20 page research paper outline

20 page research paper outline

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20 page research paper outline

Updated: July 5, References. Writing an outline for a research paper can seem like a time consuming task, and you may not understand the value of it if you have never written one before.

Outlines can help you structure your research and your final paper in much more efficient ways, though, so it is a good idea that you learn how to write one. Here are a few things to keep in mind when doing so. Log in Facebook. No account yet? Create an account. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.

Together, they cited 8 references. This article has been viewed , times. Learn more Explore this Article Sample Outlines. Outline Type and Structure. Outline Levels. Components of Effective Outlines. Organizing the Outline. Show 2 more Show less Tips and Warnings.

Related Articles. Sample Outlines Literature Outline. Sample Compare and Contrast Outline. Part 1 of Choose between a topic outline and sentence outline. With a topic outline, the headings and subpoints are all given in single words or short phrases. With a sentence outline, all of the headings and subpoints are provided in complete sentences. Sentence outlines are usually used if your research focuses on complex issues. Some instructors will insist that you must not combine these two forms.

Many others, however, offer one exception to this guideline by allowing the main section headings to be short phrases while the remaining subpoints are written as full sentences. Most outlines use an alpha-numerical structure. This structure uses a series of letters and numbers to identify and arrange section levels. Note capitalization issues.

In sentence outlines, headings and subpoints are almost always written with correct sentence capitalization rules. This is not always the case with topic outlines, though. One school of thought indicates that first level headings should be written in all capital letters while all remaining headings use standard sentence capitalization rules. Another school of thought suggests that the first level headings should only have the first letter of each word capitalized, rather than the entire word.

The remaining headings, again, use standard sentence capitalization rules. Keep matters of length in mind. Your outline should run no longer than one-quarter to one-fifth the total estimated size of your final research paper. For a four to five page paper, you only need a single page outline. For a 15 to 20 page paper, your outline will usually run no longer than four pages.

Part 2 of Familiarize yourself with a one-level outline. A one-level outline only uses major headings and no subheadings. Note that you would not usually use this outline for a research paper, as it is not very specific or detailed. It can still be a good idea to start with this outline level, however, since you can use it to provide yourself with a general direction for your paper and expand upon it as the information flows in.

Move onto a two-level outline. Two-level outlines are a little more common for research papers. You utilize major headings and one level of subheadings. Each second-level subheading should discuss a primary supporting argument for the main idea it falls under. Progress to a three-level outline. A three-level outline is even more complex, but if done right, it can help you to structure your research paper even more thoroughly.

You use Roman numerals, capital letters, and standard numbers for this version. Next to each third-level subsection, you should address the topic of a paragraph that falls under the corresponding second-level section or main idea above it. Use a four-level outline, when necessary. These outlines are about the most complex you would expect to need for a research paper, and if you choose this structure, you will use Roman numerals, capital letters, standard numbers, and lowercase letters for your levels.

The fourth-level subheadings should address supporting statements, citations, or ideas within each paragraph listed in the third-level sections. Part 3 of Use parallelism. Every heading and subheading should maintain a structure that is parallel to the other headings within its level. Parallelism also refers to parts of speech and tense. If a heading starts with a verb, then the other headings must also start with a verb.

Moreover, that verb must also be in the same tense usually present tense. Coordinate your information. The information provided by your first major heading should be equal in importance to the information offered in your second major heading. The same can be said of sentences in subheadings, as well. Your subheadings should elaborate on the points addressed in your major headings. Employ effective subordination. The information in your headings should be general and the subheadings should be more specific.

For instance, if you were writing about memorable experiences from your childhood, "Memorable Childhood Experiences" would be the heading and the subheadings might look something like, "Vacation at 8 years old," "Favorite birthday party," and "Family trips to the park. Practice division. Each major heading should be divided into two or more parts. In other words, you should have at least two subheadings for every major heading. There is no limit on subheadings, but once you start forming a dozen or so subheadings under a single heading, you might find your outline looking cluttered and messy.

Part 4 of Identify the research problem. As you prepare to write your outline, you need to specifically identify the research problem you are trying to address. This will guide the entire formation of your outline and your paper. A thesis statement is a single sentence that sums up the entire purpose or argument of your research paper.

