Smart essays

Smart essays

Now that you are a happy college student, we do want to congratulate you on this accomplishment! You may assume that from now on your life will be cloudless and cheerful, but it is quite far from the truth. As a student, you have probably experienced loads of work in class and at home or in a dorm already, and so the prospects of socialization or fun time start looking bleak and unachievable. Dozens of textbook pages to read, essays to write, lab work to perform, tests, exams, stat work to be handled with the assistance of an in-house technician who is always busy or absent — we know pretty well how it feels and how overwhelmed you are right now. This is why we, the team of Smartessay. Essays are the most daunting tasks for most students, because writing asks for talent, no matter how hard teachers try to stat the opposite to the opposite.

For Students, By Professors

According to a study published in Applied Cognitive Psychology , the answer is no. In fact, complex writing makes you sound small-minded. Just consider the title of the study: Consequences of erudite vernacular utilized irrespective of necessity: problems with using long words needlessly. To sound smart, you must stop trying to sound smart.

Brilliant writing is simple writing, a relevant idea delivered clearly and directly. This makes writing easier and faster. When you have nothing to say, you are forced to write sentences that sound meaningful but deliver nothing.

Write use instead of utilize , near instead of close proximity , help instead of facilitate , for instead of in the amount of , start instead of commence. Each sentence should have one simple thought. More than that creates complexity and invites confusion. This is the active voice. In academic writing, each paragraph develops one idea and often includes many sentences.

But in casual, everyday writing, the style is less formal and paragraphs may be as short as a single sentence or even a single word. Qualifying words, such as very , little , and rather , add nothing to your meaning and suck the life out of your sentences.

It is very important to basically avoid fluff words because they are rather empty and sometimes a little distracting. Rambling is a big problem for many writers. Not as big as some other problems, such as affordable health insurance or the Middle East, which has been a problem for many decades because of disputes over territory. In other words, say something once rather than several times.

Because when you repeat yourself or keep writing the same thing, your readers go to sleep. This is a symptom of having too little to say or too much ego. You can instantly and dramatically improve your blog writing skills and immediately explode your profits and skyrocket your online success by following the spectacular, simple, and practical tips found in this groundbreaking new free blog post.

Shorten, delete, and rewrite anything that does not add to the meaning. To make this easier, break your writing into three steps: 1 Write the entire text. None of us can ever be perfect writers, and no one expects us to be. However, we can all improve our style and sound smarter by following these tips and writing naturally. I think one big word is good, people that use many risk alienating readers. I enjoy articles that have one big word that fits perfectly. It makes me feel the article was worthwhile I learned something , no matter what.

My writing was bad. I felt stupid because all the other kids used long words. Then a few years ago, a good friend of mine, who is a confidence coach, simply told me I was much better understood by others because I used plain and simple words…. Friends usually praise me for using simple words in my writing. They said they wanted to learn how to do it. So, they asked me to teach them.

I told them that my writing vocabulary is very limited. I have no other choice but to use simple words. Those are the only words I know. It distracts us from an initial point, sometimes returning us there via a circuitous route, sometimes dropping us off at the head of a totally new pathway.

Handled poorly, it can be accompanied by the sound of a book being slammed shut and tossed into the fire. I ramble far too much. I think that I get more ideas on paper faster than most people, but I think it likely that I spend more time editing in order to get decent copy, too.

I actually do write with a personal style, but part of my personal style IS my rambling. No subscribers. I hope this post goes viral today — these tips are what strong writers do every day.

Saying more with less is the best kind of writing. I think the title of that study is really clever, though. How often are the titles of studies funny, while also clearly illustrating the point of the study?

Full points! Did the last paragraph really bore you that much? Did you even notice? Is the active form really always better? Where did this anti-passive sentiment start? Passive voice has its own place. It is very useful when you are describing a process or when the doer of the action is not as important as the result.

