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The electronica Automotive Conference on November 9, kicks off with a series of presentations, forums and discussion panels focusing on the opportunities and challenges faced by the automotive electronics industry. Experts from industry and research, technology specialists from manufacturers and suppliers of Automotive hardware and software components as well as experienced professionals from the industry. Your presentation should address the key topics and highlight the requirements and challenges that are being posed to Automotive components and systems in the future. Other additional proposals of interesting topics are also welcome. All interested parties are invited to submit their abstract until May 29,

HEG papers for review

The wide range of topics and methods involved means that students can select and carry out their IKV research project so that it is commensurate with their specific interests and talents.

On the Mechanical Engineering course at RWTH Aachen, the research laboratory is only available to those studying plastics and textile technology. The research laboratory gives students the opportunity at an early stage — in the 5 th semester already — to gain experience in generating, interpreting, documenting and imparting their own scientific findings.

In this way, students not only work on an actual scientific problem but are also trained in and acquire experience in the fields of project management, the design of experiments and presentation. Project work generally takes place in the 6 th semester. Students need to have acquired at least 90 credit points before they can apply. Project work is always conducted in groups of two to five people. At the start of work on the project a kick-off meeting is held with the IKV staff member supervising the project.

At this meeting, the topic, work stages and distribution of the work is discussed. While work is being conducted on the project, good coordination and clearly defined work packages are important for the team members, because it is the individual results achieved by each member that are graded at the end.

Integrated in a work group at IKV, students tackle a current research topic largely under their own responsibility. In compiling their scientific paper, which marks the final stage of their course, students can selectively draw on and apply the knowledge they have acquired during their studies and the experience obtained in their practical exercises and training periods. The time allowed for writing the thesis is 22 weeks one semester.

Specific problems from a wide range of current research projects are available as topics. In many cases, students can also select topics that are commensurate with their own ideas and interests in respect of their subsequent choice of career.

In this way, graduates not only benefit from a particularly well-founded and broad-based education on all aspects of plastics technology but also acquire expert knowledge in a specific field. Student research projects and theses Academic studies Scientific papers.

Scientific papers for the Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering courses. Research laboratory On the Mechanical Engineering course at RWTH Aachen, the research laboratory is only available to those studying plastics and textile technology.

Project work Project work generally takes place in the 6 th semester. Dominik Foerges, M. Just call me or send me a message. Current proposals Please switch to our german website for an overview of all current proposals. Learn more.

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What follows is a list of papers in deep RL that are worth reading. This is far from comprehensive, but should provide a useful starting point for someone looking to do research in the field. Model-Free RL a.

The wide range of topics and methods involved means that students can select and carry out their IKV research project so that it is commensurate with their specific interests and talents. On the Mechanical Engineering course at RWTH Aachen, the research laboratory is only available to those studying plastics and textile technology.

We are there for you as usual! If you like to use ink, China ink or gouache to create fine lines and artistic letters on paper, are in the right place.

Sartorius' Family of Filter Papers for the Laboratory and Industry

Objective Lodz Papers in Pragmatics LPP is an international journal committed to publishing excellent theoretical and empirical research in the area of pragmatics and related disciplines focused on human communication, both in everyday interactions and in the media, whether spoken or written, and whether institutional or interpersonal. LPP publishes original peer-reviewed papers and review articles. Affiliated with University of Lodz, at the crossroads between Eastern and Western Europe, the Slavic and the Anglo-Saxon tradition, LPP is uniquely suited to not only represent current research in linguistic pragmatics, but also provoke confrontation and provide a forum for discussion for researchers rooted in different schools, distant both in theory and geographic space, from Europe and beyond. Information on Submission Process. Submission Please, send your manuscript directly to LPP degruyter.

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Student research projects and theses

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