Vocabulary sentence generator

Vocabulary sentence generator

This is a simple game for practicing English and learning how to form sentences correctly - specifically ESL English as a second language. To play, you have to click on the options to form a sentence that matches the image shown. The idea behind this game is to give learners a fun way to practice making phrases. Hence the name. This is quite similar to the game Fast Phrases.

All Vocabulary Words

What did you and your family do on the holidays? In this activity you will experiment with our special sentence generator which reports on some unusual holiday happenings. The teacher explains that today, we will use a sentence generator to build a variety of sentences and explore the ways that they can be rearranged. The sentence generator appears in the slides in the Activity page in the right hand menu. Familiarise yourself with it before class time.

The generator builds up complex sentences by combining different elements. You can click on each column to scroll up and down, and make different combinations. Some combinations will make more sense than others! You can also click on the dice at the top of the columns to get a new random ordering of elements.

Students can use the generator in Slide 1 on a smart board and see who can come up with the five most interesting holiday activities.

The students shoud discuss how the sentence generator works to put together complex sentences. They might observe the following:. Slide 2 displays a different version of the sentence generator. In this version you can also experiment with changing the order of the elements within a sentence.

You can do this by clicking within a column and dragging to left or right or by clicking on the arrows at the tops of the columns. In this version, there are no full stops and no initial capitals for the first word, so you will need to add these if you write out some of the sentences. You might need to add some commas too. Students should discuss what they notice about changing the order. Here are some points to think about:. As you will have noticed, there is a fair amount of freedom in moving many of these sentence elements around, e.

This is a full preview of this page. You can view one page a day like this without registering. But if you wish to use it in your classroom, please register your details on Englicious for free and then log in! Sentence generator: Activity Activity A sentence is a group of words which are grammatically connected to each other but not to any words outside the sentence.

A sentence may consist of a single clause or it may contain several clauses held together by subordination or co-ordination. The terms single-clause sentence and multi-clause sentence may be more helpful.

See also clause type , command , exclamation , question , statement. A sentence contains at least one clause which is not a subordinate clause ; such a clause is a main clause. A main clause may contain any number of subordinate clauses.

A main clause is a clause which is not subordinate to any other clause and can stand alone as a sentence, e. I saw them last night. It differs from a subordinate clause , which functions as part of a larger clause. A phrase is a group of words that are grammatically connected so that they stay together, and that expand a single word, called the Head. The phrase is a noun phrase if its Head is a noun , a preposition phrase if its Head is a preposition , and so on; but if the Head is a verb , the phrase is called a clause.

Phrases can be made up of other phrases. You can think of the Head of a phrase as the most important element that tells you what the phrase is a 'kind of'. For example, a neighbour from hell is a kind of neighbour , and an unbelievably weird story is a kind of story. Phrases may include other elements which function as Modifier of the Head. For example, in the phrases above from hell and unbelievably weird are Modifiers.

Note: the National Curriculum does not regard single words as phrases, so that in Cats hate dogs , both cats and dogs are simply nouns, not noun phrases, and in I am happy , happy is an adjective, not an adjective phrase. The programme specifications state that: ". The National Curriculum refers to 'clauses' as a type of 'phrase'. This may at first seem a little bit puzzling, but if you think of a clause as a grouping of words whose pivotal element i.

Head is a verb, then it begins to makes sense. Some grammarians prefer to distinguish between 'verb phrases', which do not include a Subject , and 'clauses', which do include a Subject. An Adverbial is a word or phrase that is used, like an adverb , to modify a verb or clause. Of course, adverbs can be used as Adverbials, but many other types of words and phrases can be used this way, including preposition phrases and subordinate clauses.

What exactly is the difference between adverb and Adverbial? The former is a word class label, whereas the latter is a function label. Adverbials are the optional units in a clause which provide an answer to one or more of the questions 'when did this occur?

So in the sentence Harriet did well in the SPaG test we say that the word well is an adverb which functions as an Adverbial. Here are some further examples, with the Adverbials highlighted:. A linking Adverbial is an Adverbial that links a sentence, clause, etc. Here are some examples:. A fronted Adverbial is an Adverbial that is placed at the start of a sentence or clause.

The National Curriculum demands that a comma is placed after fronted adverbials. A preposition phrase has a preposition as its Head followed by a noun , pronoun or noun phrase. On the Englicious site we generally use the term preposition al phrase , by which we mean the same as preposition phrase. A noun phrase is a phrase with a noun as its Head , e. Some grammarians recognise one-word phrases, so that foxes are multiplying would contain the noun foxes acting as the head of the noun phrase foxes.

A clause which is subordinate to some other part of the same sentence is a subordinate clause; for example, in The apple that I ate was sour , the clause that I ate is subordinate to apple which it modifies. Subordinate clauses contrast with coordinate clauses as in It was sour but looked very tasty.

