Écrire un essai en anglais méthode

Écrire un essai en anglais méthode

To browse Academia. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. Mouhsine Gadiri. A ce titre, 9rayti. But if have some free time I usually love entertaining myself.

Écrire un essai

I disagree with the following statement: t here is nothing that young people can teach older people. Thirdly, young people can be very mature and can have a good view of the situation. To conclude, I totally disagree with this statement. I disagree with the following statement: there is nothing that young people can teach older people. Secondly, young people know some things better than old people.

For example, a majority of young people know better technological things like smart phones or computers, than old people. For example, I usually help my parents to use their phones, mostly to record a video on Youtube or to edit videos for example the wishes card I sent you. For example, if someone is harried, and he says that he is harried to his father and also to his brother who is He will not have the same point of view, but the two versions can be very helpful for him.

Of course only if his brother is mature, because he will help him and will not laugh at him. But of course old people can also teach things to young people. I think that old people teach more things to young people than young people teach to old people. Ce site utilise des cookies.

Rédiger un essai fait souvent peur, car on ne sait pas comment organiser ses idées, ni quoi écrire. Heureusement, la méthodologie française. Ce cours permet de bien se préparer à l'épreuve écrite d'anglai.

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I disagree with the following statement: t here is nothing that young people can teach older people. Thirdly, young people can be very mature and can have a good view of the situation.


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