clicking on Reset.

Online Word Counter for Text

This is so useful, the word counter on google docs include punctuation and space which is really annoying, but this tells you everything in detail. Loving the word counter Thank you for such a great and easy-to-use calculator, i needed the number of characters without spaces for translation and no other calculator had this function. It's already in my bookmark list. Great counter. Just, could there be an option choosing what specific you want to count?

Like, if you want to count symbols or letters in the alphabet or number or, words? Frustrates me when I just want to know how many spaces or symbols there are.

This is a really great character counter. Thank you so much for making it and having it as a public place. I love how you do not need a login or anything This is a great clean app! Any chance for a save option in the future? In case of accidental page refresh or closing It's so convenient to work in this app window to get my text down to the necessary size, but then I have to remember to copy-paste my text into another document often not to loose it.

It would be great if you had an optional two box layout, to count two sets of words at once for both comparison and adwords! Hello Mikayla, thank you for your feedback. We aim to make charcounter as clean as possible. Did you try to open it in two separate windows? This is the only character counter I use. I love how clean and responsive it is. Nothing but the essentials. I was using this to count chinese characters. It worked quite well except it counted the periods, commas and other punctuation marks too.

I really love this tool, but I was wondering why it always begins with one character and not zero? Didn't exactly help. I was trying to see how many of each character I had for a home decor project.

Website works as needed and then a bit more. Personally , the greyed text such as the text used to change a language and used to display names could be somewhat darker , but that doesn't change how the website works. I am contacting you with a suggestion.

I love using your website because of the minimalistic aesthetic; however, the feedback looks too bulky. Was suggesting you provide one the choice of hiding the feedback while working on your site. I had been using the JavaScripts character counter for many years but had to "fire" it today because the new advertising pop-up blocks the text entry box making it very difficult to use on my Android tablet.

I was glad to find this site with its very clean interface and will recommend it to all of my friends! It was very helpful and helped me avoid counting every letter and punctuation. Was looking for a simply online character counter to avoid title truncating. Good job! The Website is good anyway.

Appears at the top of a search for "Chinese word count without punctuation" but does not fulfill this function. Perhaps a word with google is in order? Is there a clear button? If there isn't, I think it might be great to add one. It's so easy and it's amazing! I was working on a report and was wondering about this info. Keep it up!! This is hands down the best characters counter I have ever seen. Not only it is working in real time so not like in the others - paste text, press count letters , but also is making distinction for white spaces etc.

Good job. Thanks so much for this awesome tool! Awesome website.. Perfectly works!! Never off!! No Ads!! Perfect UI.. Simple, East and Faster.. Keep rocking :. Great site, but i'd like to add it as a search engine in google chrome so that I could bind a shorthand access to it say typing "cc" followed by the text.

This could be problematic for long texts though. It's such a simple, user-friendly character counter. I love it. I hope to come back to it; and I will! This is a really helpful website. This is just so useful, thank you for making this accessible and simple, it's really user-friendly! I'm using them as less than and greater than, so I want to count them as characters and not as HTML tags.

This is great! Is there way to add functionality to remove punctuation from the character count too? Great site to count the characters, especially characters excluding the spaces. Extremely helpfull. The site is very useful enough to use and I am so honored that I was brought here since my first Google search to find for free character count sites and this was the 1st site that I have seen.

Very Useful tool! Not only character counting. Clean and Minimal Interface, Easy to use. Love this! Wow, nice one!! I have seen many character counters but this one is best and awesome.. I am not kidding.. It is the simplest character counter I have seen ever.

I agree with Cyd, who misses the small window, while I agree with everyone who likes the large window! The Solution? Offer us both, just like we are offered German or English! Please add 9 and 1. Daniel Really useful, always a reliable tool for getting word-counts for exams But wait, why are two of comments exactly the same? Hoang Nguyen Really useful, always a reliable tool for getting word-counts for exams Lele This is so useful, the word counter on google docs include punctuation and space which is really annoying, but this tells you everything in detail.

Charlie Really useful, always a reliable tool for getting word-counts for exams Madilyn Kate Kellam I love this word counter!

It is so sleek and looks professional! Drew Use this multiple times a week. Thanks Sunny Great counter. Sanjit Majumdar When did this launch? This one is super easy and helpful. Great work!!! Olivya Gostei desse teste rsr Matt This is a super useful character counter. Useful and easy to use! Jazz This is a really great character counter.

Leon This is awesome!

The must-have free word counter that provides an extensive report about the word count, character count, keyword density, readability & many other useful stats. Word Counter Tool is a free online word count tool to help you count and calculate the number of words in a text. This online tool can also calculate the total.

Apart from counting words and characters, our online editor can help you to improve word choice and writing style, and, optionally, help you to detect grammar mistakes and plagiarism. To check word count, simply place your cursor into the text box above and start typing. You'll see the number of characters and words increase or decrease as you type, delete, and edit them. You can also copy and paste text from another program over into the online editor above.

Word Counters.

You can use this online word counter to not just count words but also determine the frequency count of keywords in text content which is good for optimizing your web pages for SEO. You could also use the sentence counter tool which includes word count information alongside the sentence count.

Free online letter count / character counter

Many thanks to: Nicolai of textformer Eric of Richytype and Peewee. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

Count Word Frequency

Simply input text to start counting OR. Word Count Tool Word Count Tool is a word counter that provides an extensive statistics about the word count, character count, the number of characters without spaces This tool also reports the number of syllables, monosyllabic words, polysyllabic words, sentences, paragraphs, unique words, short words, long words, This handy word counting tool runs in all popular web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer This tool is suitable to count words and characters in books, essays, novels, blogs, Twitter, Facebook statuses This tool allows you to upload files to count words, characters and syllables in different file formats such as Text documents, Word documents, Excel documents, PowerPoint documents, PDF documents Word count is a very important metric of a writing. Besides, this tool also includes many other features like readability, keyword density

Online Word Counter is a free online tool to quickly see the word count and characters count in any given text. Just enter your text in the textarea and we will calculate the unique number of words and characters with and without spaces for you.

Our free word calculator and word counter will automatically count how many words, characters, and paragraphs are in your text. Just type or paste your text below to get started! Often writers are tasked with creating content that has a certain word count restriction.

Word Counter

To enable grammar checking plugins like Grammarly and Ginger, disable ours from the settings panel on the left. Writing a great argumentative essay begins with choosing the perfect persuasive topic. This article outlines how to select the ideal topic that is not only relevant and debatable but also interesting. Choose from this list of topic ideas ranging in everything from law and history to pop culture and sports. Check out our blog for fresh posts, how-tos and just about everything word count related you could possibly imagine and even some you probably couldn't. Two of the easiest words in the English language to mix up, learn the difference between Affect and Effect, when each should be used and more. In what context do you use its vs. Learn what each determiner means, when to use them and how to remember their rules for next time. Who is there? Whom are you looking for? Master the delicate grammatical intricacies of when to use Who and Whom and you'll be the talk of the town. Signup to be the first to know when we publish updates, best-practices, tips and tricks. How many pages is words?

Free online word count / words counter

This is so useful, the word counter on google docs include punctuation and space which is really annoying, but this tells you everything in detail. Loving the word counter Thank you for such a great and easy-to-use calculator, i needed the number of characters without spaces for translation and no other calculator had this function. It's already in my bookmark list. Great counter. Just, could there be an option choosing what specific you want to count? Like, if you want to count symbols or letters in the alphabet or number or, words? Frustrates me when I just want to know how many spaces or symbols there are.

Character Count Tool - Character Counter

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