Story generator with specific words

Story generator with specific words

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Plot Generator

Before we left on our road trip, I was looking for a list of writing prompts to bring along, stuck in my notebook. So, I searched google. And for some weird reason, this came up: Short Story Generator. That sounded to good to not try out, so I bookmarked the page and came back after I found my prompts. I went through, filled out all the forms, read my story and laughed so hard I cried and everyone asked what was so funny. It was kind of hard to just tuck away this little generator after that.

Grab Bag had always hated paralyzed Disneyland with its manky, melodic mascots. It was a place where he felt bruising. He was a fat, hungry, gutter water drinker with gamine eyebrows and slim scars. His friends saw him as a delicious, delightful dead cat. Once, he had even saved a tasty teddy bear lost at a train station that was stuck in a drain. Grab walked over to the window and reflected on his the-happiest-place-on-earth surroundings.

The tornado teased like boiling over killer whales. Then he saw something in the distance, or rather some one. It was the figure of Lunch Box. Lunch was a good pawn with tubby eyebrows and skinny scars. As Grab stepped outside and Lunch came closer, he could see the magnificent glint in his eye. Grab looked back, even more drowning and still fingering the burnt to a crisp spanking stick. They looked at each other with having a tantrum feelings, like two blue, breezy bumble bee bats throwing a fit at a very useful statue dedication, which had dirge music playing in the background and two useless uncles screeching to the beat.

Eventually, he took a deep breath. Lunch looked woozy, his body raw like a stormy, successful side of beef. Then the a good pawn hurried away into the distance. I will stress the fact that this was not written by me. This was a generator.

So, here is the epic fantasy saga of Dan Sparkle. In a hole in the wall there lived a bratty, sweet mealworm named Dan Sparkle. Not a weird ugly, unfriendly hole in the wall, filled with strawberry stems and a helpless smell, nor yet a dead, disobedient, really sick hole in the wall with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a mealworm-hole in the wall, and that means disappointment.

One day, after a troubling visit from the shrew Annie Superhalk, Dan leaves his hole in the wall and sets out in search of three passed out shoelaces.

A quest undertaken in the company of kangaroos, unicorns and fire-breathing opera singers. In the search for the shrew-guarded shoelaces, Dan Sparkle surprises even himself with his stupidity and skill as a garbage man. During his travels, Dan rescues an empty milk jug, an heirloom belonging to Annie. But when Annie refuses to try fainting, their friendship is over.

However, Annie is wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg and the two reconcile just before Dan engages in some serious fainting.

Dan accepts one of the three passed out shoelaces and returns home to his hole in the wall a very wealthy mealworm. The lesson of this blog post: Just write your own stories. Is this for real?! Neither does Horatio. Bucky, on the other hand, burst out laughing. I think Obi-Wan is a type one along with Horatio and Steve.

Type Two gets the story. As opposed to Type Two and Three, who tell jokes. Yeah, random humor. I bet Bucky liked that he was included in the story. Go do it! He thought it was hilarious. This makes me want to write a ridiculous story about the One Ring trying to get Loki to behave. Fan girls say so.

You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content. And for some weird reason, this came up: Short Story Generator That sounded to good to not try out, so I bookmarked the page and came back after I found my prompts.

Grab gulped. He was not prepared for Lunch. And the generator is actually not really this ridiculous. I just filled in everything wrong. On purpose. So who wants to read that book? Email Print. Like this: Like Loading Yep, sorry Steve. Yeah… according to Steve, it has to have a point to be funny. Any thoughts? Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Previous Post Holocaust Remembrance Day.

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Want to write a customised short story really quickly? Choose a style, opening and type of ending, name your character, choose a few adjectives and we write a​. Automatically generate a story plot for film or paperback using key words of your choice. Select from a variety of styles and either publish them online or destroy.

For a story to be told, there needs to be writing ideas. The idea it puts out needs to spark your creative process. The interface is simple. You can then start writing immediately.

You want to work on your novel, your short story, or your latest poem, but there is just no gas in the tank to make that happen. Everyone has a different style and approach to how they interact with and interpret writing prompts.

Create your own story online using our ultimate story creator. Our story creator comes with built-in story starters, artwork and more to inspire writers of all abilities! Create a story.

Your Short Story Generator!

It's story about It kicks off with. By continuing, you will also receive Reedsy's weekly writing tips and access to our free webinars. Over , authors trust the Reedsy Book Editor to write and format their manuscript. All of the plots that you score are yours to use! But what exactly can you do with it now? Head to the free resources below to discover the writing world beyond story generators:.

Drabble Generator

Before we left on our road trip, I was looking for a list of writing prompts to bring along, stuck in my notebook. So, I searched google. And for some weird reason, this came up: Short Story Generator. That sounded to good to not try out, so I bookmarked the page and came back after I found my prompts. I went through, filled out all the forms, read my story and laughed so hard I cried and everyone asked what was so funny. It was kind of hard to just tuck away this little generator after that. Grab Bag had always hated paralyzed Disneyland with its manky, melodic mascots. It was a place where he felt bruising. He was a fat, hungry, gutter water drinker with gamine eyebrows and slim scars.

Okay, so here you go!

February 11 , AI story generator apps will help you to produce cutting-edge content and streamline content creation across different departments.

Short Story Generator

None Male Female It. Make Story! You can change the story template the text above in any way you like. If you add new story keys to the template, click the "Update Template" button. Your new keys keys will then be loaded above the template, and you can give them new values. After you've finished giving the keys new values, click the "Make Story" button again to see your new story. Single words inside square brackets will be replaced with whatever words you give them above. These are called the story "keys". Here are some examples of story keys. When you add these to your template, click the "Update Template" button and change their values. When you click "Make Story", the keys will be replaced by the values you gave them.

Five Writing Prompt Generators to Shake Writer’s Block

Masterpiece Generator refers to a set of text generator tools created by Aardgo. The tools are designed to be cool and entertain, but also help aspiring writers create a range of different media, including plots, lyrics for songs, poems, letters and names. Some generated content parodies existing styles and artists, whilst others are based on original structures. Our first generator, Song Lyrics Generator was launched in as a student magazine project. After it proved popular, we expanded to include plots, and the project grew from there. We're proud to see work we've helped you create pop up on blogs and in fun projects. We enjoy watching you read your creations on YouTube. We're currently developing a cool app based on our site. Masterpiece Generator.

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