10 reasons to not have homework

10 reasons to not have homework

We've partnered with Collins to provide research-driven revision guides to ensure the best results for students. Remember when you were at school and hadn't done your homework? What excuse did you come up with? You completed it but you left it at home? It's in your other bag?

Is Homework Good or Bad for Students?

We've partnered with Collins to provide research-driven revision guides to ensure the best results for students. Remember when you were at school and hadn't done your homework? What excuse did you come up with? You completed it but you left it at home? It's in your other bag? A goose ate it on your walk to school? Whatever you came up with, any parent and their parents before them have passed on a few stories of what they used to tell teachers about their homework.

Although some stories might be a little exaggerated, the truth is that these worlds might indeed be quite different from the one our students are growing up in today.

Whilst students might give made up excuses when put on the spot, often these excuses are hiding the real truth of why they didn't complete their work. And here comes the shock: It's not always their fault! Be honest.

Or maybe the homework was not explained clearly enough for you to understand. It just does not make sense to do more of what a person already knows how to do, so why do it? If you can write an essay well, what is the purpose of rewriting it or writing another one, for that matter?

If you can solve some math problems, do you really need to do another page or two? If you already know what is going to happen in a science or marketing experiment, do you have to outline each step and complete them all? Does this sound familiar? I forgot to copy the assignment down. I forgot to bring the work home. I forgot the materials I need to do it. Maybe it looks like busy work and it does not seem worthwhile. The computer crashed or the electricity went out… the slide ruler is misplaced or there are no working batteries for the calculator.

Maybe it seems overwhelming. Maybe it is hard to organize what needs to be done. No matter the subject, there are always going to be those who have an excuse for not wanting to do their homework. When setting homework try and bear some of these common excuses at mind, and create a task that students have a hard time thinking up an excuse for.

Estimated time to read: 3 minutes. Need revision help? Visit store. Here are 10 real reasons that students aren't doing their homework: 1. Recommended for You. Previous Post. Next Post. Submit a Comment.

Assignments are based on low level tasks. parrotsprint.co.nz › steplesson-plan-for-learning › reasons-i.

It has been under debate for decades. Different people have their different opinions about its advantages and disadvantages. No need to go out to get free help on homework writing. Homepage Quoting tricks Algebra Tips and tricks for beginners Getting algebra help online Help sources that won't fail you 4 great ideas for students Get help through live chats Hints for doing algebra homework Doing geometry tasks Assistance with algebra homework Algebra homework answers: where to get?

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M any students agree that assigning homework over the holidays really is a form of cruel and unusual punishment. In fact, the San Ramon Valley district modified its homework policy and no homework is allowed over weekends and holiday vacations, except for reading. The US National Education Association recommends no more than ten minutes of homework per grade level, per night.

Top 10 reasons Students Give for Not Completing Homework

Are you trying to decide if homework is a bad thing, but are not sure what factors to consider in your decision making process? Then it would be to your advantage to figure out the top disadvantages of home-based assignments. Only with the right information will you have enough data to make the correct decision. With that thought in mind, here are the top 10 disadvantages of homework:. Sitting indoors always doing your work will not allow a child to play with their friends, which will reduce the amount of friendship they can take into adult life.

5 Reasons Why Homework Is Bad For Your Child

If they are unable to go school each day to acquire the skills they require to be successful in life, then they will be at a disadvantage for their entire lives. Multiple studies have found that most students are getting too much extra assignments, leading to sleep deprivation, unhealthy levels of stress, as well as related health problems. Extra assignments given to children, particularly younger school going children, can lead to unhealthy levels of stress, according to research. If bombarded with countless lessons at school and at home, students may feel stress and anxiety should they fail to complete the assignment on time. Students need to learn in a classroom setting, but they should also be able to spend some time exploring other things outside of the classroom. The second reason that student should not be given homework is that they require time to rest and take their minds off school work. With all the activities in school, students, particularly those in the kindergarten, are already weary when they get home. They have spent the day solving difficult math problems , reading several chapters and memorizing long lines in school.

Should homework be banned?

Homework isn't fun for students to do or for teachers to grade, so why do it? Here are some reasons why homework is good and why it's bad. So, homework is good because it can boost your grades , help you learn the material, and prepare you for tests. It's not always beneficial, however.


The benefits of homework has been debated by teachers and parents for years as the very word evokes very negative connotations to every involved, students, parents and teachers. Although many people think of homework as doing more harm than good by causing copious amounts of unnecessary stress to everyone, others believe that it has great advantages for children by encouraging them to think more independently outside the classroom. The first benefit of homework is that it allows students and teachers to work more closely together. They can discuss their assignments or any problems that they are having with parts of their textbooks, before or after classes. The second benefit is that it can bring families closer together as students may ask their parents or siblings for help on their homework. Not only will this help the students get a better understanding of their work with any parts they are stuck on, it will also allow parents to get more involved in their child's educational life. Thirdly, doing homework will prepare students for the big end tests. If a child does poorly on an assignment then they will learn what is necessary to do well on the next test without being punished. It also provides students with the opportunity to practice at what it takes to be successful in school. Like they say, practice makes perfect. Doing homework is also a great way to develop responsibilities. By being assigned work one day and knowing that it has to be done by the next day, they will develop a sense of punctuality by turning their work in on time. And finally it allows parents to see how their children are being educated and they can develop a better idea of how they can help their child. However, some parents, students and even some teachers feel that after hours of lessons in school, it is unfair to expect students to come home and work for another three hours.

7 Reasons Why Homework Is Bad for Your Child (and What to Do Instead)

Many educators have long criticized homework as a cruel and unusual punishment for kids. There are many amazing books to read on holidays. On holidays, you should allow children to choose books on their own. Instead of forcing them to sit down and do homework, talk to them about the pleasure of reading. Help your kids develop an interest in literature. If you read out the beginning of a book, chances are your child will feel interested and therefore want to finish the book. Your child is growing up in a very different time. There is a great chance that in the next years, homework will become a thing of the past. Because of the advancement of information technology and digital devices, children are learning all the time.

10 Good Reasons Why Homework Should Not Be Banned

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