4 day school week essay

4 day school week essay

But now that Myers and her colleagues are on a four-day week, they use Fridays as their planning day. Apache Junction high school English teacher Candyce Matlosz also uses Fridays to set up lesson plans and create accompanying documents and instructional aids and then uses the weekend just for grading. Myers has seen other positive impacts. Now, even though all four days are tightly packed, she says her students seem to know that their continued attention is vital to getting through the lessons. Comprehensive research evaluating how four-day school weeks affect student performance, however, is limited, and what does exist delivers a mixed picture. The researchers found the percent of students scoring either proficient or with advanced proficiency in reading went up at schools on a four-day schedule and were higher than their peers in school districts who remained on the five-day schedule.

The four-day school week: Research behind the trend

The economy has seen an increase in inflation and it seems like everything is on the rise. Constantly, people are struggling to find money. Money is an issue for many, especially for schools facing budget cuts and high school students who are seeking out opportunities to go to college. What would you think of a three day weekend not just every once in awhile, but every school week? A blessing or a curse? It seems more and more school districts have changed or have considered a four-day week compared to a traditional five-day week.

People often read about or see an issue in the news, but are not always informed about the topic. Having a four-day school week is an ambitious proposal intended to help students work load. Those in favor of this shift believe that it will allow for more study time, and more time to go over the lessons for the week. Truthfully it will just add time onto the eight-hour school day a student already endures. As much as officials want to believe that a four-day week would provide more time to focus on the lesson it would only make students more exhausted.

The school districts have been arguing about the school schedule to provide the most effective curricular benefits for students. The current economic downfall has impacted many of the schools in not teaching the students in the most effective environment and decreasing their graduation rate.

Many school district have adopted a new four-day school schedule that significantly changes the customary five-day school week to recover its quality of educations. According to the National Conference of State. Christian School Association was founded in At that time, Christian day-schools were under the sponsorship of religious ethnic groups, for instance Irish Catholics or German Lutherans. Eastern Christian was formed by the Dutch immigrant community which settled in Paterson to work in the silk mills and had students in its original enrollment.

Since then, the school system has grown and diversified. It now includes three separate buildings which house an elementary school and a middle school in. Scheduling Model In the early nineteenth century teachers had limited education, but were required to teach a variety of subjects at any given time of the day. In the late s schools began to experiment with upgrading instruction by allowing students to participate in independent studies and by implementing larger class sizes.

Many individuals are able to make the transitions from high school to college pretty easily, while there are others that find the transition into college to be somewhat challenging and hard to adjust to.

When I made the jump from high school to college, I found that there are vast differences between the two, and both had very diverse environments. I found the key differences concerning high school and college.

Year round education YRE is a traditional school schedule in the United States of America provides nine-months of instruction and three month summer vacation. YRE has been present in society since the early 's Bussard. At the end of the day, the teachers and students have enjoyed a relaxing vacation during three month long summer breaks. Schools will continue to. Year-Round School Due to the research, extending the school year will help improve test scores and grades.

Having the kids explains how they feel and to see if it is actually true or did the research only take a poll from a small city. If the kids that do year-round school are more successful than the other schools.

I will compare the differences. Year Round schooling includes one hundred and eighty days, the same amount of days students in traditional schooling are enrolled. All schools should change to year round schedules. This change would benefit the education department greatly. High Schools for years have debated over the conflict of whether they should have a four day school week instead of a five day school week. They have deciphered through the pros and cons to determine which would be the more effective and more promising for their school, teachers and students.

Many schools have made the change from a five day school week to a four day school week, but many are still on the fence as to what would be best. The first reason a High school would want to go to having a four day school week is because of the extra day off. With an extra day off this gives the students and teachers a day of rest. During this day off students can do activities with their friends and family.

Teachers and students can also have the day to focus on school. Students will have the day to do homework or study on test that are coming up. Teachers can get a lesson plan together that can better teach students the lesson that they are to learn.

Since there is an extra day for appointments and for students and teacher to do what they want, attendance will improve. More kids will be at school because they had an extra day to do what they needed to get done. With the teachers more focused and prepared because of the four day week they can better teach and prepare the students in school. With the extra time the students get they can do homework and can come back from a longer weekend more focused.

