3 causes of the french revolution essay

3 causes of the french revolution essay

The French Revolution had actually five causes, but actually the main reason was that French was passing by some financial problems, but we have a lot of other reasons like: we had the Revolutionary situation, the social inequality, the Enlightenment ideas, the debt, the taxation, the failure of reforms etc. French Revolution started in and ended in and yes was the same time that the big political leader Napoleon Bonaparte was in France command. What do you think? These ideas and beliefs would cause a revolution in France, causing the French Revolution to By the peasants realizing things were unfair with Nobles, Kings, and other high social figures at the time were getting there way, like not having to pay taxes.

Major Causes of French Revolution

The three main causes of French revolution are as follows: 1. Political Cause 2. Social Cause 3. Economic Cause. During the eighteen the Century France was the centre of autocratic monarchy. Louis XIV was the exponent of this view. The French Monarchs engaged themselves in luxurious and extravagance at the royal court of Versailles.

They enjoyed unlimited power. By the Letter de Catchet, they arrested any person at any time and imprisoned them. They paid no attention towards their subjects. He was an efficient, hard-working and confident ruler. He participated in many wars. His defective foreign policy weakened the economic condition of France.

France became bankrupt due to over expenditure in wars and luxury. He realised it later on. During that period, the economic condition of France became weak. Louis XVI was an innocent and simple man.

But he was influenced by his queen Marie Antoinette who always interfered in the state affairs. What a burden of mine and they have taught me nothing. She always felt proud as she was the daughter of Austrain Empress. She always enjoyed luxurious and extravagant life. She sowed seed of the French Revolution. Thus, the autrocratic monarchy, defective administration, extravagant expenditure formed the political cause of the French Revolution.

The Social condition of France during the eighteenth century was very miserable. The Clergy belonged to the First Estate. The higher clergy occupied the top position in the society. They managed the churches, monasteries and educational institutions of France. They did not pay any tax to the monarch. They exploited the common people in various ways. The higher clergy lived in the midst of scandalous luxury and extravagance.

The common people had a strong hatred towards the higher clergy. On the other hand, the lower clergy served the people in true sense of the term and they lived a very miserable life. They also did not pay any tax to the king. The Nobility was also sub divided into two groups-the Court nobles and the provincial nobles. The court nobles lived in pomp and luxury. They did not pay any heed towards the problems of the common people of their areas. On the other hand, the provincial nobles paid their attention towards the problems of the people.

But they did not enjoy the same privileges as the Court nobles enjoyed. The Third Estate formed a heterogenous class. The farmers, cobblers, sweepers and other lower classes belonged to this class. The condition of the farmers was very miserable. They paid the taxes like Taille, Tithe and Gable. Inspite of this, the clergies and the nobles employed them in their fields in curve. The Bourgeoisie formed the top most group of the Third Estate.

The doctors, lawyers, teachers, businessmen, writers and philosophers belonged to this class. They had the wealth and social status. But the French Monarch, influenced by the clergies and nobles, ranked them as the Third Estate. So they influenced the people for revolution. They aroused the common people about their rights. Thus, the common people became rebellious.

The lower Clergies and the provincial nobles also joined their hands with the common people along with the bourgeoisie. The economic condition of France formed another cause for the outbreak of the French Revolution.

During the reign period of Louis XVI, the royal treasury became empty as extravagant expenses of his queen Marie Antoinette. To get rid of this condition.

Turgot tried to minimise the expenditure of the royal court. He also advised the king to impose taxes on every classes of the society. Then Necker was appointed as the Finance Minister in He published a report on the income and expenditure of the State in order to arouse the people.

But he was also dismissed by the king. He adapted the policy of borrowing in order to meet the expenditure of the royal court. But due to this policy, the national debt of France increased from ,, to ,, Franks only in three years. Then Callone proposed to impose taxes on all the classes. But he was dismissed by the king.

In this situation, the king at last summoned the States General. The economic instability formed one of the most important causes of the French Revolution.

Free Essay: Causes of the French Revolution There were many causes and events This meant that they were heavily taxed like the rest of the Third Estate, but. Essay about Causes of the French Revolution. Words3 Pages. The French Revolution was caused by many factors; some were significant and played a.

The French Revolution has been viewed as the major turning point in European political and social history. The causes that led to this bloody revolution can be looked at from an economic, political, social, and intellectual standpoint. Failed reforms, famine, the Enlightenment, a corrupt bureaucracy, and a divided population are only some of the many aspects that helped influence a revolution to take place in late eighteenth century France.

Alex Zhang Mr.

The French Revolution is one of the most significant and famous events of world history. Lasting from to , it resulted, among other things, in overthrowing the monarchy in France.

Causes of the French Revolution

The French Revolution French Revolution was a horrifying event that was from to The revolution overthrew the monarchy, established a republic and created political chaos. The french revolution started because most people were denied basic rights because the King and Queen cared only for themselves, the economic crisis in France, and social injustices. The King had unlimited power and he declared himself as the representative of God. During this time, the Shah made the people very angry due to his actions as ruler. When this revolution ended, it was a huge turning point in Iran.

The major causes of the French Revolution

There is significant disagreement among historians of the French Revolution as to its causes. Usually, they acknowledge the presence of several interlinked factors, but vary in the weight they attribute to each one. These factors include: cultural change, normally associated with the Enlightenment ; social change, often emphasised by Marxist historians; financial and economic difficulties; and the political actions of the involved parties. Throughout the early modern period a class of wealthy middlemen who connected producers emerged; the bourgeois. These bourgeois played a fundamental role in the French economy, accounting for Given their powerful economic position, and their aspirations on a class-wide level, the bourgeois wanted to ascend through the social hierarchy which was formalised, as aforementioned, into the Estate system. This is reflected by cahiers submitted by members of the Third Estate in March to April those of Carcassonne demanded that Louis " assure to the third estate the influence to which it is entitled in view of This entryism was enabled by several factors, for example the poverty of many noble families meant that they married bourgeois families; the nobles gained bourgeois wealth, the bourgeois gained noble status. Moreover, corruption was rife, with many bourgeois simply attaching the noble particle 'de' to their name, or assuming nonexistent titles. Investigations into this behaviour were stopped in

This statement is very accurate, to some extent. Although the collision between the two groups was probably the main cause of the revolution, there were two other things that also contributed to the insanity during the French revolution — the debt that France was in as well as the famine.

The French Revolution French Revolution was a horrifying event that was from to The revolution overthrew the monarchy, established a republic and created political chaos. The french revolution started because most people were denied basic rights because the King and Queen cared only for themselves, the economic crisis in France, and social injustices. The King had unlimited power and he declared himself as the representative of God.

10 Major Causes of the French Revolution

The three main causes of French revolution are as follows: 1. Political Cause 2. Social Cause 3. Economic Cause. During the eighteen the Century France was the centre of autocratic monarchy. Louis XIV was the exponent of this view. The French Monarchs engaged themselves in luxurious and extravagance at the royal court of Versailles. They enjoyed unlimited power. By the Letter de Catchet, they arrested any person at any time and imprisoned them. They paid no attention towards their subjects.

Causes of French Revolution: Political, Social and Economic Causes

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The major causes of the French Revolution were the disputes and inequalities between the different types of social classes in French society, and the financial problems, facing the French government, during the year of The French Revolution of was one of the most important events in the history of the world. The Revolution led to many changes in France, which at the time of the Revolution was the most powerful state in Europe. The Revolution led to the development of new political forces such as democracy and nationalism. Don't use plagiarized sources. The French Revolution was spread over the ten-year period between and

Essay about Causes of the French Revolution

Causes of the French Revolution Essay examples

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