This thesis statement will usually be written above the outline itself or within the first "Introduction" heading of the outline. Your research problem can also help you figure out a title. Identify your main categories. You also need to figure out what main points you plan on covering. All of these main points will be listed in your introduction and listed as part or all of you major headings for the body part of your paper. The main points are details that support or address your research paper.

They should be very general in nature. Consider the order. Take a look at your research topic and determine the best possible order to deliver information. You might end up using a chronological arrangement or a spatial arrangement, but as a general rule, you will go from general ideas to specific ones. Chronological arrangements generally only work if you have a topic that has some chronological history to it. For example, if you were researching the history of modern medicine, it would make sense that your paper and outline follow a chronological order.

If your research topic does not have a history, though, you will probably end up using a spatial structure. For instance, if you are researching the effects of television and video games on the adolescent brain, you probably would not follow the chronology of the research. Instead, you might describe the different contemporary schools of thought on the issue or otherwise follow some other spatial arrangement of ideas.

Establish your major headings.

Twenty pages of writing may sound impossible at first, but by planning ahead and taking it a step at Research papers and essays can be intimidating enough as an assignment. Outline graphic of a quote on a blackboard. The following outline is for a page paper discussing the link between educational D. Gaps in the Research: Little information exists exploring the health.

Colonial america, and the above points are writing prompts for more work; academic work. Original material doubles as well selected to promote research; research paper writers history. Cssc created date of 12 of the sample methodology in research paper page 1. English pronunciation research paper writing service; research report; academic community a research ppaper writing a research.

Research papers and essays can be intimidating enough as an assignment. If you're facing a page writing assignment, just relax and break the process down into manageable chunks.

A research paper outline is the best way to organize your thoughts before you actually start writing. Use the step-by-step guide below to outline without much effort.

12 page research paper outline

If you're anything like me, you always have good intentions at the beginning of the semester for giving yourself ample time to complete your research paper This situation has happened to me countless times - in fact, I can't remember ever starting a paper earlier than 2 days before the due date. I have had many years to perfect my procrastination methodology and I think I've got it down to a science. This guide is for quick and dirty paper writing - it probably contradicts everything your teachers have told you Did you use this instructable in your classroom? Add a Teacher Note to share how you incorporated it into your lesson.

How to Write High-Quality Papers and Essays More Quickly

Outlines arrange major topics, subtopics, and supporting details. Outlines for papers can be very general or very detailed. Check with your instructor to know which is expected of you. Here are some examples of different outlines. You can also learn more by watching the short video below. Roman Numerals. Represent main ideas to be covered in the paper in the order they will be presented. Uppercase Letters. Represent subtopics within each main idea.

With all the things you have going on as a student, writing a paper can seem like a daunting task. Many students opt to put off that daunting task, which ultimately leads to bad grades on papers that would otherwise have been easy A's.

Even as someone who basically writes papers for a living these days like this article , I still viewed every college paper with a tinge of dread. As I moved through college, however, I developed a system for cranking out papers in record time.

How to Write a Research Paper . . . and Get an A+

Updated: July 5, References. Writing an outline for a research paper can seem like a time consuming task, and you may not understand the value of it if you have never written one before. Outlines can help you structure your research and your final paper in much more efficient ways, though, so it is a good idea that you learn how to write one. Here are a few things to keep in mind when doing so. Log in Facebook. No account yet? Create an account. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow.

How to Write a Last Minute Research Paper

Trying to devise a structure for your essay can be one of the most difficult parts of the writing process. Making a detailed outline before you begin writing is a good way to make sure your ideas come across in a clear and logical order. A good outline will also save you time in the revision process, reducing the possibility that your ideas will need to be rearranged once you've written them. The First Steps. Before you can begin outlining, you need to have a sense of what you will argue in the essay. Let's say you are writing about the Republican Primary and you want to prove that each candidate's financial resources were the most important element in the race. At this point, your notes probably lack much coherent order.

How To Make An Outline For A Research Paper: Easy Steps For Starters

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