When the students come back focused and prepared they will be more willing to learn and have improved grades because of the improved teaching. In conclusion, high schools should consider making the switch from a five day school week to a four day school week.

Many schools have made the switch and have had success in doing so. Show More. Read More. Popular Essays. Open Document.

Better Teacher and Student Morale. Some students feel the four-day school week provides an opportunity for extra rest and a less stressful environment. Being out​. The schools in question rearranged the week by cutting one day – typically a Monday or Friday – and adding the extra hours to the other four.

The economy has seen an increase in inflation and it seems like everything is on the rise. Constantly, people are struggling to find money. Money is an issue for many, especially for schools facing budget cuts and high school students who are seeking out opportunities to go to college. What would you think of a three day weekend not just every once in awhile, but every school week? A blessing or a curse?

Changing a five day week to a five day week to a four day week For schools Why is our traditional five day week changing to a four day week?

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What a difference a day makes: the argument for a four-day school week

In relation to the 4th week article, I think that this system is only suitable for a certain level of education from preschool to elementary school. High school students and college students seem to need extra days to complete project assignments and other school work. Most of the students of higher education institutions are enjoying the holiday this day, but it is difficult to teach all the standards that teachers need to know. In the case of high school students, I get exhausted on Tuesday, so the days of my holiday may change on housework or parting. When this goes to law, high school students have no time to join the class with teachers, and after several days of work they feel pressure. Because it is a whole day holiday, additional time is needed for the remaining 4 days.

Why Children Should Have a 4-Day School Week

As they deal with economic hardships and face budget cuts, many schools are turning to a four-day school week as a solution to their problems. A four-day week would eliminate either Friday or Monday from the existing schedule, instead adding 75 to 90 minutes on to the remaining days. Switching to a four-day school week could give children more time for homework and family responsibilities and has the potential to lead to a higher-quality education and learning environment. One advantage of a four-day school week is that it gives students an extra day to complete homework, projects and other assignments. Some critics say the system could result in a loss of focus and information retention. But a Georgia State University study found that four-day weeks did not negatively affect school performance. Perhaps with more time available outside of class, students would be free to do more independent study and homework or to get private or group tutoring. During a five-day week, many children go straight from school to sports or extracurricular activities, as well as family responsibilities and appointments.

We have updated this post, originally published on June 5, , to include new figures, research and other information. To save money and help with teacher recruitment, numerous school districts in the United States have decided to give students and employees Fridays off.

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Changing the five day school week has been argued for and against due the controversy as to whether or not it would actually be beneficial to students and teachers.

Should High Schools Have A Four Day School Week?

In relevance of the 4- day school week article I believe that this system would only work for specific levels of education, such as pre-school to elementary. High school and college students seem to need the extra day for completing projects homework or other school work. Although most higher education students would enjoy that day off, it would be harder for the teachers to teach them all the standards they need to know. For some students that day off would turn into another day full of chores or parting, for a high school student, this will cause students to come even more tired to school on Tuesday. Teachers will loose a days worth of pay and will feel rushed to teach, also if this becomes a law, high school students wont have time to do class activities with their teachers and would feel stressed out after a couple of days having accomplish all the work they had for that day. My DP. Search this site. About me. Math David S. Living with Bacteria. The Cellular Life. American Icon.

4- day school day week essay

The call for a four-day working week is not new. At a time when more and more people say they feel overworked, and increasing numbers are making the switch to part-time hours, the idea has been proposed as a means of tackling both stress and unemployment. But schools have largely been left out of the debate so far. The idea of students only coming in four days a week rings alarm bells for many who fear a drop in academic performance. The schools in question rearranged the week by cutting one day — typically a Monday or Friday — and adding the extra hours to the other four. The four-day school week for students in Colorado was introduced as a cost-saving measure, and the improvements in academic results were the opposite of what had been anticipated, Walker explains. Walker offers a number of possible explanations, including the idea that longer days might give teachers an opportunity to explore different instructional processes. The study also speculates that a four-day week could lower absenteeism, so that students who have dental appointments, for example, might be able to put them off until Friday and not miss school. But as someone who taught for 10 years, I can certainly see the potential benefits. There is one clear drawback, however: the increased difficulty for parents dealing with the logistics and costs of childcare.

Four Day School Weeks

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