Contrast: main clause. A subordinate clause does not function as a sentence on its own but functions instead as part of a larger clause. For example, in the sentence I believe that we will have a hot summer the clause that we will have a hot summer is a subordinate clause functioning as part of the larger main clause : it is the Direct Object of the verb believe. This unit Sentence generator Activity. See also Sentence types: simple, compound, complex Word classes Ambiguity and headlines Ambiguity and headlines: Activity Politeness and directness Clause types in context Clause types in context: Activity Clause types and discourse functions.

Goals Experiment with building complex sentences by arranging elements in an interactive sentence generator. Discuss the various elements that can be combined to make an acceptable sentence. Discuss the ways in which arranging elements in different ways affects the meaning of a sentence. Lesson Plan The teacher explains that today, we will use a sentence generator to build a variety of sentences and explore the ways that they can be rearranged.

The other two columns provide elements that can be added to extend these clauses. Here are some points to think about: Can they still form sentences that work, after changing the order of elements? How many different orders are possible for one combination of elements? Do some orderings sound better than others?

Does changing the order change the meaning, or the emphasis? Do the results differ for different combinations? Discussion As you will have noticed, there is a fair amount of freedom in moving many of these sentence elements around, e. Very solemnly, I played the harmonica, until the neighbours complained. But the meaning can change in some cases, e. Although it was raining, eagerly we played beach volleyball. Eagerly, we played beach volleyball although it was raining.

Full Preview This is a full preview of this page. Sentence generator: Activity Activity. A sentence is a group of words which are grammatically connected to each other but not to any words outside the sentence.

He stayed there till tea-time. You are my friend. I looked after the children while Sam was away. This whole sentence is a main clause which contains a subordinate clause, while Sam was away. In the National Curriculum the term multi-clause sentence is used. It was raining but the sun was shining. She waved to her mother. The programme specifications state that: " The National Curriculum refers to 'clauses' as a type of 'phrase'. The bus leaves in five minutes.

Here are some further examples, with the Adverbials highlighted: Last week , we finished all the work quickly. Here are some examples: Early application from students abroad is advised. However , where there is time to do so, students who are uncertain about their qualifications should write in the first instance to the Assistant Registrar, to check that they are eligible for consideration.

By April eighty-seven, Dr. Reeves noticed that the floor of the eye socket was sinking.

The vocabulary of this sentence paraphraser contains an abundance of rarely used words/phrases and can paraphrase sentences in a variety of ways that are​. Find examples of how to use any word or phrase in a sentence with our powerful sentence generator.

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Use this random sentence generator to create random sentences that can help you brainstorm, come up with new story ideas, or song lyrics. The tool chooses nouns, verbs and adjectives from a hand-picked list of thousands of the most evocative words and generates a random sentence to help inspire you. This method of using random words to generate ideas is largely inspired by the cut-up technique invented by the writer William S.

Words in a sentence

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Quiz Exam Maker

What did you and your family do on the holidays? In this activity you will experiment with our special sentence generator which reports on some unusual holiday happenings. The teacher explains that today, we will use a sentence generator to build a variety of sentences and explore the ways that they can be rearranged. The sentence generator appears in the slides in the Activity page in the right hand menu. Familiarise yourself with it before class time. The generator builds up complex sentences by combining different elements. You can click on each column to scroll up and down, and make different combinations. Some combinations will make more sense than others! You can also click on the dice at the top of the columns to get a new random ordering of elements.

If you're visiting this page, you're likely here because you're searching for a random sentence. Sometimes a random word just isn't enough, and that is where the random sentence generator comes into play.

Type in some words to generate a mnemonic sentence. The generator was a loud, noisy thing, and we had to feed it with a never-ending supply of gasoline.

Random Sentence Generator

Complex Sentence Generator is very easy to use. After typing or pasting content in the first text box, press the convert button to automatically paraphrase the content. This generator can also work as a random sentence generator. Click on the random sentence button to generate random complex sentences and have them paraphrased. This software works as a paraphrase converter for transforming simple and common english into more complex english. It can be useful as a free article spinner due to it's ability to rephrase a large body of text and potentially generate multiple unique versions with each conversion of the same content. This should be more than enough for spinning articles, essays or paraphrasing website content for blogs which usually consists of a large amount of content. In order to rephrase a sentence, paragraph, essay or article effectively, content with good grammar and spelling is important when using this automatic paraphraser because it can only recognize, understand and rewrite correct grammar. For an article rewriter that is in the form of a bot, it does a good job of respecting english and using replacements that make sense. Content that is written in all caps or with the first letter of every word capitalized can still be rephrased by this software.


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