I love the big words. Love them. These are brilliant tips! Anyone of our clients writing copy for their site could benefit from this. The same principles apply to my native language Spanish. Thank you! Great advice. I find audio transcription a useful technique to avoid unnatural language, thus my writing comes across more conversational. A great iPhone app for this is Dragon Dictation. Great tips! As a psychologist I know of the big words—and they do bore me!

Even though I understand the words, I skim over much of them to get to the point. Which might be a the 12th tip here: Get to the point and be done with it! If for nothing else, avoid the passive voice since politicians use it to get around tough questions. I know all about leaving the actor out of sentences, but does that mean the active voice is always better? Is the problem the voice, or the avoidance? I did it just now. The rest of our customers just want to hear us speak in everyday language.

When I write copy I like to pretend that I am writing a letter to my grandmother. Should I be stopped by that? Thank you, Dean. Too many writers, I think, begin with the goal of impressing their audiences. The real goal is communication. Nice post. I see a conflict between 2 and 4. In example 2, you take a sentence and make a paragraph out of it. In 4, you advise shorter sentences. I think the example in 2 would have worked better if you had found a way to use several short sentences to flesh out the description.

Benjie, I beg to disagree, there is no conflict. Adjectives and adverbs are two different things. Probably one of my biggest downfalls is being a little too stiff in my writing style. I appreciate your tips Dean. I think we all know many of these things.

Nice refresher. You should assiduously eschew obfuscatory prolixity and hyperverbosity. Your post was very good, Dean. A nice, clean, spare writing style is something to be envied. I go in spurts. When I organize myself and clear my head, I do well. My thoughts flow and I lose myself in my writing. I feel good about the end result. Then, the next day, things may go all to heck in a handcart. I allow the tyranny of the urgent to take over and find myself racing to get things done. Active voice cuts down on word count, too.

At 8 cents per word, that can add up with the proofer.

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When you study at high school or enter college or university, you often do this to get some knowledge and skills to be able to find a good job in the future. Studying can become an interesting process, but there are always some things that may make it a little bit complicated. Others may lack some vital skills to complete particular tasks assigned by their mentors correctly. There are also some students who have to combine work and studies so they are simply short of time and are not able to fulfill all the tasks on time. For instance, you may always find some help from the outside and contact a write my paper service.

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As a "part of speech" transition words are used to link words, phrases or sentences. They help the reader to progress from one idea expressed by the author to the next idea. Thus, they help to build up coherent relationships within the text.

How to Write an English Essay in Years 9 and 10

To be truly brilliant, an essay needs to utilise the right language. In other words, they live on the land and in the water. To put it another way, they will die without the sun. That is to say, they must breathe air. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at elephant sounds and their possible meanings. Here are some cleverer ways of doing this.

11 Smart Tips for Brilliant Writing

Just started Year 9 or 10 and need an idea of how to write an English essay? Or maybe you just want to revise essay writing? To write an effective English essay, you firstly need to know your text well! These tables will become your go-to for studying English and writing an essay. This is because it encapsulates most things you need to know and write about in an English essay. To use your TEE table, firstly pick an example E from your text. This might be quote, a piece of dialogue, a line from a poem or even a scene from a film. Then, identify techniques T from the example that you can discuss.

Our essay writing service is designed to help students at every academic level to achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals.

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40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays

According to a study published in Applied Cognitive Psychology , the answer is no. In fact, complex writing makes you sound small-minded. Just consider the title of the study: Consequences of erudite vernacular utilized irrespective of necessity: problems with using long words needlessly. To sound smart, you must stop trying to sound smart. Brilliant writing is simple writing, a relevant idea delivered clearly and directly. This makes writing easier and faster. When you have nothing to say, you are forced to write sentences that sound meaningful but deliver nothing. Write use instead of utilize , near instead of close proximity , help instead of facilitate , for instead of in the amount of , start instead of commence. Each sentence should have one simple thought. More than that creates complexity and invites confusion.

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Transition Words

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