Sentence generator from words

Sentence generator from words

At this page you may find online free text generator. It was created in order to generate random text of any kind using the original text input by the user. What makes it really functional is the option to choose one of three modes — generating from words, phrases or sentences. The text generated from the sentences is human readable, from the phrases - is partly readable. Free online texting allows you to get text variants quickly and to customize the options. In order to generate random text, you must specify generation type one mode of three above mentioned , text length from 1 to length is measured in units - not in chars and delimiter char or string with length up to 20 chars, please note: " " — delimiter is set by default.

Sentence generator

They are especially crazy if they concern Donald Trump. So crazy sometimes that you ask yourself if they are even real! Is what you read something that actually happened or just a random collection of words made into a news headline?

Need an example? Crazy, right? Granted, this headline is based on something the small kid of actress Alyssa Milano said. No grown up would come up with something so ridiculous…. Oh boy. To me, that sounds like it was generated by a random sentence generator. So I decided to build a Python script and see for myself. Even though the Python dictionary data type seemed like an initial good fit for a Markov model, I wanted to use data frames and pandas for it. I then isolated the text containing the headlines and wrote them into a text file.

I found this website extremely helpful to set up my little piece of code:. Not bad, but of course doing it once gives very little variety of words to work with and my Markov chain is running the risk of falling to often into a unique chain of words — and in the worst case - simply repeating and already existing news headline.

Thankfully it is easy to set up a task scheduler in Windows which would execute my file every day in the background and let my text file grow continuously. All I had to do now is be patient and wait until a significant amount of headlines was accumulated. I decided that that is sufficient for such a highly unscientific and nonsensical project. After loading my text file and doing some coarse cleanup in eliminating some recurring news outlet signatures and double punctuation etc.

We can then start with a random word from the entire list of words in our text and then randomly select the next word in our sentence with probabilities based on the likelihoods we assigned.

Word for word we will create a new sentence that is based on the properties of the text we used as input. What will we fill these columns with?

Well, the first column is easy — simply every word in our text will be written in a row in this column. The very last word in our text does not automatically have a follower, so we will use a synthetic string variable to fill the gap. After all I am not dealing with one continuous text, but with individual and independent sentences.

So far so good. The rows are still not unique, so I delete duplicate rows before using the pivot functionality in Python to create one big matrix with every lead word as the row-index and every follow word as a column. For each row, I then summed up all frequencies and divided each element in row i by the total of row i.

This leads to percentages summing up to 1 that my sentence generator will use as a probability distribution when selecting the follow word for a certain lead word.

With all this in place, I can define my function for the sentence generator. I take one start word to initialize the sentence generator. This word could be a randomly chosen word from the set of all words. But since my text consists of only headlines of Donald Trump, I think it makes sense to make sure his name appears in our fake news headline as well.

Starting with this word, the generator selects a follow word based on the probability matrix we set up. It will continue by using the selected follow word as the new leading word to append word after word to our sentence.

If the sentence generator gets to a word which is in our array of end-words, the sentence will take this word as the very last and return our sentence. Donald Trump broke the real Donald Trump loyalty test. Donald Trumps best people boast. Donald Trumps aides feel his presidency this fall.

Donald Trump, Omarosa, and other individuals, including the 45th president is Junior Mint. Donald Trump, you are so far. Of course these are some of the successful examples. A lot of sentences come out as absolute gibberish not covfefe worthy, but still gibberish :.

So what did we learn through this? You as a reader, probably not much. If you have feedback or suggestion, please feel free to reach out. If you want a more sophisticated version of a Trump Markov chain, check out this random Trump Tweet generator by someone smarter:. Sign in. Towards Data Science A Medium publication sharing concepts, ideas, and codes. Any data is only as good as the story you are able to tell with it.

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The vocabulary of this sentence paraphraser contains an abundance of rarely used words/phrases and can paraphrase sentences in a variety of ways that are​. The Random Sentence Generator contains + random sentences created specifically for this free writing tool and found nowhere else.

What did you and your family do on the holidays? In this activity you will experiment with our special sentence generator which reports on some unusual holiday happenings. The teacher explains that today, we will use a sentence generator to build a variety of sentences and explore the ways that they can be rearranged. The sentence generator appears in the slides in the Activity page in the right hand menu.

Search this site. Navigation Franklin Chang.

They are especially crazy if they concern Donald Trump. So crazy sometimes that you ask yourself if they are even real! Is what you read something that actually happened or just a random collection of words made into a news headline?

Free random text generator online,generate random text content

Use this random sentence generator to create random sentences that can help you brainstorm, come up with new story ideas, or song lyrics. The tool chooses nouns, verbs and adjectives from a hand-picked list of thousands of the most evocative words and generates a random sentence to help inspire you. This method of using random words to generate ideas is largely inspired by the cut-up technique invented by the writer William S. This was largely a much more manual process where words or phrases were written on many slips of paper and then chosen at random to bring unexpected and hopefully evocative results. This is very similar to that method but it's an automatic process and it assembles the words into a sentence structure so hopefully there is some meaning, however absurd, that can be wrung from the sentence right away.

The development of an automated sentence generator for the assessment of reading speed

If you're visiting this page, you're likely here because you're searching for a random sentence. Sometimes a random word just isn't enough, and that is where the random sentence generator comes into play. By inputting the desired number, you can make a list of as many random sentences as you want or need. Producing random sentences can be helpful in a number of different ways. For writers, a random sentence can help them get their creative juices flowing. Since the topic of the sentence is completely unknown, it forces the writer to be creative when the sentence appears. There are a number of different ways a writer can use the random sentence for creativity. The most common way to use the sentence is to begin a story. Another option is to include it somewhere in the story. A much more difficult challenge is to use it to end a story.

If you don't like what you get on the next page, just hit reload and it'll spin again.

Metrics details. Reading speed is an important outcome measure for many studies in neuroscience and psychology. Conventional reading speed tests have a limited corpus of sentences and usually require observers to read sentences aloud. We propose that an estimate of the minimum exposure time required for observers to categorise the truth of such sentences is a good alternative to reading speed measures that guarantees comprehension of the printed material.

Word shuffler

Word shuffler World's simplest randomization tool. Free online word shuffler. Just load your words and get them randomly rearranged. There are no ads, popups or nonsense, just a random word shuffler. Load your words — get shuffled words. Created by developers from team Browserling. A link to this tool, including input, options and all chained tools. Import from file. Export to Pastebin. Can't convert. Chain with Remove chain.

Random Sentence Generator

According to the Associated Press, the Egyptian Navy announced the arrest on its official Facebook page yesterday. As Eichengreen relates, that fateful decision echoed the interwar sequel to the Central Republic rescue, which had provoked similar political recriminations about cosseting bankers. New York's Grub Street reported today that Sam Mason, formerly of WD and more recently as the driving force behind Soho's Tailor, is planning to open a mayonnaise specialty shop in Brooklyn's up-and-coming Prospect Heights neighborhood. By signing the Kyoto Protocol, European countries had to develop greenhouse gas inventories, which led them down a path of studying food a decade before we in the U. New Sentence Generator. Sentence Generator, which generates a specified length and number of sentences based on the words provided, can be used to make sentences, learn and review English knowledge, or as a tool for academic research. We have collected more than 3 million sentences, it contains almost all the English words, so you can find the corresponding sentences by entering any word. How to generate specific sentences? First enter the words you need to include, such as 'name', then select the length of the sentence number of words , and enter the number of sentences you want to generate.

Words in a sentence

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